
fā lìng yuán
  • starter
发令员[fā lìng yuán]
  1. 发令员把运动员召集到起跑器后面。角度位置式密度传感器

    The starter calls the runners stand behind their blocks . angular position type density sensor

  2. 发令员说的是什么?

    What did the starter say ?

  3. “这是一次耐力测验,”发令员说。

    " This is a test of endurance ," the announcer said .

  4. 狐狸当发令员。

    The Fox is the starter .

  5. 然后,一旦发令员觉得满意时,一场比赛要么以一声枪响或者电子哨声开始。

    Then , once the starter is satisfied , the race is started by either a gun or electronic tone .

  6. 他们听到发令员“各就各位”的指令后才会跨上出发合。

    The swimmers would step on to the starting blocks only after they hear " take your marks " by the starter .

  7. 接着,发令员的枪响了。杜格立刻沿打竞赛路线全速前进,把座下的轮子越推越快。

    Then the starter 's gun went off , and Doug barreled down the course , pushing his wheels faster and faster .

  8. 杜托伊特坐在岸边,右腿在水中摇晃着。发令员让各位选手预备。

    Someone moved it to the side , and Du Toit sat at the edge of the water , her right leg dangling in .

  9. 除非得到发令员的指示,否则所有队伍必须于预定开赛时间前两分钟到达起点位置。

    Crews shall be on their starting positions two minutes before the scheduled time of the race , unless otherwise instructed by an official .

  10. 她说这种区域重合说明大脑在活动的间隙可能会注意到时间,在很大程度上就像音乐家用脚来记录时间、运动员预料发令员的枪声一样。

    She said this overlap suggests that the brain may make sense of time as intervals between movements , in much the same way as a musician marks time with his foot , or an athlete anticipates the sound of a starter 's pistol .

  11. 作为一名好莱坞电影演员,他曾出演电影《青蜂侠》中的武术专家加藤、电影《速度与激情3:东京漂移》中的发令员以及电影《惊天魔盗团2》中魔法商店的老板李先生等角色。

    As a Hollywood actor , he was seen as martial arts expert Kato in The Green Hornet , a race starter in The Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift and as Mr Li , the magic shop owner , in Now You See Me 2 .

  12. 发令枪瞬时强声对田径裁判员(发令员)听力损失的影响

    Effect of Instant Strong Sound Made by Starting Gun on Starter 's Hearing Loss