
  • 网络Nanping City
  1. 采用全面踏查和典型调查相结合的方法,对福建省南平市城市垃圾填埋场重金属Mn、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr、Ni污染状况进行调查。

    The situation of pollution of heavy metal Mn , Zn , Pb , Cd , Cr , Ni in municipal refuse of Nanping city of Fujian province was investigated by the method of step on and check in an all-round way and typical investigation .

  2. 南平市公路运输危险化学品污染事件的研究

    Pollution Events Caused by Dangerous Chemicals in Road Transportation in Nanping City

  3. 目的从基因水平上确认福建省南平市注射后偶然分支杆菌暴发感染的致病菌,并建立PCR结合DNA探针杂交快速鉴定偶然分支杆菌的方案。

    Objective To determine the pathogen of the post-injection infection outbreak in Nanping at gene level with molecular biological technique and to establish a rapid identification method of M.fortuitum by PCR / RFLP and DNA probe technique .

  4. 影响南平市木材价格主要因子的分析研究

    Research of the Main Factors of Affection Timber Price in Nanping

  5. 南平市2008年手足口病检测结果分析

    Analysis on testing results of hand-foot-mouth disease in Nanping in 2008

  6. 南平市园林绿化植物抗酸雨能力的研究

    Study on the Anti-acid rain Ability of Landscape Plants in Nanping

  7. 福建南平市森林群落类型

    Community forms of forest in Nanping area , Fujian Province

  8. 南平市蚊类调查

    A Survey Of Mosquitoes In Nan - Ping City , Fujian Province

  9. 南平市畜牧业现状及污染治理模式初探

    Animal Husbandry Actuality and Primary Exploration of Pollution Control Model in Nanping

  10. 南平市洪水灾害分析及防灾对策

    The Analysis of Flood Disaster and Countermeasures for Nanping City

  11. 南平市南方型杨树产业化发展初探

    A Preliminary Study on Southern Poplar Industrial Development in Nanping

  12. 南平市创建生态示范区的对策及思考

    Countermeasures and Thinking of Establishing Ecological Demonstrative Area in Nanping

  13. 浅埋暗挖技术在南平市天台隧道工程施工中的应用

    Application of Underground Excavation under Shallow Cover in Tunnel Construction

  14. 南平市酸雨成因及趋势分析

    The Analysis of the Cause and Trend of Acid Precipitation in Nanping City

  15. 南平市烤烟生产气象条件分析与气象服务

    The tobacco of produce with weather condition analysis and weather service in Nanping

  16. 南平市建溪水环境污染防治与保护对策

    Nanping jian river 's pollution 's countermeasure of prevention and cure and protective

  17. 福建南平市生态公益林经营措施体系设计

    Design on Ecological Non-commercial Forest Operational Measure System of Nanping City in Fujian

  18. 南平市可持续发展能力建设的因素分析

    The factor analysis on sustainable development capacity of Nanping

  19. 南平市农村生态环境建设与保护的思考

    Thinking about the Construction and Protection of Ecological Environment in Nanping Rural Area

  20. 南平市发展人造板工业存在的环境问题及对策

    Environmental Problems and Countermeasures on Development of Man-made Plank Industry in Nanping City

  21. 南平市规模化畜禽业污染现状分析及防治对策

    Pollution Situation and Controling Countermeasures of the Poultry and Animal Trades in Nanping City

  22. 南平市土地利用结构的动态变化

    Dynamics of land use structure in Nanping

  23. 福建省南平市西城大桥合龙段顶推施工研究

    Incremental launching construction research of the closure section of Xicheng bridge at Nanping in Fujian

  24. 南平市生态环境优越、自然资源丰富,是福建省农业大市和淮山主产区。

    Nanping City of Fujian Province has a sound ecological environment and rich natural resources .

  25. 南平市主要气候因素与烟草产质量相关性的分析

    Analysis on the Correlation of Main Weather Factors and Tobacco Yield and Quality in Nanping

  26. 福建省南平市农村义务教育发展战略研究

    A Study on the Development Strategy for Countryside Compulsory Education in Nanping City of Fujian Province

  27. 以南平市主要市区的公路网为应用区域进行了初步应用研究。

    The system was applied in the research area located in the downtown of Nanping city .

  28. 福建省南平市集体林权制度改革的实践与建议

    Practice and Suggestion for the Collective Forestry Property Rights System Reform of Nanping City in Fujian province

  29. 同时分别对南平市暴雨、洪水及灾害成因进行较详细的分析。

    This chapter also gives detailed cause analysis of rainstorm , flood and disaster of Nanping respectively .

  30. 对福建省南平市安曹下87年生的杉木人工林碳库及其分配进行研究。

    The carbon storage and its allocation of an87-year-old Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation in Nanping , Fujian province was studied .