
fǎn quǎn pánɡ
  • 3-stroke form of the dog/animal radical
  1. 有着雪花图案的灰色地砖总是一尘不染,尽管她的长毛geng(反犬旁那个更,这里出不来,悲剧了。)经常会把它的毛发掉落一地,尽管敞开的大门正对着一条满溢尾气、嘈杂的、尘土飞扬的大街。

    The grey floor-tiles with their snowflake motif were always swept clean , even though her fluffy mongrel terrier shed his long hair everywhere , and though the door was kept open to get some air in from the bike-filled , rowdy , dusty street .