
hòu dǐ xié
  • Thick soled shoes;pantshoes
厚底鞋[hòu dǐ xié]
  1. 有人曾引用古怪的Gaga说过的话,她说,她宁愿死都不愿粉丝们看不到她穿着这双个性的厚底鞋。

    Crazy Gaga has been quoted saying she would rather die than have her fans not see her in a pair of high heels .

  2. HM将售卖Eytys该瑞典品牌的厚底鞋和服饰,从1月24日起在全球线上线下商店同步发售成人和儿童衣服。

    The fast-fashion retailer will sell the Swedish label 's chunky-soled shoes and clothing for adults as well as items for children , starting Jan. 24 in some stores around the world and online .

  3. 很显然,Gaga小姐并没有意识到患深部静脉血栓的严重性,特别是在长途飞行中穿着不舒服的胶带衣服和挤脚的厚底鞋。

    Obviously Miss G does not realize just how serious DVT is , especially when wearing uncomfortable duct tape with snug platform shoes on a long haul flight !

  4. 艾米穿上十公分的厚底鞋。

    Amy puts on the ten centimeter platform shoes .

  5. 然而,厚底鞋从来也不符合我对鞋的选择标准。

    Yet chunky has never suited me shoe-wise .

  6. 将它与厚底鞋或坡跟鞋搭配不仅能保持随意和舒适,还能增加身高。

    Pair them with platforms or wedges to get extra height while keeping the look casual and comfortable .

  7. 我看得见她:金色的头发用一块大手帕包着,厚底鞋,粗糙的一双手。

    I saw her : blond hair pulled back in a bandanna , thick-soled shoes , work-hardened hands .

  8. 我讨厌如今到处泛滥的厚底鞋;它们就想抓住人们的注意力。

    I hate these platforms that are all over the place today ; they are all about grabbing attention .

  9. 只是,谁会想到有一天自己的服务,会包括帮助一位名人脱掉个性的胶带衣服,和特殊设计的厚底鞋。

    It 's just * who would have thought this would one day come to include removing duct tape and designer shoes from a celebrity passenger !

  10. 我们永远读到的是音乐会中听众以老年人居多,而新艺术家们必须穿着小可爱露肩背心和厚底鞋才能引来注意(想想陈美和其他邦德女郎们)。

    We 're forever reading about how concert audiences are graying , and new artists must flounce around fiddling in tank tops and platform heels to get attention ( think Vanessa-Mae and the gals from Bond ) .

  11. 才改了全新的Twitter名字,这位刚结婚的新娘穿了“新娘白”的褶皱闪亮单肩迷你礼服群,配合厚底高跟鞋。

    Fresh off her brand-new Twitter name change , the recent bride slips into wedding white , wearing a draped and sequined one-shoulder mini with platform pumps .

  12. 亚历山大•麦奎(AlexanderMcQueen)推出了绣花式拖鞋(售价615英镑),而皮埃尔•哈迪推出的则是豹纹款超厚橡胶底鞋(brothelcreepers,售价300英镑)。

    Alexander McQueen has floral embroidered slippers ( £ 615 ) , and Pierre Hardy is offering leopard-print brothel creepers ( £ 300 ) .

  13. 性感迷你裙搭配厚底高跟鞋会很容易给人低俗的感觉。

    Pairing a sexy mini with platform high heels can easily veer into lady-of-the-evening territory .

  14. 超厚橡胶底鞋的盛行也不断鼓励男士一试为快。

    The growing embrace of brothel creepers has also encouraged men to be more experimental .

  15. 厚底松糕鞋又流行起来了。

    Platform shoes are back in vogue .

  16. 她的装束是古典的深蓝色,搭上了相称的配饰,包括她几乎不离脚的克里斯提?鲁布托厚底高跟鞋。

    Her dress was a classic navy , with matching accessories , including the Christian Louboutin platforms that were rarely off her feet .

  17. “我会尖叫,”维多利亚说,她脚踏肉色的厚底高跟鞋,穿著有垂感的后侧拉链的深灰色外衣,它们全部来自维多利亚2010年的秋季系列。

    I scream , ' says Ms. Beckham , dressed in towering flesh-toned platform shoes and a drapey charcoal back-zipped tunic , both from her Fall 2010 collection .

  18. 这股时尚风肇始于2011年春季,当时普拉达推出了厚底运动鞋、布洛克鞋以及登山帆布鞋(很快被消费者争购一空)以及重新打造了华丽织布类男士拖鞋。

    The trend started in spring 2011 with Prada 's platform trainers , brogues and espadrilles , which became cult hits , and the reinvention of men 's slippers in opulent fabrics .