
  • 网络light-emitting diode;OLED;LED;LED display;AMOLED
  1. 索尼也在研究轻薄显示技术,并展示了一种柔性全彩有机发光二极管显示器。

    Sony has also been working on ever-thinner technology , demonstrating a flexible full-color organic LED display .

  2. 有机发光二极管显示器的制造工艺

    Organic Light Emitting Diode Display Manufacturing Technology

  3. 我们使用金属单向诱导横向晶化多晶硅薄膜晶体管技术,成功地制作了有源矩阵液晶显示器和有源矩阵有机发光二极管显示器。

    They have been used to realize active matrices for liquid crystal and organic light emitting diode flat panel displays .

  4. 通过启动DDS,把内存缓存区的数据送到DDS后输出相应的频率,使输出信号峰-峰值稳定在6V左右,并送到LED(发光二极管)显示器进行显示。

    Through starting DDS , the output of corresponding frequency is steady at level of about 6V after sending the data of RAM to DDS , and then data are sent to LED for display .

  5. 发光二极管光柱显示器准光柱聚焦法激光打孔的研究

    LED Bar Graphic Display Investigation on laser drilling with focusing of quasi-light column

  6. 第二种是基于有机发光二极管的显示器。

    A second emerging technology is based on organic light-emitting diodes ( OLEDs ) .

  7. 聚合物发光二极管矩阵显示器

    Polymer - LED Matrix Displays

  8. 介绍发光二极管光柱显示器的结构和工作原理,着重介绍其驱动电路。

    The principle and structure of LED bar graphic display are described . Especially , its drive circuits are described .

  9. 由麻省理工学院研制的电流器是一种无指手套,它配有发光的二极管显示器。当你的压力荷尔蒙达到高位时,显示器会发出明亮的白光。

    MIT 's Galvactivator is a fingerless glove rigged with an LED display that glows bright white when your stress hormones go into high gear .

  10. 有机电致发光二极管与其他显示器件相比,最大的优势就是可以制备在聚合物基板上,实现柔性显示,但聚合物对水、氧的阻挡能力远不如玻璃。

    One of the advantages of organic light-emitting diode ( OLED ) over other display technologies is the ability to fabricate on flexible substrates .

  11. 新的钻石可能首先以微小的发光二极管,或者平板显示器和高清晰电视中的发光二极管出现。

    The new diamonds are likely to show up first as tiny light-emitting diodes , or LEDs , in flat-screen displays and high-definition televisions .

  12. 一种用于控制R、G、BEL元件的发光的发光控制电路以及利用所述电路驱动有机发光二极管显示器的方法。

    An emission control circuit for controlling emission of R , G , B EL elements and method for driving an organic light emitting diode display using the same .