
juǎn xīn wō jù
  • Iceberg lettuce;cabbage lettuce
  1. 我的菜看起来就像是一个倒过来的卷心莴苣。

    Mine looks like an upturned iceberg lettuce .

  2. 卷心莴苣和生菜都是绿色的多叶蔬菜,因此对身体有益。

    Iceberg lettuce and romaine are both green , leafy vegetables , so both are good for you .

  3. 最常见的变种为头型卷心莴苣、玻璃生菜、长叶莴苣和莴苣笋。

    A variety of endive ( Cichorium endivia ) having leaves with irregular , frilled edges and often used in salads .

  4. 《每日科学》2009年5月25日报道,把沙拉搁置一边吧,一小堆菠菜可比一条卷心莴苣的营养价值高得多。

    ScienceDaily ( May25,2009 ) & Salad dressing aside , a pile of spinach has more nutritional value than a wedge of iceberg lettuce .