
qiān wǎ
  • kW;kilowatt
千瓦 [qiān wǎ]
  • [kilowatt] 电的功率单位,等于1000瓦或约1.34马力(符号kw)

千瓦[qiān wǎ]
  1. 瓦特是小功率的单位,因此我们用千瓦代之。

    The watt is a small unit of power so that we use the kilowatt instead .

  2. 千瓦级CO激光器分子振动态布居分布及输出特性的计算

    Calculations of Molecules Vibrational Distribution and Spectrum of a Kilowatt CO Laser

  3. 年用电量平均为每小时500千瓦

    It 's about 500 kilowatts per hour on average .

  4. “反射比每增加1%,就相当于每平方米内少吸收太阳10瓦的热能。所以基本上,这种涂料可以提供18千瓦的降温效果。这很厉害。比普通空调在同等大小的房屋中功效还要强。”

    Every one per cent of reflectance you get will translate to ten watts1 per metre squared less heating from the Sun . So , basically , it provides cooling of 18 kilowatts2 . That 's really a big deal . That 's more than a typical air conditioner does for a house with the same kind of space .

  5. 千瓦级快轴流CO2激光器的射频系统

    RF system of a 1 kW level fast axial flow CO_2 laser

  6. 千瓦级连续CO2激光器电子温度的自动双探针测量系统

    A microcomputer-controlled double-probe system measuring electron temperature of multi-kilowatt CW CO_2 lasers

  7. 千瓦级快速轴向流动CO2激光器气体动力学的实验研究

    Experiment study on gas kinetics of the kilo-watt fast-axial flow CO_2 laser

  8. 密封长寿命千瓦级横流CO2激光器

    A long life-time sealed-off kW level transverse-flow CO_2 laser

  9. 千瓦级组合式CO2激光热加工机

    Combined CO_2-laser Heat Treating Machine of 1000 W Class

  10. 横向激励千瓦级CO2激光热处理控制系统

    Lateral Excitation CO 2 Laser Heat Treatment Control System

  11. 延长千瓦级CO2激光器工作气体使用时间

    The Prolongation of the Using Time for Working Gas of kW Level CO_2 Laser

  12. 采用光栅谐振腔,实现了平均功率千瓦级的高重复频率TEACO2激光调谐输出。

    Kilowatt-level high repetition rate tunable TEA CO2 laser output was realized by grating resonator .

  13. 本文报导了使用离心风机的千瓦级轴流CO2激光器。

    1000 watt grade axial flow CO2 laser with a turbine is reported in this paper .

  14. 2千瓦横向流动闭合循环CO2激光器

    KW transverse-flow closed-cycle CO_2 laser

  15. 地方兴办小型火电厂N家,总装机容量近百万千瓦。

    The establishment of small-scale thermal power plant where N , and the total installed capacity of nearly one million kilowatts .

  16. 根据美国国家可再生能源实验室(NationalRenewableEnergyLaboratory)的数据,每台2000千瓦的风力发电机占地0.25平方英里。

    Each 2,000 kilowatt wind turbine takes up a quarter of a square mile worth of space , according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory .

  17. 每千瓦时电能的生产都会排放一定量的CO2。

    The electricity production process will typically result in a certain amount of CO2 emission per KWH generated .

  18. 用一台输出功率约2千瓦的横向流动CO2激光器对碳钢、铸铁进行表面热处理。

    We have used a transversely-excited flowing CO2 laser with the output power of about2kW for heat-treatment of the surface of carbon-steel .

  19. 18千瓦PEMFC电堆的循环水管理模型

    A Model for the Management of a 18 kW PEMFC Stack

  20. leaf车由一台功率达80千瓦的电动机和锂离子充电电池提供动力,将于明年末投放日本和美国市场。

    Powered by an 80kW electric motor and rechargeable lithium-ion battery , the leaf will be introduced in Japan and the US late next year .

  21. 接着,在百瓦级、千瓦级快速轴流CO2激光器上实现了高光束质量激光束。

    And then , we have realized high quality new beam on hundred-watt or thousand-watt CO2 laser with axial express flux .

  22. 本电源简单、可靠、紧凑,已成功地应用于千瓦级CO激光器的预电离。

    The preionization discharge supply has the feature of design simple , compact dimensions and has been successfully applied to the high power CO laser .

  23. 用一维动力学模型对千瓦级横流自持放电CO激光器工作特性进行了计算。

    The performances of one kilowatt transverse flow self sustained discharge excited CO laser have been calculated by means of the one dimension kinetic model .

  24. Reduce分析法可大为简化联接刚度对核电百万千瓦级汽轮发电机轴系的动力特性影响之研究。

    It is much more simplified to study the influences of connection stiffness in shaft system for the million - kilowatts - class nuclear power turbogenerator by the Reduce - Analysis method .

  25. 蒙西地区风能资源总储量7.32亿kW,适合开发建设百万千瓦级风电基地。

    Wind energy resource in the total reserves in West Inner Mongolia is 732 million kW .

  26. 千瓦级PEMFC电堆的研制

    Development of kilowatt class PEMFC stack

  27. 千瓦级卫星H2-Ni蓄电池组的设计和试验

    Design and test on Ni-H_2 battery for kW level satellite

  28. 给出了千瓦级同相功率合成实用电路,为RF发射机的设计提供了参考依据。

    A kilowatt-level synthetic circuit applying the same phase power is given , which provides a reference basis for the design of the RF emission machine .

  29. 核能署为比利时的一座epr(现在已取消)的估价达到每千瓦5400美元。

    The NEA quotes costs for an EPR in Belgium ( now cancelled ) at $ 5400 per kW .

  30. HJ-3型千瓦横流CO2激光器安装与调试的技术探讨

    Technical Exploration and Discussion of Installation and Adjustment of Type HJ-3 KW Transverse Flow CO_2 Laser