- 名compression test

SHPB Dynamic Compression Test of Al_2O_3 Ceramics Under Constant Strain Rates
Isothermal Superplastic compression test has been made for superplasticity Zn 22 % Al alloy .
The high temperature deformation characteristic Ti-17 alloy was investigated using hot compressive test .
Strength properties of rock mass with bidirectional intermittent cross joints effect of strain rate on the biaxial compressive behavior of concrete
Under consolidated undrained condition , pore pressure keeps positive in conventional triaxial compression tests and triaxial compression tests , and rose with the increase of confining pressure .
Nature of Kaiser effect of rocks under uniaxial cyclic loading
Nonlinear Elastic Biot 's Consolidation FEM in Roadbed Settlement Based on Compression Test Results
Research on Kaiser effect during closing period of rock cracks under uniaxial loading
The dynamic compression test on SHPB has been simulated by FEM under Effect strain rate .
A new , cylinder-piston high pressure hydrostatic testing equipment was briefly introduced .
It is indicated that the cement mixing ratio , density and age of the lightweight soil have different influences on the results of stress-strain properties and shear strength indexes of the soil in triaxial compression tests under unconsolidated-undrained and consolidated-undrained conditions .
The collating and correcting of data in hot compressing test for Gleeble material hot modeling test machine
Based on analysis of results from compression tests for ordinary clay and loess , it is known that the preconsolidation force p c ′ can be determined from test curve of log ( 1 + e ) against log p ′ .
The dynamic buffering property of the expanded perlite cushion developed by the author was tested , researched and contrasted with that of EPE and EPS .
The in-situ stress of rock mass is determined by Kaiser effect of rock under uniaxial compression . This method is applied widely in rock mass engineering .
Use saturated NaCl solution to saturation chlorite schist and red sandstone , do uniaxial and triaxial compression tests for these rocks , get the influence of saturated NaCl solution to the rock mechanical properties . 4 .
Based on a series of drained triaxial compression tests , that the peak friction angle ( φ max ) and the residual friction angle ( φ res ) of sand change with stress level was investigated .
By XRD analysis , the phase compositions of the alloy are determined . By metallographic observation and SEM , the microstructures of alloy are analyzed ; by compression test at room temperature , deformation performance of alloy at room temperature is tested .
Quasi-static compression experiments of SiCp / 2024Al composite foams were tested on Gleeble 1500 thermal simulation testing machine , the situation that the quasi-static compression properties were influenced by the structure of pore and the volume fraction of SiC particles were analyzed .
The results showed that , there exist different hardening and softening tendency in hot compression of TA15 alloy .
This paper introduces the principle and design of compression equipment based on single chip microcomputer W78E58B .
The flow stress features of 2519 aluminum alloy during plastic deformation at elevated temperature were studied by the isothermal compression test using Gleeble-1500 hot simulator .
The effects of hot deformation parameters on the recrystallized microstructure of Ti-15-3 alloy after solution treatment have been studied by hot compression experiments and quantitative metallographic analysis .
Homogeneous compression tests were carried out in a cam plastometer on mild steel , 13 % chromium steel , aluminium and lead .
Effects of SS400 steel 's deformation temperature and strain rates on its deformation behavior was studied using single pass compressing test .
In order to investigate the deformation characteristics of sand under static loading , a series of traditional triaxial compression tests of Shanghai silt sand are performed in the laboratory on GDS triaxial apparatus .
Based on ADINA user subrountines , this paper compiles the Duncan-Chang constitutive model by using FORTRAN program , introduces the development method and procedure of the model . The model has been verified by the conventional triaxial compression test .
The best thermal processing parameters was simulated through the establishment of the constitutive equations and processing maps . Hot extrusion test was carried out under this parameter , and extruded Φ 12mm wires .
The important signs of CSM are improved Hoffmann signs , hypermyotonia of lower extremity , neck stiffness , tenderness of cervical vertebra sides , hypsokinesis of head and compression of neck test and intervertebral foramen compression test etc.
Main achievements of the paper are described as the following : ( 1 ) The research of stability and reliability in solving quasi-static compression tests with SPH numerical method is studied . A step length formula and an indicator of program convergence are proposed .