
bàn yè
  • midnight;in the middle of the night;half a night;half of a night
半夜 [bàn yè]
  • (1) [midnight]∶夜的中间;特指夜里12点钟

  • (2) [half a night]∶一夜之半

  • 清风半夜鸣蝉。--宋. 辛弃疾《西江月》

  • 喜置榻上,半夜复苏。--《聊斋志异.促织》

半夜[bàn yè]
  1. 你要是半夜前不回家,我就让你有好戏看。

    If you 're not in by midnight , there 'll be trouble .

  2. 一定快到半夜了。

    It must be getting on for midnight .

  3. 半夜里一辆汽车的警报器突然响了起来。

    A car alarm went off in the middle of the night .

  4. 我大半夜都没睡着。

    I lay awake for much of the night .

  5. 我们得乘半夜12点的火车。

    We have to catch the midnight train .

  6. 大火在半夜两点钟左右烧得最猛。

    The fire reached its height around 2 a.m.

  7. 他们不得不半夜离开。

    They had to leave at midnight .

  8. 快半夜了。

    It was going on midnight .

  9. 他知道,要是他半夜还不回去,父母就会不高兴。

    He knew that if he wasn 't back by midnight , his parents would have something to say about it .

  10. 钻孔机和电锯的噪声过了半夜还继续响着。

    The racket of drills and electric saws went on past midnight .

  11. 半夜时,德国国旗将在德国国会大厦升起。

    At midnight , the German flag will be raised over the Reichstag .

  12. 他半夜醒来,听了一会儿收音机。

    At midnight he awoke and listened to the radio for a few minutes

  13. 半夜时分,人群渐渐散去了。

    By midnight the crowd had thinned .

  14. 我半夜里醒来,听见有敲窗户的声音。

    I woke up in the middle of the night and could hear a tapping on the window

  15. 他半夜才回家。

    He came back home in the middle of the night .

  16. 他们工作到半夜。

    They worked till midnight .

  17. 他全神贯注地工作,经常工作到下半夜。

    He was so engrossed in his work that he frequently stayed up until the small hours .

  18. 警察半夜突然冲进窃贼家中。

    The policemen burst in on the thief 's house at midnight .

  19. 她从半夜一直哭到现在。

    She has been weeping since midnight without a break .

  20. 他半夜才到达旅馆。

    He didn 't get to the hotel until midnight .

  21. 火车行经沈阳的时候,已是半夜了。

    It was midnight when the train passed through shenyang .

  22. 枪声到后半夜才消停下来。

    The gunfire didn 't stop until after midnight .

  23. 半夜里一声怪响把我吵醒了。

    In the middle of the night , a strange noise woke me up .

  24. 如果我把树栽在我的地里,我的邻居们就会半夜过来偷苹果。

    If I plant the tree in one of my field , my neighbors maycome at night and steal the apples .

  25. 如果他把树栽在他的地里,他的邻居们会半夜过来偷苹果。

    If he planted the tree in one of his fields , his neighbors would come at night and steal the apples .

  26. 如果他把树栽在他的地里,他的邻居们会半夜过来偷苹果。

    If he planted the tree in one of his fields , his neighbors would come al night and steal some of the apples .

  27. 约翰:是啊,但是我最近睡不好,因为我的新邻居总是把电视开得很大声,一直到半夜。

    John : Yeah , . But I can 't sleep well recently because my new neighbor is always turning the TV on loudly until midnight .

  28. 如果我把树栽在我的地里,我的邻居们就会半夜过来偷苹果。

    If I had planted the tree in one of my fields , my neighbors would have come at night and stolen some of the apples .

  29. 劳拉认为早上起得很早很可怕,而塔拉坚持认为早晨空气清新,熬到半夜对她很难。

    Lara thought it was terrible to get up early in the morning , while Tara insisted that mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight .

  30. 那船半夜时靠岸。

    The ship pulled in to the shore at midnight .