
  • 网络one-way transmission;unidirectional transmission;unidirection transmission;one-way conduction;one way propagation
  1. 将供应链风险传递分为单向传递和反馈式传递两种。

    Supply chain risk can be divided into a one-way transmission , and feedback type transmission of two .

  2. 特别是对于单向传递的多层网络,由于相邻层突触前因子有很大差别,而使得相变温度可有效提高。

    For one-directional multi-layered net - work the transition temperature can be raised in a large amount due to the large difference of the pre - synapse factors in neighboring layers .

  3. 然而,长期以来,中学英语教学仍沿用的是以教师为中心的教学原则,教学过程只是教师到学生的单向传递过程。

    For a long time , English teaching has been performed around the teachers , the teaching procedure is from the teacher to the students , which brought about the bad effect .

  4. 现有的整合模式以设计微型化学实验的主题网站为主,其信息传递的方式是从网站到学习者的单向传递。

    Now , the the main mode of integration is base of the design the theme of site . The delivery of the information is one way from one site passed to the learner .

  5. 交互式书籍的目的在于为人与书之间建立一种新的沟通渠道,使书籍与人之间形成一种对话模式,信息不再是从书单向传递给读者,而是通过读者的参与,共同进行信息交流。

    The aim of creating interactive books is to build a communication channel between readers and books . Information is not delivered one way to the readers but allowing readers to participate in the communication .

  6. 在156FM发动机中采用超越离合器,利用其单向传递转矩的特点,由起动电机带动发动机曲轴旋转,实现摩托车起动。

    Starting of the motorcycle is realized in the way that an overdrive clutch is used together with the 156 FM engine by means of its ability of one-way transferring torque to drive the engine crankshaft by the starting motor .

  7. 实验结果表明,单级反激式高频环节静止变流技术实现了单级功率变换,拓扑简洁,可靠性高,并克服了传统高频环节逆变技术只能单向传递能量的缺点,负载适应能力强。

    The experiment results show that single-stage Flyback static inverter achieve single-stage power conversion , process simpler circuit topology , has high reliability , and exhibits powerful ability of accommodating to varied load , which conquers the defects of traditional inverters .

  8. 本文认为,与此前的媒介文化形态相比,网络文化的最大特色在于,它从很大程度上突破了单向传递性,并由此发展出一种全新的互动交往模式。

    According to this paper , in comparison with the formal shapes of media culture , the most significant feature of cyberculture is that , to a great extent , it has broken the limits of one-way communication and thus developed entirely new types of interaction communication .

  9. 对于单向风险传递提出了基于风险储备思想的优化分配。

    The risk of transmission for one-way proposes the optimized distribution of risk reserve .

  10. 乒乓测试结果表明:单向消息传递延迟可减少到8μs。

    The measurement indicates that communication latency of message passing can be reduced to 8 Microsecond .

  11. 反馈能使学习变得方便,而象印刷品之类的单向信息传递就没有反馈。在学习驾驶摩托车时,反馈更必不可少。

    Feedback , which one-way communication like the printed page fails to provide , makes learning easy and , in the case of motor skills , is essential .

  12. 基于单向信号传递的经典机制研究已很深入,双向信号传递机制虽已提出,但反向信号研究明显滞后。

    Though classical mechanism of intercellular communication , based on one-directional signal transduction , has been deeply investigated and the concept of bidirectional signal has been established , the knowledge of reverse signal is far from elucidation .

  13. 应当改变单一的讲授法,变单向信息传递为多向信息交流,有效地在法律课程教学过程中实现教、学、用3个环节的转换。

    The paper argues that it is necessary to change the monotonous teaching method , turning the one-way information transmission into multi-way information communication and effectively switching among three links of teaching , learning and practicing in law classroom .

  14. 以互联网、手机、户外电子等为代表的新媒体把单向的信息传递变为双向的互动沟通,使一直处于被动的消费者成为广告信息的一部分,并逐渐成为高度的参与者。

    Some new medium , such as internet , mobile phone , outdoor electronic facilities , changed the communicating way from one-way to two-way , which made the passive customer to be a part of the advertising with increasing high level of involvement .

  15. 根据数据单向非随机的传递特点,提出了分层的互联和存储机制,并设计了一款静态配置、多总线结构的全局互联单元。

    Based on the data flow , we also proposed the hierarchical interconnection and storage structure as well as the static-configured and multi-bus global switch .