
  1. 动、植物油、脂及其分离品,全部或部分氢化、相互酯化、再酯化或反油酸化,不论是否精制,但未经进一步加工。

    Animal or vegetable fats and oil and fractions thereof , partly or wholly hydrogenated , interesterified , reesterified or elaidinized , whether or not refined , but not further prepared .

  2. 分析结垢的原因,一是原料过滤器反冲洗油中含杂质过多,苯不溶物达2400μg/g;

    One cause of fouling was much impurities in back-washing oil for the feedstock filter , with benzene insolubles reaching 2400 μ g / g.

  3. 由此提出了更换反冲洗油,采用在线置换催化剂工艺,更换容垢能力强的催化剂,采用除铁工艺和添加中止剂以减少硫化亚铁生成等措施。

    Measures such as altering backwashing oil , on-line catalyst replacing , using catalyst with strong resistance to fouling , adopting iron removing technology and adding terminator to retard the formation of ferrous sulfide were proposed .

  4. 输油管线反打孔盗油抢修施工中的HSE管理初探

    Preliminary Investigation of HSE Management in Rushing to Repair Construction for Oil Pipeline Against Oil Stolen by Drilling Hole

  5. 反凝析油临界流动饱和度的长岩心实验测定方法

    Measurement on critical condensate saturation using long core flooding experiment

  6. 水动力既可以增加反韵律砂层油的运移效率,减小散失量,亦可以降低油的运移效率,增加散失量。

    Hydrodynamics not only increase the efficiency of oil migration but also decrease it .

  7. 带反压气室油气弹簧悬架的研究陕北石油秩序

    A Study on an Oil-Air Spring Suspension with Adverse Compression Chamber for Motor Vehicles

  8. 本文探讨了东营凹陷的古水文地质条件反其与油气的关系。

    The paleo-hydrogeological condition of Dongying depression and its relation with oil and gas have been studied .

  9. 同时研究了注干气吞吐后反凝析油饱和度和气相相对渗透率沿径向的变化规律,对比了注气吞吐前后归一化的采气指数变化。

    The changes of normalized production coefficient both before and after huff and puff gas injection process are contrasted .

  10. 注气吞吐是解除凝析气井单井反凝析油堵塞问题的有效方法之一。

    Dry gas injection huff and puff is one of the effective techniques to remove the retrograde condensate blocking of condensate gas wells .

  11. 注水速率较小时,可以增加反韵律砂层油的运移效率,但注水速率较大时,主要表现为降低油的运移效率;

    When the rate of water injection is low , hydrodynamics can increase the efficiency of oil migration , whereas it will decrease the efficiency of oil migration ;

  12. 在笼统正注井、笼统反注井、油套合注井、分层配注井中测量注入剖面。

    The injection profiles are measured in the general positive injector , general negative injector , multilayer injector and separated-layer injector .

  13. 发言人威廉。惠特曼表示,取代部分氢化大豆油的将是从油菜、玉米和大豆提炼出来的无反式脂肪炸油。

    Replacing its partially hydrogenated soybean oil will be a trans-fat-free frying oil made from canola , corn and soybeans , says spokesman William whitman .

  14. 本文从分析反垄断申反行政垄断部分入手,剖析了石油产业的垄断现实,论述了反油垄断的必要性及重要性。

    This article analyzed from the counter - administrative monopoly of the counter - monopoly partially to obtain , analyzed the petroleum industry monopoly reality , elaborated the necessity and importance of the Counter-monopoly to " the oil antimonopoly " .