
yī xué yí chuán xué
  • medical genetics
  1. 确切logistic回归方法及其医学遗传学应用

    Exact Logistic Regression and its Application in Medical Genetics

  2. 结论确切logistic回归方法在医学遗传学领域具有良好的适用性。

    Conclusion The exact logistic regression method has good applicability in the area of medical genetics .

  3. 人类21号染色体新STR遗传标记的法医及医学遗传学研究

    Exploring Novel STR Loci on Human Chromosome 21 for Forensic and Medical Genetics

  4. 加里温克是美国俄亥俄州州立大学心理学、神经科学、分子病毒学、免疫学和医学遗传学教授,是《大脑与饮食(YourBrainonFood)》一书作者。

    Professor of psychology , neuroscience , and molecular virology , immunology , and medical genetics at The Ohio State University , Wenk is author of the book Your Brain on Food .

  5. 本文介绍我们用C语言编制的人类与医学遗传学群体与家系资料分析计算机系统的菜单结构与各子系统的功能。

    The function and menu structure of the computer program package of the population and pedigree analysis of human and medical genetics designed by C language are described briefly in this paper .

  6. SAGE是集多功能于一体的医学遗传学群体与家系资料计算机分析系统。

    The statistical analysis for genetic epidemiololgy ( SAGE ) package consists of a set of computer programs for use in the analysis of family data .

  7. 路透社纽约健康消息最近一期《医学遗传学》杂志发表的研究报告显示,有性染色体异常(SCA)的男女也能够完成高中学业,做全职工作甚至结婚和生小孩。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - Men and women with sex chromosome abnormalities ( SCA ) are able to complete high school , hold full-time jobs , marry and have children , according to a new report .

  8. 方法:实验于2003-09/10哈尔滨医科大学医学遗传学研究室完成。取体质量200g左右的健康雄性SD大鼠,常规胶原酶消化法原代培养大鼠血管平滑肌细胞。

    METHODS : The study was finished in the Research Room of Genetics of Harbin Medical University between September and October 2003.Healthy male SD rats , weighing about 200 g , were used .

  9. 《医学遗传学》网络教学课件库的建立与应用

    The Construction and Application of Net-teaching Courseware in Medical Genetics

  10. 构建以问题为基础的新型医学遗传学课堂教学模式

    Construction of a new problem-based teaching model of medical genetics

  11. 医学遗传学的一个重要问题&两性畸形

    An important problem in medical genetics & abnormal sexual differentiation

  12. 医学遗传学实验考试方法的改革

    Reforming Genetics Experiment Examination Method and Improving Practical Operation Ability

  13. 进一步探索和进行医学遗传学教学改革势在必行。

    Further exploration and practice of reform is very necessary .

  14. 中医院校《医学遗传学》教学实践和思考

    Teaching Practice and Thinking of Medical Genetics in College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  15. 七年制医学遗传学实验教学效果调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Teaching Effect of Medical Genetics Experiment in Seven-year Program

  16. 医学遗传学与相关课程之间的整合和衔接的研究

    The research on the integration and linkage between medical genetics and its related courses

  17. 职业技术学院医学遗传学课程开发研究

    Exploration and Study of the Courses of Medical Genetics in Vocational and Technical Colleges

  18. 医学遗传学教学素材库模式的研究

    Pattern Design of Medical Genetics Teaching Material Library

  19. 医学遗传学教学实践与课程建设

    Medical genetics teaching practice and curriculum construction

  20. 目的从医学遗传学角度探讨性别发育异常的病因。

    Objective To study the cause of sexual development abnormality in respect of medical genetics .

  21. 浙江省医学遗传学重点实验室

    Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Medical Genetics

  22. 关于大专《医学遗传学基础》课程教材的整改建议

    Suggestion about medical genetics base in textbook

  23. 美国医师执照考试对我国医学遗传学教学的启示

    Enlightenment from United States medical licensing examination ( USMLE ) upon Chinese medical genetics education

  24. 这是阿伯丁大学医学遗传学系的网页。

    This is the web page of Department of Mental Health , University of Aberdeen .

  25. 探讨新形式下细胞生物学与医学遗传学实验教学的方法和手段。

    To explore means of experimental teaching of cell biology and medical genetics in recent situation .

  26. 其先修课程为分子生物学、病理学、医学遗传学、生物化学、放射卫生学等。

    Pre-medical courses are molecular biology , pathology , Medical genetics , biochemistry , radiation health studies .

  27. 通过问卷方法调查我校首次开设的医学遗传学实验课在教学内容、教学方法等方面所做的初步探索,及时总结经验并提出改进措施。

    Questionnaire was made to investigate teaching effect and further improve teaching quality of medical genetics experiment .

  28. 医学遗传学教学改革

    Teaching reform in medical genetics

  29. 提高学生实际操作能力;医学遗传学实验考试方法的改革

    Promoting the students ' practical operation ability ; Reforming Genetics Experiment Examination Method and Improving Practical Operation Ability

  30. 对人类与医学遗传学及遗传流行病学研究都很有实用价值。

    It is a valuable and practical tool for the studies of human genetics , medical genetics and genetic epidemiology .