
To guarantee the objective monitor went well full-time personnel in the Department of Nosocomial Infection Control supervised the implementation of the interventions regularly , found the problems and adjusted interventions in time .
Professional Work of the Department of Hospital Infection Management
METHODS As a department of infection management of the hospital , it must fully utilize the experiences of experts to instruct groups of infection inspection to exert function efficiently in infection management .
RESULTS Department for management of hospital infection should follow the trend of the infectious disease , do well functional work to prevent , control , monitor , report , early warn , consult , guide , supervise , inspect the infectious diseases , etc.
A-mong 76 hospitals 85 . 5 % have set up department of NI control and management leaded by director or vice-director of hospital .
The diagnosis of nosocomial infection based on the medical records from doctors and the monitoring data from the hospital infection control Department .