
  • 网络historical evaluation
  1. 第四部分,黄遵宪西学思想的历史评价。

    The fourth part is on the historical evaluation of Huang ?

  2. 对科学发展的道德评价与历史评价

    Moral Evaluation and Historical Evaluation of the Development of Science

  3. 为此,应重新赋予其比以前更高的历史评价。

    So it deserves higher historical appraise than veer before .

  4. 对近代职业教育早期阶段的历史评价

    A historical assessment of the early stage of the modern vocational education

  5. 极限理论的发展及其历史评价

    The Development of Limit Theory with Its Historic Evaluation

  6. 经济评价道德评价历史评价

    Economic Evaluation , Ethical Evaluation and Historic Evaluation

  7. 科技成果转化知识管理绩效的模糊积分评价微分学与积分学的发展及其历史评价

    Knowledge Management Performance Appraisal of Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Based on Fuzzy Integral

  8. 翦伯赞论历史评价问题

    Jian Bo Zan 's Theory on Historic Evaluation

  9. 评价主要有历史评价和价值评价。

    Historical assessment and value assessment are identical .

  10. 武侠小说的历史评价问题

    On the Historic Evaluation of Swordsmen Fiction

  11. 关于统一与分裂的历史评价标准

    Historical Evaluation Criteria about Unify and Division

  12. 论历史评价的环境标准

    On the Environmental Standards for Historical Evaluation

  13. 做历史评价是中国史学的一个传统。

    Giving a historical evaluation is a long maintained tradition of Chinese science of history .

  14. 由构造变形历史评价中坝构造须二段有效裂缝分布

    Evaluating Effective Fracture Distribution of Member Xu - ⅱ in Zhongba Structure by Tectonic Deformation History

  15. 略论不可知论的历史评价问题

    On the Historical Evaluation of Agnosticism

  16. 论历史评价尺度体系

    On Historical Appraisal Criterion System

  17. 戴震义理之学的历史评价及近代启蒙意义略论不可知论的历史评价问题

    Dai Zhen 's Theory of Principle with Righteousness : Its Historical Evaluation and Modern Significance of Enlightenment

  18. 沈博士令人信服地解决了这个独具特色文化派别的历史评价问题;

    SHEN has convincingly solved the problem of the historical evaluation for the specifically featured culture school .

  19. 论文在建立的理论基础上以北京市为实例,进行了北京市水环境安全现状评价与历史评价。

    On the basis of above , the thesis evaluates the actuality and history of WES in Beijing .

  20. 就尼日利亚政治精英整体而言,对其的历史评价应该是肯定和值得称赞的。

    But for the whole of Nigerian political elites , their historical evaluation should be affirmative and praisable .

  21. 中央民族歌舞团业务楼可贵的尝试&原中央博物院建筑缘起与历史评价

    THE CENTRAL NATIONAL SONG AND DANCE TROUPE BUILDING A Review on the Architectural Design of National Central Museum

  22. 从道德评价优先到历史评价优先&马克思异化理论发展中的视角转换

    From Moral to Historical Evaluation & A Switchover in Perspective during the Development of Marx ' Theory of Alienation

  23. 在她的自然观里,乐观向上的自然和悲观失望的自然同时存在。第六章,狄金森思想的历史评价。

    In her view of nature , optimism and pessimism coexist . Chapter ⅵ expounds historic evaluation of Dickinson thought .

  24. 必须对其功过从个性角度给予客观的历史评价,承认金废帝的历史功绩与地位,同时对他失败的经验教训予以总结。

    We must offer objective appraise to his success and failure , both admit his historical contribution and summarize the lessons .

  25. 结论对中国当代群舞艺术创作做出了简略的历史评价和未来展望。

    The conclusion gives the evaluations about the achievements of ensemble dance in the history , also the expectation for the future .

  26. 和历史评价矩阵相比,虚拟最近邻评价矩阵不但规模比较小,而且包含了用户维上和项目维上对目标评价最有价值的信息。

    Compared with history rating matrix , virtual nearest neighbors ' rating matrix has small scale and contains the most useful information .

  27. 文章系统的论证了石牌战役的战略部署及其战略影响,对石牌战役进行了中肯的历史评价。

    This paper discusses in detail the strategy and its effect of the battle and proceeds to make a positive comment on it .

  28. 在此基础上,对建国十七年中学思想政治教育进行了较为客观的历史评价,并提出了若干思考。论文由绪论、正文(共五章)和结语组成。

    On this basis , the thesis has carried an objectively historical appraisal of the seventeen-year ideological and political education and has proposed some thinking .

  29. 认为马克思早期对异化进行的是道德评价,而成熟时期对异化进行的是历史评价,这种说法有失偏颇。

    The view that in relation to alienation a morality evaluation applies to a young Marx and a history evaluation applies to a mature Marx remains contestable .

  30. 诗人采取历史评价与特色分析相结合的态度和方法评述诗坛,见识卓越。

    With remarkable experiences in poetics , he gives comments in the critical field with the attitude and method to combine historical appraisal and analysis of characteristics .