- half-dislocation

Energy Correction Factor of Semicircular Dislocation Loop at Surface
An exact expression for the elastic self energy of a semicircular dislocation loop at free surface is derived based on the elastic continuum dislocation theory . An energy correction factor is used to present the difference between the exact expression and earlier approximate expression .
Based on Okada elastic half space dislocation theory , a tele-computing system is developed , which can simulate the co-seismic D-InSAR interferometry deformation field at any Internet terminator .
The co-seismic fault slip distributions are further inverted using the elastic half-space homogeneous model with distributed slip model .
The calculation results show that the surface co-seismic deformation difference is so large that exceeding the accuracy of high precise observation technology if not considering the actually earth structure when just taking the earth as half-space homogeneous medium .
The changes on static stress , acquired according to the half-space elastic dislocation theory , can exist on fault plane for a long time until the next strong earthquake .