
  • 网络Semi humid climate;dry semihumid
  1. 研究了陕西暖温带半湿润气候区黄绵土、土娄土、苹果的含硒量以及土壤pH、pE、有机质、粘粒等对苹果吸收硒的影响;

    Se content of loessial soil , Lou soil and apples in the warm temperate and semihumid zone of Shaanxi and the effect of soil pH , pE , organic matter and clay particles on apple Se absorption are studied .

  2. 东部平原、沼泽湿润-半湿润气候区。

    Eastern swampy plain humid and semi - humid climatic region .

  3. 陕西暖温带半湿润气候区土壤含硒量及其对苹果的有效性研究

    A Study on Soil Se and its Effectiveness on Apples in the Warm Temperate and Semihumid Zone of Shaanxi

  4. 属于中纬度暖温带,半湿润气候区大陆性季风气候类型。

    It is in the warm temperate zone of middle latitude , and belongs to continental monsoon climate type of subhumid climate zone .

  5. 在环青海湖半湿润气候区,土壤水分不能充分满足牧草生长发育的需要。

    The soil moisture did not meet the needs of the growth and development of the forage grass in the Qinghai Lake Region .

  6. 此方法简单易行,对半干旱半湿润气候区雨养田土壤相对湿度的预报具有一定的参考价值。

    It was showed that physical statistics was a simple and easy method to forecast the soil moisture in semi-arid and semi-humid climate zones for the rain-fed farmland .

  7. 本文选择了4种共计11份优良的国外草坪草材料,在扬州地区温带大陆性半湿润气候条件下,对这些草种的生态适应性和成坪质量进行观测研究和比较试验。

    In this study , some new and representative species of foreign turf grass were selected to conduct a comparative experiment on their ecological adaptability and turfing quality under the circumstance of temperate continental semi-drought climate in Yangzhou District .

  8. 临沂烟区属于湿润半湿润气候区,具有明显的山区气候特点,成熟期日较差≥10℃,空气清新,水质甘甜。

    The Linyi tobacco-growing district is located in wet climatic or half wet climatic zone accompanied by the characteristics of distinct mountainous climate , the daily temperature variance is equal to or over 10 ℃ during harvesting time , the air is fresh and the water is sweet .

  9. 西安是半湿润季风气候,有一间四季分明。

    It has a semi-moist monsoon climate and there is a clear distinction between the four seasons .

  10. 这种生活型谱的基本特征反映了研究区暖温带半湿润山区气候。

    The basic characteristics of this life-form spectrum reflected the sub-humid warm temperate mountain climate in North China .

  11. 山东省位于中国东部沿海,地处黄河下游,属于暖温带湿润和半湿润季风气候。

    Shandong province is located in eastern coast of China , and in the lower of Yellow River . The climate of Shandong Province is warm temperate humid and semi-humid monsoon .

  12. 它地处中原腹地,位于中国南北生态、气候的分界带中,处于我国南方雨量丰沛和北方干旱少雨的过渡地带,属暖温带半湿润季风气候区。

    This area belongs to warm temperate zone and semi-clouding monsoon section which is the boundary of zoology and climate in north and south China , and is the transition belt of precipitation rain fall in north and south .

  13. 在温带半湿润季风气候区,运用复合式取水闸门引水库表层水灌溉农田,可避免取水库底层水时水温偏低,不利于农作物生长的问题。

    In semi-humid monsoon climatic areas in the temperate zone , adopting compound gates to divert surface-layer water from a reservoir for irrigating farmland can avoid taking low-temperature water from bottom layer of the reservoir which is unfavourable to the growing of crops .

  14. 山东沂源土门岩溶含水系统,位于半干旱半湿润气候带。

    Water-bearing system in Tumen of Yiyuan county locates in semi-arid-semi-humid climate zone .

  15. 属暖温带半湿润大陆性气候。

    Is a warm sub-humid continental climate .

  16. 天水半湿润山区绿化气候及适生林草区划研究

    A Study on Forestation Climate and Forest Rough Partition of Half Moist Mountainous Areas in Tianshui

  17. 半干旱半湿润气候区实施集雨节灌农业技术的研究

    A Study on Agricultural Technology of Water Harvesting and Water-saving Irrigation in Semi-arid and Semi-humid Climatic Regions

  18. 承德坝上地区,属寒温带半湿润草原季风气候,森林草原生态系统脆弱,自我恢复能力较差。

    The climate in upper dam region of Chengde prefecture is that of frigid temperate zone , semi damp grass land and monsoon .

  19. 秦皇岛处于河北省东北部,属于东部季风区暖温带,半湿润大陆性气候,四季分明;

    Qinhuangdao in Hebei Province , north-east , belonging to the eastern warm temperate monsoon zone , semi-humid continental climate , four distinct seasons ;

  20. 我国北方半干旱半湿润气候区防旱减灾技术述评半干旱偏湿润地区旱地小麦土壤水肥耦合的时空变异特征

    Evaluation on the Technologies of Preventing Drought and Reducing Disaster in Semiarid and Subhumid Region of North China The spatio variability of soil water-fertilizer coupling in Guanzhong area

  21. 地处黄土梁峁沟壑区,属秦巴山区西秦岭北部,大陆性半高寒半湿润气候。

    Leung is located in the Loess hilly and gully region , an Qinba Mountain West Qinling Mountains in the north , the continental cold sub-humid climate and a half .

  22. 北部及东南部山地、丘陵半湿润-半干旱气候区;

    Northern and southeastern mountainous hill semi-humid and semiarid climatic region ;

  23. 阳泉市属暧温带半湿润大陆性季风气候区。

    Yangquan municipal sub-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate zone .

  24. 属于暖温带滨海半湿润大陆性季风气候,四季分明。

    Belong to the coastal sub-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate , four distinct seasons .

  25. 气候温和湿润,属暖温带滨海半湿润大陆性季风气候,四季分明,雨热同季。

    Moderately humid climate , is a coastal sub-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate , four seasons , with hot rainy season .

  26. 国道112线丰宁段处于半湿润半干旱的气候条件下,当地植被覆盖率低,土壤为黄土质母质,结构松散,黏结力差。

    Fengning line of the 112 national road , where the climate belongs to the semi humid and semiarid zone , the vegetation is lower and soil is porous because of its loess parent textile .

  27. 新华区地处黑龙港流域,是华北冲击平原,地势低平,气候温和,属暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候。

    Black Dragon River is located in Hong Kong , Xinhua District , is the impact of the North China plain , low and flat , mild climate , is a warm temperate semi-humid continental monsoon climate .

  28. 位于半干旱半湿润大陆季风气候的吉林西部地区,要维护和改善生态环境在很大程度上受制于水资源的供给状况。

    For the western Jilin area with a semi-arid and semi-humid mainland monsoon climate , maintaining and enhancing eco-environment is restricted to a large extent by water supply .