- 网络hyperbolic partial differential equations

Telegraph equations , can be looked as cascade connection of two-port network of lumped circuit of transmission line , is a hyperbolic partial differential equations .
Having been simplified by the linear approximation and the uniform-strati - fied assumption , the amplitude of free propagation ocean internal wave should satisfy hyperbolic partial differential equations and the constraint condition with the sea bottom and sea surface being stream line .
Impulse hyperbolic partial differential equation oscillation higher order Laplace operator .
Cauchy problem for linear limitedly hyperbolic system of partial differential equations in two variables
Using the Riemann function to solute the boundary value problem of the second-order partial differential equation
A Difference Scheme Solving First Order Linear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
An Application of Flow-Graph Method to Hyperbolic Differential Equations
Difference Method of Singular Perturbation Problems for Partial Differential Equations of Hyperbolic Type
Adaptivity in Solving Hyperbolic PDEs Using Interpolating Wavelets
Some Problems of the Ultra-hyperbolic Partial Differential Equation
A boundary value problem of a totally hyperbolic partial differential eguation of third order
The splitting-up schemes for solving the initial and boundary value problemes of hyperbolic partial differential equation
Oscillation of the Solutions of Neutral Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations with Nonlinear Diffusion Coefficient and Damped Terms
The Relations Between the Stability of Two and Single Boundary Initial-Value Problems of the Hyperbolic Difference Schemes
The ordinary differential equations with discontinuous right member and the discontinuous solutions of the Quasilinear Partial Differential Equations
The Opposite Vertex Theorems of Second Order Linear Partial Differential System of Hyperbolic Type with Constant Coefficients and Their Applications
Controllability of linear and nonlinear wave systems represented by nonlinear wave equations has been studied by a number of authors .
When turbulent and dispersive effects are neglected , the shallow water equations become a quasi-linear system of first order hyperbolic partial differential equations .
By means of the material and energy balances , this paper establishes a mathematical model to describe the tubular hot-sensitive sensor with immobilized enzyme .
In this paper the author considers a class of delay hyperbolic differential equations , Oscillation criteria are obtained for the solutions of the equation .
The results fully indicate that the oscillation are caused by delay and also reveal the difference between the equations and ordinary hyperbolic partial differential equations without delay .
The groups of one dimentional quasi-linear hyperbolic partial differential equations were created and solved , thus the two-phase gas-liquid flow patterns along wellbore annulus during gas kick and kill well were described .
It addresses the feedback control problem for distributed parameter systems described by quasi-linear hyperbolic PDEs , for which the manipulated input , the controlled output , and the measured output are distributed in space .
The dynamic Characteristic of hydraulic pressure in the duct is simulated mathematically in the paper , it reduces to the initial-boundary value problem for first order quasilinear hyperbolic systems of partial differential equations with two variables .
On the basis of physical considerations and computational experience , it is poin-ted out that the initial value problem of the Maxwell equations as a set of first order hyperbolic differential equations could become an effective numerical method for the solution of antenna radiation fields .
Oscillation Criteria for Nonlinear Delay Hyperbolic Partial Functional Differential Equations
The oscillation of a class of nonlinear neutral delay hyperbolic partial functional differential equations are considered . By using Green theorem and the generalized Riccati transformation , some sufficient criteria for oscillation of all solutions of such equations are obtained under two different boundary value conditions .
In self-similar coordinates , both nonlinear wave system and potential flow equations can be trans-formed into second order nonlinear partial differential equations . These equations are hyperbolic in supersonic region , while elliptic in subsonic region .
We also consider the hyperbolic mean curvature flow with the dissipate term and derive the hyperbolic partial differential equations satisfied by the support function and the mean curvature of the curve , respectively .
The hyperbolic number , hyperbolic type function and their properties are discussed . By using hyperbolic function , the solvability of a kind partial differential equations and the properties of the solutions are discussed .