
  1. 协议出让国有土地使用权最低价的确定方法

    Study on the Approach to Assessing the Lowest Price of Selling Right to Use Territory by Agreement

  2. 城市地产交易契约制度中契约规则的规定是另一个病源所在,协议出让方式往往突破法律的界限,演化为权钱交易的合法外衣。

    Present regulations about transaction rules are another source in urban land property right transaction contract system .

  3. 因此,对土地市场而言,一方面要反垄断,改协议出让为拍卖出让,使许可证竞争;

    Therefore , the anti-monopoly should be enforced and the grant by agreement should be altered as by auction for license competition .

  4. 该市大力推进土地公开招标,严格控制邀请招标和协议出让的比例。

    The city actively promoted the open bidding system for the use of land and strictly controlled the proportion of bid-winners among bidders .

  5. 以协议出让为主的土地出让制度不仅导致了垄断,而且还导致了严重的圈地运动和寻租行为。

    The LGS mainly oriented by agreement not only results in the monopoly , but also facilitates the heavy " Enclosure Movement " and rent-seeking activities .

  6. 出让已经广为现实所接受,但其中的协议出让因其透明度不高亦受到了较为严格的限定。

    Transfer has been widely accepted as a reality , but an agreement to sell because of its lack of transparency are also subject to a more stringent limit .

  7. 在土地划拔以及协议出让方式下确定的地价通常会低于市场价格,房产均衡价格也低于市场机制下的均衡价格。

    In the land transfer agreement and to determine ways to sell the premium is often less than market prices , property prices are also lower than the balance of market mechanisms under the equilibrium price .

  8. 土地财政的收入结构经历了以协议出让收入为主向以拍卖和挂牌出让收入为主的转变,土地的市场价值不断得到体现,市场的力量在土地定价和土地出让中逐渐得到加强。

    The revenue structure of land finance experienced a chang from agreement transfer to auction and listing transfer . The market value of the land continue to be reflected . And market forces gradually strengthened in land selling and pricing . 3 .

  9. 与协议出让方式相比,土地招拍挂出让通过促进土地市场的买方竞争、降低房地产增量市场的垄断性,在显化土地价格的同时,降低了地价对房价的影响程度。

    Compared with the selling means by reaching an agreement through consultations , the land bidding and auction selling policy helps to lower land price 's influence on housing price by way of improving the competition in land and real estate market .

  10. 摘要通过对经营性用地和工业用地的出让方式进行比较,认为工业用地的协议出让方式不利于我国的耕地数量保护,造成了国有土地资产大量流失。

    Through a comparison between the ways of industrial land selling and profit-oriented land selling , this paper concludes that the industrial used land sold by agreement goes against the arable land protection of this country and causes loss of state-owned land property .

  11. 招标拍卖挂牌供地与协议供地出让方式相比,市场的透明度更强,参与者的竞争也愈加激烈,最后的交易价格就愈能反映真实的土地市场价值。

    Compared with negotiation lease way , the bid invitation , auction and listing measure is fairer and participants ' competition is more intense , so the final transaction price can reflect the real land market value .

  12. 这一时期土地出让方式主要有:协议、拍卖和招标,但由于土地出让管理不严格,经营性土地大多都采取协议方式出让,而协议出让价格一般都偏低,导致大量的国有资产流失。

    The way of land leasing mainly included : Agreement , auction and tender .