
  • 网络anti-essentialism;anti essentialism;anti-essentialist;anti-fundamentalism
  1. 中国教育学研究中的本质主义与反本质主义:从分歧到融合

    On the Dispute between Essentialism and Anti-essentialism in Pedagogy of China

  2. 第三章考察了反本质主义的文学本质观。

    The third chapter inspected the literary essence of anti-essentialism .

  3. 反本质主义与艺术本质问题

    Anti - essentialism and Issue of the Essence of Art

  4. 当代中国文学理论反本质主义批判的批判

    Re-criticism to the Criticism of Anti-Essentialism of the Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory

  5. 然而,反本质主义已成为当代哲学一种较普遍的倾向。

    However , anti-essentialism of contemporary philosophy has become a more general tendency .

  6. 另类写作:反本质主义的都市欲望文本

    Non-conventional Writing about the City Appetency and Anti-essentialism

  7. 中国法律理想图景与反本质主义&一个本质主义者的追问

    China 's Legal Ambition Prospect and Anti-essentialism & A person of essentialism question closely

  8. 维特根斯坦与后现代反本质主义思潮浅析中国传统思维方式的认识论特质

    Ludwig Wittgenstein and Postmodern Theory of Anti-essentialism ; On Epistemological Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Thinking

  9. 波普反本质主义的理论困境

    Theoretical Dilemmas of Popper 's Anti-essentialism

  10. 本质主义与反本质主义

    Essentialism and Anti - essentialism

  11. 在资本主义文化分析与批评中,要坚持反本质主义的立场。

    At last , in capitalist cultural analysis and cultural criticism , adhere to the anti-essentialism position .

  12. 反本质主义与叙事嬗变

    Anti-essentialism and Narrative Transmutation

  13. 并以马克思主义理论为思想底域,对本质主义和反本质主义进行反思。

    And regard Marxism theory as the bottom land of the thought , review the essentialism and anti-essentialism .

  14. 论马克思人论中本质主义与反本质主义的内在冲突(中)

    On the Inherent Conflict Between Essentialism and Anti - essentialism in Marx s Theory of Human Being ;

  15. 维特根斯坦的反本质主义立场是理解这一思想的关键。

    Wittgenstein 's anti-essentialism stance serves as the key to an authentic interpretation of the thought in question .

  16. 反本质主义的马克思主义和女性主义者立场《资本主义的终结关于政治经济学的女性主义批判》评介

    The Marxist and Feminists Stance of Anti-essentialist & A Review of The End of Capitalism-Feminist Critique of Political Economy

  17. 但是,在反本质主义的消解与解构中,美学陷入了无方向感、无确定性的深渊之中。

    However , with anti-essentialist dispelling and deconstruction , aesthetics is trapped in a sense of disorientation and uncertainty .

  18. 但是反本质主义矫枉过正,主张艺术本质是一个假问题,彻底否定任何理性抽象的必要性和可能性。

    The anti essentialism has gone too far , it negated completely the necessity and possibility of anything abstract .

  19. 相对地,实用主义的反本质主义特性使得他们解除了本质主义的思想霸权,实现了思想宽容。

    Accordingly , the anti-essentialism of pragmatism makes the disadvantage of essentialism invalid , realizes the toleration of thoughts .

  20. 摘要当前我国教育学界正进行着一场崭新的思维方式讨论:本质主义与反本质主义论争。

    In present educational academic circles in china , a new debate between essence and anti-essence doctrines is undergoing .

  21. 论作为教育本体论的教育哲学&兼论反本质主义教育观点的时代困境

    On the Educational Philosophy as the Educational Ontology & Side Discussion of the Plight of the Educational View of Anti-essentialism

  22. 也就是说,在马克思人论中,存在着本质主义和反本质主义的内在冲突。

    In other words , there are some inherent contradictions between essentialism and anti-essentialism in Marx 's theory on human being .

  23. 反本质主义对启蒙叙事的清理,昭示着当代叙事将转向以主体关照为主的人生实践。

    Anti-essentialism 's rearranging of enlightening narration reveals that the current narratives will transform to life practice which focuses on subject .

  24. 按照作者的反本质主义的思维方式,作者应当给出自己的非本质式的中国法律理想图景。

    According to auctorial thinking mode of anti-essentialism , the author should present his , non-essential China 's Legal Ambition Prospect sooner or later .

  25. 20世纪末期以来,后现代主义以其鲜明的反本质主义旨趣和具有里程碑意义的生成性思维,掀起了课程论探究领域学术范式的革命。

    With its stark anti-essentialism objective and meaningful becoming thinking , postmodernism initiated a revolution of academic paradigm in curriculum researching field since 1980s .

  26. 在当今两种主要哲学观中,本质主义寻求着事物的共性和普遍性,反本质主义认为本质是一个幻影。

    In two major philosophical views today , essentialism seeks for the generality and universality of things , while anti-essentialism thinks essence is an illusion .

  27. 受西方反本质主义文化思潮影响,当下《文学理论》通用教材建设呈现出本质主义与反本质主义两种倾向。

    Under the influence of Western anti-essentialist cultural trends , the common teaching material construction of literary theory has presented the two trends of essentialism and anti-essentialism .

  28. 目前,中国文学研究中存在本质主义、反本质主义、建构主义等三种不同的文艺学知识建构方式。

    Currently , there are three different ways in the building of knowledge form of Literature and Art Theory , such as essentialism , anti-essentialism , Constructivism .

  29. 罗蒂哲学体系的基本框架是由后哲学文化、新实用主义、种族中心主义、自由反讽理论、反本质主义、反表象论、教化哲学等构成。

    The basic theoretical framework of Rortys philosophy consists of post philosophical culture , new pragmatism , racial centralism , free anti satirical theory , anti es .

  30. 同时又在三个方面对葛兰西的文化领导权理论进行了改造,即哲学上的反本质主义改造,立场上的折衷主义改造和文化上的多元主义改造。

    At the same time , it remakes the Gramsci 's theory of the cultural leadership by way of anti-essentialism in philosophy , eclecticism in standpoint , pluralism in culture .