
shuāng huáng
  • Double spring;double act;a two-man comic show;a two-man act, with one speaking or singing while hiding behind the other who does the acting
双簧 [shuāng huáng]
  • [a two-man act, with one speaking or singing while hiding behind the other who does the acting] 曲艺的一种。一人表演动作,一人藏在身后说或唱,互相配合。比喻双方串通的活动,由一方出面,另一方背后操纵

双簧[shuāng huáng]
  1. 双簧管和单簧管有些相似之处。

    The oboe and the clarinet have got certain features in common

  2. 我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。

    I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato .

  3. 后来我遇到一个朋友,他建议我们演双簧。

    I met a pal of mine later and he suggested that we do a double act .

  4. 长号尖锐地吹出一个d音,之后是大号和双簧管的突然的渐弱演奏。

    Trombones sharply pronounce a d , followed by tuba and oboe in a sudden diminuendo .

  5. 董尼才悌:F大调小协奏曲,为双簧管与弦乐团。

    Gaetano Donizetti : Concertino for oboe and string orchestra in F Major .

  6. 一场双簧管冷门曲目音乐会。

    Concert of neglected music from the repertoire of the oboe .

  7. 蒋介石和汪精卫彼此间的活动有如唱双簧的关系。

    The duet was being acted by Chiang Kai-shek and Wang ching-wei .

  8. 一种双簧片弹性连接机构的研究及应用

    Study and Application of a Novel Bi-spring-blade Based Connection Mechanism

  9. 卢塞尔:行板木管三重奏(为双簧管、单簧管、大管)。

    Andante , trio for Oboe , Clarinet and Bassoon .

  10. 双簧管与低音提琴的音色不同。

    The double bass and the oboe have different timbres .

  11. 唢呐是我国众多民族乐器中双簧气鸣乐器中的一种。

    Suona is one of the double-reed aerophone in our national instruments .

  12. 双簧管和大提琴双重奏,音调此起彼伏。

    The oboe and Cello sat alone , echoing tone for tone .

  13. 双簧管的声音,音阶的一升一降。

    The sound of an oboe , a rise and descent of scales .

  14. 双簧管,巴松管和钢琴三重奏;

    Poulenc-Trio for oboe , bassoon , and piano .

  15. 她已吹奏了整整一小时。吹奏双簧管的音乐家。

    She had piped away for a whole hour .

  16. 所谓的天长地久、只不剑灵模拟器过是两个人在唱双簧。

    The so-called forever , also is only two men in the duet .

  17. 是柏林法比欧双簧四重奏的成员,担任低音双簧管演奏。

    As bass oboe player she is a member of the Faboi Doublereedquartet Berlin .

  18. 嬉游曲之2,为双簧管、单簧管和巴松而作,作品229之2莫扎特。

    Divertimento II for Oboe , Clarinet and Fagotto , K.229 , No.2 Mozart .

  19. 五重奏为长笛,双簧管,小提琴,大提琴与古钢琴(1984)

    Quintet for flute , oboe , violin , cello and cembalo ( 1984 )

  20. 双簧管家族中的大乐器。

    The largest instrument in the oboe family .

  21. 你们打扰我练习双簧管了。

    You 're disturbing my Oboe practice .

  22. 她学起吹双簧管来了。

    She has taken up the oboe .

  23. 木管乐器,比如说双簧管带有直管的单簧管乐器。

    A woodwind , say an oBoe . a single-reed instrument with a straight tube .

  24. 中世纪的双簧管形式。

    A medieval form of the oboe .

  25. 他是个职业双簧管手。

    Eg he played the oboe professionally .

  26. 这位双簧管吹奏者以即兴演奏而著名。

    The oboist is well know for his improvisation . a musician who plays the oboe .

  27. 简泽兰卡,六首为两只双簧管,一只大管谱写的三重奏及一首巴松协奏曲。

    Jan Dismas Zelenka , six trio sonatas for two oboes , bassoon and basso continuo .

  28. 大调为人声4,合唱队,双簧管2,弦乐组和通奏低音而作的弥撒曲。

    Mass for4 voices , chorus , 2 oboes , strings & continuo in G major .

  29. 带有直管的单簧管乐器。这位双簧管吹奏者以即兴演奏而著名。

    A single-reed instrument with a straight tube . The oboist is well know for his improvisation .

  30. 波士顿大学可能会为您在它的管弦乐队里作低音双簧管吹奏手的孩子付数千甚至上万的学费。

    Boston University might pay thousands of dollars for your bassoonist child to play in its orchestra .