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  1. 口服福氏2a和宋内氏痢疾双价活菌苗FS人群粪抗体检测

    Detection of Specific Antibody Level in Stool Samples after Vaccinated with the Live Oral Bivalent Dysentery Vaccine FS

  2. 双履带活块循环式薄板连铸过程的计算模拟

    Computer simulation in the Concasting process of the twin biock chain caster

  3. 双相活齿泵的结构原理

    The constructive principle of double - acting adjustable gear pump

  4. 圆柱双正弦活齿传动运动学分析及滑动率计算

    Research on Kinematics Analysis and Sliding Ratio Calculation of Cylinder Dual-Sine Oscillating Tooth Gear Reducer

  5. 利用双灭活原生质体融合技术获得了苏云金杆菌新菌株。

    The inactivated protoplast fusion method was carried out to select new Bacillus thuringiensis strains .

  6. 以血清交叉中和方法进行鸡传染性支气管炎双价活疫苗效力检验,结果与攻毒方法效检结果一致。

    Efficacy test of chicken infection bronchitis bivalent living vaccine was taken with the method of serum cross neutralization .

  7. 结论:口服痢疾双价活疫苗副反应发生率低,安全性高。

    Conclusion : The side-effect of oral bivalent live vaccine capsule were very low , and the safety of it was very high .

  8. 本文对双履带活块循环式薄板连铸过程进行了计算机模拟。

    Computer simulation tests of the solidification process of concast thin slabs were conducted in a twin block chain caster and reliability of the solidification process model was confirmed .

  9. 在研究圆柱双正弦活齿传动的结构特点和传动比计算公式的基础上,对活齿的运动状态进行了分析。

    Based on the structure characteristic and speed ratio calculation formula of the cylinder dual-sine oscillating tooth gear reducer-a theoretic analysis of kinematics status of oscillating tooth has been performed .

  10. 为减少圆柱双正弦活齿传动共轭齿廓间磨损并提高系统的传动效率,首次对该种结构进行了滑动率的计算。

    To decrease the abrasion of conjugated tooth profiles and increase the transmission efficiency of the reducer-the paper has calculated the sliding ratio of the reducer for the first time .

  11. APP分离培养、鉴定、分型及双价灭活苗免疫研究

    The Isolation , Culturing , Identification , Serotyping , and Study of Bivalent Inactivated Vaccine of Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae

  12. “这样还要说双母小鼠活得更久就很狡猾。”安阿伯市的密歇根大学的老化基因学家RichardMiller说。

    " This makes it trickier to interpret the claim that the bi-maternal mice are unusually long-lived ," says Richard Miller , who studies the genetics of ageing at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor .

  13. 应用皮癣双价灭活苗防治肉兔皮肤真菌病

    Control of Dermatomycosis of Rabbit by Bivalent Inactivated Vaccine of Dermatophytes

  14. 零售商可以选择双音调制活三音调制的声控报警标签。

    Retailers can choose between two-tone and three-tone audio alarm tags .

  15. 流行性出血热双价灭活疫苗的安全性和免疫原性观察

    Safety and immunogenicity of inactivated bivalent EHF vaccine in humans

  16. 应用功率流方法对双级滚柱活齿减速器功率分流情况及其对效率的影响进行了分析。

    Analysed the efficiency of the reducer .

  17. 结论肾综合征出血热双价灭活疫苗免疫效果良好,接种副反应低。

    Conclusion Immune response to bivalent inactivated vaccine against hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome was satisfactory with slight side effect .

  18. 主要论述摆线类少齿差传动中的活齿传动,即套筒滚子活齿传动和双摆线滚子活齿传动。其结构紧凑体积小、传动比大;

    The free tooth transmission , which is sleeve-rollers free teeth transmission and double-cycloid gears with free rollers transmission , are mainly discussed .

  19. 目的在肾综合征出血热双价灭活疫苗随机对照试验现场,观察接种人群的免疫效果和副反应发生情况。

    Objective To study side effects and effectiveness of bivalent inactivated vaccine against hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in population of a randomized controlled field trial .

  20. 牛O-A型口蹄疫双价灭活苗研究&小白鼠接种疫苗后的细胞免疫应答

    Studies on inactivated bivalent vaccine against bovine foot and mouth disease ( FMD ) type O and A cell mediated immune response in mice inoculated with the vaccine

  21. 应用皮癣双价灭活苗二次免疫肉兔,对兔皮肤真菌病的保护率达80%,免疫期至少半年。

    This paper studied the test and results of twice immunizing meat rabbits against dermatomycosis with bivalent inactivated vaccine of dermatophyte and found that the protective rate was 80 % and immunity period was half a year .

  22. 结论引入柔韧接头,优化构建表达UreB和HpaA的双价抗Hp活疫苗。UreB/HpaA双价活疫苗对Ⅱ级C57BL/6小鼠有更好的免疫保护作用。

    Conclusions Oral immunization of mice with bivalent UreB / HpaA live vaccine could induce protective immunity against H. pylori , and the protection rate of bivalent vaccine appears to be higher than that of monovalent vaccine .

  23. 双岐杆菌四联活菌联合柳氮磺吡啶治疗溃疡性结肠炎疗效观察

    Effect of bifidobacterium tetravaccine tablets combined with Sulfasalazine on ulcerative colitis

  24. 双岐杆菌四联活菌片治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻的临床研究

    Clinical observation on Bifidobacterium tetravaccine tablets ( live ) in treatment of infantile autumnal diarrhea

  25. 哈利•波特现在当爸爸了,而本书要回答的问题是,这个父母双亡的“活下来的男孩”将如何扮演这个角色。

    Harry Potter is a father now , and one question this book will answer is how the Boy Who Lived - when his parents didn 't - handles that role .