首页 / 词典 / good

  • experience;calendar;almanac
  • pass through;undergo;experience
  • all previous
  • all through;all over;one by one
  • 经过:经~。来~。阅~。~尽甘苦。

  • 经过了的:~程。~代。~史。~来。

  • 遍、完全:~览。~数(shǔ)。

  • 推算年、月、日和节气的方法:~法。


(经历) experience:

  • 履历

    personal details; antecedents;

  • 来历

    origin; background; source


{天} (历法) calendar:

  • 阴[阳]历

    lunar [solar] calendar;

  • 推历观象

    observe the stars and calculate calendar


(历书; 年鉴; 历本) almanac:

  • 日历


  • 天文年历

    astronomical yearbook; astronomical almanac


(经过) pass [go] through; undergo; experience:

  • 遍历各地

    passed through different places;

  • 历尽千辛万苦

    have gone through all kinds of hardships and difficulties


(统指过去的各个或各次) all previous (occasions, sessions, etc.):

  • 历朝

    in the past dynasties


(遍; 一个一个地) all through; all over; one by one:

  • 历观

    cast a glance all over;

  • 历览名山大川

    visit all the renowned mountains and great rivers

  1. 任职请求:海事工程或相干业余本迷信历,2-3年事情履历;

    Responsibilities : Maritime engineering or relevant major bachelor degree or above , 2 to3 years'working experience ;

  2. 我没工作,哪来什么历啊?

    How the hell can I have related working experience if I have never had a job before ?

  3. 公历最初是以罗马人的儒略历为基础制定的。

    The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans .

  4. 他们两人都曾历经磨难,但愿现在我能帮助他们重建正常的生活。

    Both of them have been through an awful lot and hopefully now I can help them rebuild their lives

  5. 依照大学的行事历,你们的考试将在六月举行。

    According to the university calendar your examinations will be in june .

  6. 降雨历线资料为上游集水区推估洪水流量历线的重要依据

    Hyetographs are important in estimating stormflow hydrographs from upstream watersheds .

  7. 现在系统内置的“通用搜索”支持检索微软Exchange同步的联系人和行事历内容了,即使你不记得你要找的人的电话,你也可以通过别的信息找到他。

    Microsoft Exchange contacts are now included in Universal Search as well , making it much easier to reach co-workers even if you can 't remember their phone numbers .

  8. 历节胶囊对AA大鼠淋巴细胞中Fas和FasL基因表达的影响

    Influences of Lijie Capsules on expressions of Fas and FasL genes in lymphocytes in rats with adjuvant arthritis

  9. 山西历山自然保护区土壤青霉菌(Penicillium)种类研究

    Studies on the Species of Soil Penicillium in Lishan Natural Reserve of Shanxi Province

  10. 研究中华真地鳖Eupolyphagasinensiswalker的断足时间及数量对发育历期的影响,以及不同龄期断足处理后发育历期间的差异。

    Influence of leg amputated phase and amount on development duration of Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker were studied .

  11. 大气CO2浓度升高可缩短麦长管蚜的产卵前期和世代历期,提高繁殖量和平均相对生长率。

    CO_2 elevation shortened the preoviposition duration and longevity of S.avenae , and increased the number of offspring per female aphid and mean relative growth rate ( MRGR ) .

  12. Bt蛋白在蜘蛛摄食后,虽然在试验期内蜘蛛的健康未受到不利影响,但是自身发育历期时间明显延长。

    Although there were no adverse effects to spiders after fed with Bt protein in the trial period , their development duration was delayed distinctly .

  13. 类风湿关节炎(RA)是一种常见的慢性、系统性自身免役性疾病,属于中医痹证、历节等范畴。

    Rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) is a kind of frequently chronic 、 Autoimmune disease , belonging to " blockage syndrome " 、 " Lijie " of TCM .

  14. 卵历期10d~11d;

    The egg period is 10 to 11 days ;

  15. 海拔高度等地形因子是影响历山森林植被分布的主要因素,土壤有机质、N、P、Cu、Mn、Zn等对植被也有明显影响。

    The elevation and slope are main environmental variables controlling vegetation distribution , the soil organic matter , N , P , Cu , Mn , Zn etc. are also important to plant communities in the study area .

  16. 幼虫5龄,历期25~35d;

    The larva period is 25 ~ 35 days with five instars .

  17. R2品系还表现为卵历期延长,3龄若虫至5龄若虫存活率下降。

    In addition , the R 2 strain had prolonged egg duration and a lower larval survival rate from the 3rd to 5th instar .

  18. 以棉铃虫(Helicoverpaarmigera)为例,介绍了SSPM在昆虫发育历期分析过程,简单表述了模型预测功能。

    Taking cotton bollworm ( Helicoverpa armigera ) for instance , the calculation and prediction process of SSPM are clarified in insect phenology .

  19. 结果表明,小菜蛾3龄初幼虫取食Bt制剂后,3龄幼虫的取食量显著减少,而发育历期显著延长,但对能发育到4龄的幼虫其取食量和发育历期没有显著影响。

    The results indicated that Bt fed by 3rd instar larvae for 2 h caused feeding inhibition and retardation in larval development of the 3rd instar larvae , but did not affect the feeding and development of the 4th instar larvae .

  20. 同理,“octo”在拉丁语中是八的意思,因此在十月历中,它是指第八个月。

    More of the same : octo is the Latin for ' eight ' , for that ten month calendar .

  21. 结果表明,520nmLED灯处理下小菜蛾产卵量、卵孵化率及产卵历期显著低于黑暗条件。

    The results indicated that when treated the fecundity 、 egg hatching rate and duration of lay egg for the diamondback moth under 520 nm LED light were significantly lower than that of under darkness .

  22. 采用2×2列联表的Fisher精确检验、Pearson相关系数和Spearman秩相关系数检验研究山西省历山自然保护区猪尾沟森林群落树种种间关系。

    The interspecific relationships of the main tree species in the forest communities were studied using Fisher 's exact test for a 2 × 2 contingency table , Pearson 's correlation coefficient , Spearman 's rank correlation coefficient .

  23. 蛹期为3.5d,世代发育历期为11.5d;

    The pupa stage is 3.5 days , and the generation development duration is 11.5 days .

  24. 播始历期为53~79d,主茎叶片数10.0~12.6片。

    The growth duration from sowing to heading is 53 ~ 79 days . There are 10.0 ~ 12.6 leaves on main stem .

  25. 基于LAGEOS卫星的长期精密历表,应用简单的卫星动力学模式,给出了适合于作该卫星的精密指向预报用的一种计算方法。

    On the basis of the long term precise ephemeris of LAGEOS , a computing method suitable for doing the precise pointing prediction of LAGEOS has been derived .

  26. 这两个种群若虫发育历期在其各自的选择寄主与TN1之间没有显著差异,且明显短于其在RHT上的发育历期。

    The nymph developmental duration of these two colonies on the corresponding hosts was not different from that on TN1 , but significantly shorter than that on RHT .

  27. 结果表明:在温度25±1℃,相对湿度75%-85%,光照14L∶10D的条件下,柑桔木虱姬小蜂的卵期、幼虫期、预蛹期和蛹期的平均历期分别为40119,24和120h。

    The result showed that the average durations of egg , larva , prepupa and pupa were 40 , 119 , 24 and 120 hours respectively . The larva of T.

  28. 结果辽宁省市本级CDC人力资源配置中学历以大专为主,职称以中级为主,年龄以36-45岁为主,各市CDC人员庞大、普遍超编。

    Result Liaoning Province city level CDC manpower resource distribution the academic credentials rely mainly on junior college , the professional title relies mainly on intermediate , the age is by 36-45 years lod main fact , every city CDC person huge , generally overstaff .

  29. 若虫发育至雄成虫的历期分别为11.2d、11.3d和11.2d,差异不显著;

    While nymphal duration of male bugs was 11.2d , 11.3d and 11 . 2d respectively , showed no significant difference within these three kinds of diets .

  30. 根据它的原理所编制的软件能在32K内存和16位字长的微型计算机上生成台站的短期(一天之内)历表,其精度达米级。

    The software compiled according to this method , can be operated on microcomputer ( 32 K storage , 16 bytes ) and is available to generate the short-term ephemeris on site . in meter precision .