
  • 网络Reactor vessel
  1. 反应堆容器热冲击事件列分析

    Analysis of Events Sequences of Reactor Vessel Thermal Shock

  2. 快速沸水型反应堆容器的组装与焊接

    The Technology of Assembling and Welding for the Large " FBR " Reactor Vessel

  3. 预应力混凝土反应堆容器

    Prestressed concrete reactor vessel

  4. 但是,近来试图通过向反应堆容器注水来降温的努力似乎遇到了困难。

    Recent attempts to keep the reactor cool by filling the containment chamber with water have run into difficulty .

  5. 他们要阻止燃料融化和破坏反应堆容器的保护性外铁壳。

    These are supposed to prevent fuel from melting and rupturing the protective steel case of the reactor vessels .

  6. 将反应堆容器与内部构件的简化图作为参考。核试验反应堆使用过或辐照过的容器

    The diagram of the reactor vessel internals is used as a reference . spent or irradiated cartridge of nuclear reactors

  7. 他还要求组建“敢死队”继续战斗,并向反应堆容器注水。

    He also implored that a " death squad " be formed to continue the battle and inject water into the reactor vessels .

  8. 铠装热电偶组件直接贯穿反应堆容器,在容器外采用卡套密封,避免了高温容器内信号的转接。

    By using the long sheath thermocouples , which pass through the containment and are sealed by the swage lock , the traditional commutator for temperature measure signal is avoided .

  9. 你们可能使一个蒸汽发生器的管道破裂,也可能使一个仪器的线断裂,可能会得到管道破裂的光谱,在沸水式反应堆容器的里面。

    You could break a steam generator tube , you could break an instrument line and you could have a spectrum of pipe breaks in a BWR inside of containment .

  10. 工程师们被迫从反应堆容器放汽降压,以避免再次发生爆炸。上周五该核电站已经有一座反应堆建筑发生了爆炸。

    Engineers were forced to vent steam from the vessels to release pressure and avoid the sort of explosion that ripped through one of the plants ' reactor buildings on Friday .

  11. W型试样在核反应堆压力容器用材料的断裂韧度测试中具有良好的应用前景。

    The W-type specimen has a well prospective application in the measurement of fracture toughness of the materials which are used in the nuclear reactor .

  12. HTR-10反应堆压力容器筒体纵缝成形性能试验

    Property Test for Shell Longitudinal Weld Shaping of HTR-10 Reactor Pressure Vessel

  13. 10MW高温气冷堆反应堆压力容器的出厂水压试验

    Hydraulic Pressure Test of Pressure Vessel of 10 MW High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor

  14. 10MW高温气冷实验堆反应堆压力容器热电偶贯穿件

    Thermocouple Penetration Assemblies for Pressure Vessel of 10MW High Temperature Gas - Cooled Reactor

  15. AC-600反应堆压力容器设计探讨

    An Approach to the Reactor Pressure Vessel Design for AC-600

  16. 简要叙述了中国核动力研究设计院进行的核岛专用检修设备的研制工作,描述了反应堆压力容器(RPV)螺栓孔与螺栓连接件的检修工艺流程。

    This paper briefly introduces the design and manufacture of nuclear island special servicing equipment of Nuclear Power Institute of China .

  17. 介绍了10MW高温气冷实验堆反应堆压力容器的结构特征和主要技术参数。

    This paper introduces the structure characteristics and main designing technical parameters of the pressure vessel of Tsinghua University 10MW high temperature gas cooling reactor .

  18. 并以HTR-10反应堆压力容器为例,根据设计和制造中的具体情况,分析了可接受的形状偏差限值。

    As an example of HTR - 10 's reactor pressure vessel , acceptable criteria of the shape error are discussed by the actual conditions during the design and manufacture .

  19. Marc软件,对反应堆压力容器双道金属O形密封环进行弹塑性大应变接触分析,给出在不同压紧量下的回弹量,并与试验结果进行比较。

    In this paper the elastoplastic contact analysis for O-ring of reactor pressure vessel was carried out using MSC . Marc software . The different spring-backs under the different tightening conditions were obtained and compared with the previous tests .

  20. 堆容器冷却系统是中国实验快堆(CEFR)一回路系统中的重要辅助系统之一,用于在各种工况下对反应堆堆容器进行冷却。

    Reactor vessel cooling system is one of the important auxiliary systems in the primary system of China experimental fast reactor ( CEFR ), which can cool the reactor vessel in various conditions .

  21. 反应堆压力容器(RPV)是核电站中的重要构件,由于制造工艺的限制以及运行工况的影响,核电站的整个服役周期内RPV上可能会存在裂纹类缺陷。

    Reactor pressure vessel ( RPV ) is an important component in nuclear power plants , the crack-like defects may exist in RPV during the whole operation life of nuclear power plants as a result of the manufacturing process or the operation condition .

  22. 承压热冲击下反应堆压力容器中流体的瞬态混合特性

    Transient Mixing Characteristic of Reactor Pressure Vessel under Pressurized Thermal Shock

  23. 反应堆压力容器定位键安装技术研究

    Technical Research about Assembly of Positioning key on Reactor Pressure Vessels

  24. 反应堆压力容器密封螺栓,超声检测。

    Reactor Pressure Vessel , Closure Studs , Ultrasonic Examination Method .

  25. 反应堆压力容器下封头三维流场计算

    Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation in Lower Header of Reactor Pressure Vessel

  26. 严重事故下反应堆压力容器外水冷有效性概率分析

    Probability Analysis for External Reactor Vessel Cooling Effectiveness under Severe Accident

  27. 反应堆压力容器大型锻件热加工质量控制研究

    Quality Control of Hot-working Process for Large-sized Forging Reactor Pressure Vessel

  28. 先进压水堆反应堆压力容器面临的脆化问题

    The embrittlement encountered in the reactor pressure vessel of the advanced PWR

  29. 反应堆压力容器金属O形环密封性能研究

    Sealing Behaviour Research on Metal O-ring of Reactor Pressure Vessel

  30. 反应堆压力容器中子辐照损伤的分析和评价

    The Analyses and Evaluation of Neutron Irradiation Damage for Reactor Pressure Vessel