
  • 网络pressure-solution;Pressure solution;pressolution
  1. 压溶作用产生的缝合线大部分已成为油气的运移通道和储集空间;

    Sutures can be formed by pressure-solution and serve as reservoir space and channels for hydrocarbon migration .

  2. 在此基础上,详细研究了层序地层格架内的成岩作用特征,主要成岩作用特征有压实作用、压溶作用、溶解作用等;

    Based on that , they researched the diagenesis in the sequence stratigraphic frameworks , that is , compaction , pressure-solution , cementation , and solution .

  3. 构造压溶作用对矿源层中成矿物质的溶解与迁移起了重要作用。

    The tectonic pressure dissolution plays an important role in dissolution and transport of ore-forming matter in source bed .

  4. 压溶作用机理的基本模式为水薄膜模式、岛状沟道构造模式、格莱茨模式。

    The mechanisms of pressure solution can be classified as water membrane model , island channeling model and Gratz model .

  5. 含少量岩屑长石砂岩。在成岩演化过程中发生了压实、压溶作用、胶结作用、交代作用、溶蚀作用、破裂作用等成岩作用,已达中成岩阶段A期。

    The sandstone underwent compaction and pressure solution , cementation , replacement , dissolution and cracking during the diagenesis evolution process .

  6. 上述数学模型的关键是确定压溶作用开始和结束的深度和时间。

    It is a key point of the model to determine the beginning and ending depth and time of pressure solution .

  7. 压实、压溶作用使早期未固结的沉积物压实脱水,对沉积物的原生孔隙有致命的破坏性作用。

    The unconsolidated sediment being consolidation and dehydration , while the primary porosity is destroyed fatally , is due to the compaction and pressure solution .

  8. 矿物脉形成过程中对围岩进行了热改造,使砂岩发生了压溶作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用,形成了蚀变砂岩。

    Feldspar quartz sandstone can be reworked to form altered stone during the formation of these veins , and compaction , dissolution and cementation occured simultaneously .

  9. 岩石变形中的压溶作用及相伴的构造分异作用新洲金矿床元素构造动力分异作用初探

    Pressure solution and associated tectonic differentiation in rock deformation a study on tectonic-dynamical differentiation of elements in Xinzhou gold deposit , Guangdong province , southern China

  10. 化学因素包括化学沉淀作用、压溶作用和元素迁移,其影响规律为:1化学沉淀作用在开启性断裂中发育;

    The chemical factors include chemical precipitation , pressure solution and element migration , and their actions are as follows : ① Chemical precipitation develops in unsealing fault ;

  11. 其中早期压实作用和压溶作用使储层孔隙度大为降低,但不影响油气正常渗流。

    In early diagenetic phase , mechanical compaction and pressure solution greatly reduce the porosity of reservoirs , but does not affect the normal flow of oil and gas .

  12. 方解石、绿泥石、浊沸石的胶结作用、压实压溶作用和浊沸石、长石的溶解作用也是影响储集性能的主要因素。

    The cementation of laumonite , calcite and chlorite , compact and pressure solution , as well as the dissolution of laumontite , feldspar are also of main factors which affect reservoir properties .

  13. 气藏储集砂岩形成于水动力条件较强的河流心滩沉积环境,沉积物较粗,经历了较弱的压实压溶作用和较强的溶蚀作用,储层平均孔隙度和渗透率较高;

    The coarse-grained gas sandstone reservoirs were deposited in channel bar setting with relatively strong hydrodynamic conditions and have experienced relatively weak compaction-pressure solution but relatively strong dissolution , thus they have high average porosity and permeability .

  14. 压实&压溶作用在川西坳陷须家河组普遍发育,其强度主要受埋深、所处的前陆构造带位置、岩性及矿物成分的影响。

    The lithogenous phase of compaction-pressure solution is widely developed in the Xujiahe Formation of the West Sichuan Depression and its strength is mainly affected by depth , in which the location of the foreland belt , rock and mineral composition .

  15. 通过碳酸盐岩压溶作用基本特征的分析,笔者提出了压溶的碳酸盐岩地层厚度恢复的原理和公式,同时还探讨了缝合线有机质丰度的校正方法与公式。

    Through an analysis of the basic characteristics of pressure solution of carbonate rocks , the authors present the thickness restoration principle and formula of pressure solution carbonate rock and discuss the organic matter abundance correction method and formula of stylolite .

  16. 分析认为原始矿物组成和结构、早成岩期的机械压实作用和化学压溶作用、晚成岩期的铁方解石胶结作用等共同作用导致了研究区长4+5储层低孔低渗的特征。

    It concludes that the low porosity and low permeability character of Member 4 + 5 of Triassic Yanchang Formation is the result of the composion and structure of original minerals , the diagenesis function of early mechanical compress and chemical dissolve and the late cementation of iron-calcite .

  17. 它们是:1.粘滑溶蚀作用:2.微观形变溶蚀作用:3.断裂活性热水溶蚀作用:4.压溶溶蚀作用。

    They are : 1 . Viscous slip corrosion ; 2 . corrosion caused by micro-deformation 3 . corrosion caused by activated geothermal water along fault ; and 4 . corrosion in solution under pressure .

  18. 结果表明,在逆冲推覆时期,整个外来系统普遍发生了强烈的压溶-迁出作用.由此造成的岩石体积损耗平均达22.88%。

    The estimating results show that the allochthone is commonly subjected to strong pressure solution and mass transfor during the thrusting , whichcouses an average volume less to22.88 % .

  19. 3形成断层岩的变形变质过程中,发生较大规模的体积损耗和元素迁移,大部分体积损耗是压溶-迁出作用造成的。

    Volume loss and element migration happen during deformation and metamorphism to form fault rocks , and most of volume loss is caused by pressure solution and element outmigration .