
fā mínɡ quán
  • Invention rights;patent rights of an inventor
  1. 莱布尼茨与微积分发明权之争&纪念莱布尼茨诞生360周年

    Leibniz and the Debate of Inventor 's Right of Calculus

  2. 我们独自享有发明权。

    We have sole rights on the invention .

  3. 农村搞家庭联产承包,这个发明权是农民的。

    It was the peasants who invented the household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output .

  4. 为中国人争得了发明权,防止其知识产权落入外国人之手。

    Authority of invention is wrangled for Chinese people to prevent intellectual property rights fall into foreign person .

  5. 罪犯在服刑期间的发明权、著作权,均受法律保护。

    A prisoner 's rights to a patent or copyright obtained during a prison term are protected by law .

  6. 为什么亚马逊会和戴尔一样,在所有买主面前保留所有发明权?

    Question : Why is Amazon doing like Dell before all these vendors , to keep all the inventory ?

  7. 蒋介石希望从白崇禧手里夺回和平攻势的发明权,并在新的商标下继续其旧的统治。

    He hoped to snatch the patent for inventing the peace offensive from Pai Chung-hsi and to continue his old rule under a new trade mark .

  8. 《山海经》把农、工、车、舟、琴瑟、歌舞的发明权都归于他,还说他和羲和生了十个太阳,又生了十二月,这又和天文历法有了关系。

    Together with Xi ( the legendary goddess ) , he gave birth to 10 suns and 12 moons , which relate to the astronomy and the calen-dar .

  9. 美国也已声称(尽管并未正式地)它拥有对电话、半导体、个人电脑和因特网的发明权。青海电网省、地调局域网的网络互联

    And the United States has claimed the several things but sub legitimated claims to the telephone , the semi conductor , the personal computer and the Internet . Network Interconnect of the Provincial and Land Dispatching in Qinghai Power Net

  10. 对雇员发明专利权归属的再思考

    Restudy on the Ownership of the Patent Right in Service Invention

  11. (一)确认发明专利权的案件、海关处理的案件;

    Cases of confirming patent rights of invention and cases handled by the Customs ;

  12. 发明专利权临时保护探悉

    Study on Provisional Protection of Invention Patents

  13. 职务发明专利权归属中的合同优先原则

    The Ownership of Patent Right of the Post Invention and the Principle of Contract Priority

  14. 现在寻求有实力的机构或者个人转让股权、卖掉发明专利权。

    Now explore organization having strength or personal possession transfer stock right , sell out the invention patent .

  15. 给与一个程序、设计或新发明独享权的政府许可证。

    Patent a government license that allows one exclusive rights to a process , design , or new invention .

  16. 文章提出的方法已获国家发明专利权,并将在未来的采气工程中发挥作用。

    The method proposed in the article has obtained the state patent and will play big role for gas recovering in the future .

  17. 具体来说,我国职务发明奖励权属于知识产权范畴,因而具有财产和人身双重属性。

    Specifically speaking , our service invention award vested in intellectual property areas , so it has a double-attribute of property and personality .

  18. 修改后的《专利法》规定,法院对所有类型的专利权的无效宣告均享有司法审查权,改变了以往仅可对专利复审委员会就发明专利权所作无效宣告进行司法审查的状况。

    In the past , the " Patent Law " only provided the invention patent the opportunity of judicial reviewing , and the " Trademark Law " none .

  19. 第四十二条发明专利权的期限为二十年,实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权的期限为十年,均自申请日起计算。

    Article 42 . The duration of patent right for inventions shall be twenty years , the duration of patent right for utility models and patent right for designs shall be ten years , counted from the date of filing .

  20. 工业产权的转让或者许可合同是指涉及发明专利权、实用新型专利权、外观设计专利权以及商标权的转让或者许可的合同(仅涉及商标权转让的合同除外);

    Contracts for assignment or licensing of industrial property rights refer to those for assignment or licensing of rights relating to invention patents , new utility model patents , exterior design patents as well as trademarks excluding those merely for assignment of rights of trademarks .

  21. 他拥有多项发明的专利权。

    He held a number of patents for his many innovations

  22. 玛丽取得了一项新发明的专利权。

    Mary has taken out a patent for a new invention .

  23. 他已获得他发明的专利权的授予。

    He had received a grant of patent for his invention .

  24. 专利权就是发明的专有权。

    A patent right is an exclusive right to an invention .

  25. 他拿到他那新发明的专利权。

    He took out a patent on his new invention .

  26. 政府给予发明者专利权。

    The government patented the device to its inventor .

  27. 这家公司得到了许多新发明的专利权。

    The company have patented many new invention .

  28. 他获得了这项发明的专利权。

    He got a patent for this invention .

  29. 这位科学家得到她的发明的专利权。

    The scientist patented her invention .

  30. 比罗在美国取得这项发明的专利权,他把专利卖给了一个美国制造商。

    Biro patented his invention in the United States and sold the rights to an American manufacturer .