
fā sòng jī
  • transmitter;sending machine
发送机[fā sòng jī]
  1. 基于CPLD的频率域电法发送机设计

    Design of Frequency Domain Electrical Prospecting Transmitter Based on CPLD

  2. SDH设备光发送机消光比的精确测量

    Accuracy Measurement of SDH Equipment Optical Transmitter Extinction

  3. 典型的掌上电脑具有移动电话、传真发送机和个人文件夹的功能。

    A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone , fax sender , and personal organizer .

  4. 设计了在频率域电法勘探中发送机与接收机GPS时间同步电路,实现了多频激电仪接收机与发送机的精确时间同步进行高精度相位测量。

    The frequency domain electric transmitter and receiver synchronization electrocircuit has been designed . It is concluded that the GPS time synchronization is feasible in this instrument .

  5. 第三章主要研究了软件无线电架构的OFDM传输系统的发送机和接收机的框架结构,提出了OFDM传输系统的同步算法,并进行了matlab仿真。

    In chapter 3 we focus on the scheme design of OFDM transceiver based on Software Radio . The synchronous algorithms presented in such OFDM system are simulated via matlab .

  6. 高速脉码调制OEIC光发送机驱动电路的设计

    The Design of OEIC Transmitter for High Speed Pulse Code Modulation

  7. 首先介绍了超宽带硬件平台的设计原理,其主要的设计包括发送机、接收端和同步模块,着重介绍了各部分中FPGA的设计及仿真。

    Core design principles for UWB hardware platform are introduced ; including the design of its main transmitter , receiver and synchronization module with due focus on FPGA design and simulation setup .

  8. 本文研制出调频响应达1.3GHz的LD模块,并根据WDM系统传输实验的需要,研制出频率稳定度优于上150MHz的2.4Gb/s光发送机。

    The DFB-LD module with 1 . 3 GHz FM responce and 2.4 Gb / s optical transmitter with ± 150 MHz frequency stability are developed .

  9. 在电法勘探发送机中,负载感抗有时比较大,而感抗的大小则会影响到IPM的关断时间。

    In electrical exploration , inductance of load , which influence t_ ( off ) of IPM , is large sometimes .

  10. 对基于SCDMA接入方案的HFC上下行通信系统的发送机进行了功能仿真,为HFC接入网上行信道物理层的硬件实现创造了有利条件。

    The function model of HFC communication system sender based on SCDMA is constructed in this paper , The modules of communication system can be simulated approaching the behavior of the hardware .

  11. 在这样的密集波分复用(DWDM)系统中,光发送机的工作波长必须稳定,线宽必须窄,以避免复用信道间信号相互窜扰。

    In such dense wavelength division multiplexing ( DWDM ) systems a light source having narrower linewidth and further stability of the wavelength has become a requirement .

  12. 第四章OFDM系统,进行OFDM硬件仿真,完成整个发送机,接收机的设计,对系统参数的选取,符号以及帧结构的设计进行了讨论。

    Carry on the OFDM hardware imitate , complete the design of transmitter and receiver , Carry on a discussion to the selection of the system parameter and the design of the sign and structure .

  13. 如果接通了,发送机就对文件扫描,然后通过公共交换电话网(PSTN)向接收机传送文件图像。

    If it connects , the sending machine scans the document and transmits the image over the public switched telephone network ( PSTN ) to the receiving machine .

  14. WDD型伪随机多功能电法发送机研制

    The WDD type pseudo-ramdom multi-function transmitter for the electrical method

  15. 4Gb/s高频率稳定度光发送机研制

    2.4Gb/s optical Transmitter with High Frequency Stability

  16. 在开发Gbps试验系统发送机物理层过程中,深入研究物理层发送机处理速率、存储容量、传输效率以及定点化精度问题,并给出解决方案。

    In the process of Gbps transmitter development , studied and gave solutions to the issue of processing speed , storage capacity , transmission efficiency and fixed-point accuracy .

  17. 文章通过具体的发送机设计示例介绍了智能功率模块(简称IPM)的器件结构、开关特性和应用接口,并讨论了如何将其应用到电法勘探发送机中。

    The device architecture , on-off characteristics and interface application of the IPM are introduced through idiographic design demonstration of electrical transmitter in this paper , and it is discussed that how to use the IPM in the electrical prospecting transmitter .

  18. 在文献[1]的基础上,本文进一步给出了ST-FSK的发送机和接收机框图,讨论了在不同信噪比下不同载波频偏对ST-FSK非相干ML检测器的性能影响。

    Based on the literature [ 1 ] , the paper further presented the block diagrams of the ST-FSK transmitter and receiver , and for the different SNR it discussed the performance of ST-FSK noncoherent ML detector in the presence of different carrier frequency offset .

  19. 测试结果表明发送机三档输出脉冲幅度峰峰值分别为240mV、170mV和115mV,输出频谱中心频率可调范围是3.2-4.1GHz。

    The 3 step peak-to-peak amplitudes of the output pulse of the transmitter are 240 mV , 170 mV and 115 mV and the tunable range of center frequency is 3.2-4.1 GHz .

  20. 该激电仪包含了发送机和接收机两个独立的设备。

    IP instrument contains transmitter and receiver for two separate devices .

  21. 基于智能功率模块的电法发送机的设计

    The design of electrical prospecting transmitter based on intelligent power module

  22. 我的脸是每个想法的透明发送机。

    My face is a transparent transmitter of my every thought .

  23. DF-1微机程控多功能大功率发送机的研制

    The development of DF-1 microprocessor program-controlled multifunction large power transmitter

  24. 768遥控装置发送机部分电路的研制与应用

    Improving and applying a party circuit for the 768 remote-control equipment transmitter

  25. 数字整体平移后正向激光发送机的正确激励

    Correct Driving of Forward Laser Transmitter after Total Digital Transition of Television Network

  26. 应用于星间光通信系统的光发送机的设计

    Design of the optical transmitter in inter satellite communication

  27. 不如就叫蓝牙发送机。

    The blue tooth send out machine .

  28. 传统的激电仪器发送机、接收机采用分体式,体积大,携带不方便。

    Traditional IP transmitter apparatus , receiver using separate , bulky , inconvenient to carry .

  29. 控制式自整角发送机曲柄转角信号发送器

    Control synchro transmitter crank angle signal sender

  30. 编码遥控发送机的研制

    The manufacture of coding remote control transmitter