
  • 网络medical technology
  1. 医学技术突飞猛进。

    Medical technology has advanced considerably

  2. Sinha和Barry说,就像发展中国家的移动电话技术绕过了铜缆固话技术,医学技术的创新有潜力克服资源限制。

    Innovation in medical technology has the potential to overcome resource limitations just as cell phone technology by-passed copper-wire landlines in the developing world , say Sinha and Barry .

  3. PET(正电子发射成像)是当今高层次的核医学技术。

    PET ( Positron Emission Tomography ) is the most advanced technology now in nuclear medicine , it integrates many up-to-date technologies in nuclear science , electronics , computer , data processing , etc.

  4. 医疗行业是高风险行业,医学技术是在不断发展和提高的,医疗事故的发生有其必然性。

    Medical profession is a high-risk profession and malpractice is inevitable .

  5. 关于医学技术的一种新的观点影响了保健质量。

    A new perspective on how medical technology affects healthcare quality .

  6. 医生完全依赖于现代医学技术。

    The doctors depend on the technology of modern medicine completely .

  7. 再生医学技术在多学科的临床应用与展望

    Prospects and the application of regenerative medical technique in multidisciplinary clinical practice

  8. 临床医学技术评估指标体系研究

    Study on the Index System of Clinical Medicine Technology Assessment

  9. 数字化手术室属于信息技术与医学技术的交叉点。

    Digital operating room is the combination of information and medical technology .

  10. 国家卫生部彭玉副部长谈医学技术评估

    Medical technology assessment stated by Peng Yu , Vice minister of Ministry health

  11. 医学技术与工程学院实验平台的创建与实践

    Construction of Experimental Platform and Its Practice in Medical Technology and Engineering College

  12. 伽玛刀的医学技术评估

    Medical technology assessment on ' gamma knife '

  13. 影像诊断在现代医学技术革新中的成绩最为辉煌。

    Tomographic diagnosis has made great progress in the revolution of modern medical technology .

  14. 生殖医学技术进展的文化遐想

    Culture Review on Evolution of Reproduction Medicine Technology

  15. 医学技术的进展使传染病的预防与控制取得了重要成果。

    Development of medical technologies results in important progress in infectious disease prevention and control .

  16. 管理型医疗保健与医学技术评估

    Managed care and evaluation of medical techniques

  17. 本研究构建了一套临床医学技术评估指标体系。

    This study constructed an index system of clinical medicine technology assessment ( ISCMTA ) .

  18. “电脑断层扫描术”是最广为人知的医学技术,主要用于人体内部检查。

    Computerised tomography is most familiar as a medical technique for examining people 's insides .

  19. (尤指知识)发展,进步医学技术突飞猛进。

    Medical technology has advanced considerably .

  20. 数字医学技术之我见

    The View of Digital Medicine Technology

  21. 构建能力本位的高职口腔医学技术实践教学体系

    Construction of the Practice Teaching System of Ability Standard in Higher Vocational Education of Dental Technology

  22. 天主教大学,课程包括制药学,医学技术,计算机等。

    University of the Immaculate conception-catholic university ; courses include computer engineering , pharmacy and medical technology .

  23. 基因医学技术引发的一系列伦理问题正是法律规范的中心内容。

    A chain of ethical issues triggered by the technology is exactly the main content of legal rules .

  24. 由于医学技术的进步,心脏外科手术并不像以前那么危险了。

    Because of advances in medical technology , heart surgery is not as risky as it formerly was .

  25. 大卫说,医学技术进步允许医院通过缩短住院时间节省住院费用。

    Adances in medical technology are allowing hospitals to sae money by shortening hospital stays , Daid said .

  26. 不治之症的标准是个相对的医学技术问题,并且在现实社会确实存在。

    The criterion of incurable disease is relatively a problem in medical science , which actually exists nowadays .

  27. 近年马伯英先生从医学技术的角度,推断鸣鹤是来自大秦的景教医师。

    Through exploring medical technology , Ma Bo-ying claims that he is a Nestorian Doctor from the Roman Empire .

  28. 培养与企业零距离无缝对接口腔医学技术应用型人才模式研究与实践

    Study and practice : models of practice teaching of zero distance and seamless connection for training applied talents of stomatology technology

  29. 就目前医学技术而言,器官移植是挽救器官功能丧失或衰竭病人生命的唯一手段。

    For the current medical technology , organ transplantation is the only way of saving patients with loss of organ function or failure .

  30. 笔者介绍了医学技术评估过程中技术评估优先顺序的确定方法与步骤。

    The paper introduces the methods and steps of priority setting in health technology assessment . What follows are some of the steps involved .