
hòu shēnɡ láo dònɡ shěnɡ
  • and Welfare; Ministry of Health;Labour
  1. 上周五,据日本厚生劳动省(健康、劳工及福利部)介绍,今年日本百岁老人的数量比去年多2841人,百岁老人的总数也增加到28395人。

    The number of Japanese centenarians increased by2,841 from last year , bringing the total to28,395 , the Ministry of Health , Labor and Welfare said Friday .

  2. 今年4月日本厚生劳动省发布的数据显示,在截至今年3月的2015财年里,媒体报道的过劳死案例集中在社会服务和建筑等领域。

    Reported karoshi deaths in the 2015 financial year ending in March , published by the labour ministry in April , were concentrated on sectors such as social services and construction .

  3. 而劳动基准监督署(厚生劳动省的一个部门)也这样认为。

    So did the Toyota Labour Standards Inspection Office , part of the labour ministry .

  4. 第四个,日本厚生劳动省大臣柳泽伯夫,也确定离职。

    A fourth , Hakuo Yanigisawa , the health and welfare minister , is certain to go .

  5. 厚生劳动省2003年开始公布其调查结果,以回应被迫超时工作并出现健康问题员工的抱怨。

    The labour ministry began publishing its findings in 2003 in response to complaints of employees forced to work overtime and developing health problems .

  6. 从今年10月起,厚生劳动省的工作人员将被禁止在晚上10点以后工作,此前一项通过关灯来迫使人们下班的企图以失败告终。

    Health ministry staff will be banned from working after 10pm from October after an earlier attempt to clear offices by switching off the lights failed .

  7. 此外,根据日本厚生劳动省的数据,同年日本妇女的平均寿命为世界之最,达86.83岁。

    Furthermore , Japanese women in the same year had the longest life expectancy in the world -- 86.83 years -- according to the Health , Labor and Welfare Ministry .

  8. 日本厚生劳动省表示:食品仍然可以安全食用,但我们正在防患于未然,因为如果情况继续下去,(后果)会很不利。

    The health and welfare ministry said : The food is still safe to consume but we are taking a precaution because if the situation continues , [ the consequences ] would be undesirable .