
qū bié
  • difference;distinction;distinguish;differentiate;discriminate;make a distinction between;draw a line between;separate out;tell apart
区别 [qū bié]
  • [distinguish;differentiate;difference] 区分;辨别

  • 区别不同情况

  • [distinction] 差别;不同之处

  • 固有区别

  • 没有区别

区别[qū bié]
  1. 他再也分不清幻想与现实之间的区别了。

    He could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality .

  2. 区别真实和虚构是重要的。

    It 's important to distinguish fact from fiction .

  3. 我们得把两起事件区别开来。

    We need to draw a distinction between the two events .

  4. 很难分辨出这两个版本有什么区别。

    It was hard to tell the difference between the two versions .

  5. 相互竞争的品牌之间往往看不出明显的区别。

    There is often no discernible difference between rival brands .

  6. 有许多特征使这一物种与其他物种区别开来。

    A number of features discriminate this species from others .

  7. 这两个观点有根本区别。

    There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view .

  8. 游客与当地人之间的区别一望即知。

    You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives .

  9. 保守主义和自由主义的区别在哪里?

    Wherein lies the difference between conservatism and liberalism ?

  10. 哲学家过去习惯不把艺术和科学区别开来。

    Philosophers did not use to make a distinction between arts and science .

  11. 我与萨拉的根本区别在于我们对金钱的态度。

    The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money .

  12. 这些语言存在结构上的区别。

    The languages are structurally different .

  13. 社区广播电台和商业广播电台一直是有区别的。

    There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio .

  14. 恐怖主义和其他暴力行为的区别是什么?

    What separates terrorism from other acts of violence ?

  15. 她对二手资料和一手资料的引用毫无区别。

    She quotes secondary and primary sources without distinction .

  16. 智人和其他生物的区别在于大脑。

    What distinguishes homo sapiens from every other living creature is the mind .

  17. 很难将传说和事实区别开来。

    It is difficult to separate legend from truth

  18. 这一点区别也没有。

    It makes not one jot of difference .

  19. 大多数患者的病症都很相似,鲜有明显的区别。

    Most patients have a constellation of diseases , with few clear-cut distinctions between them

  20. 科学工作与艺术的区别在于它与人类进步有着必然联系。

    Scientific work is differentiated from art by its necessary connection with the idea of progress .

  21. 这些思维习惯忽略了普通和正常之间的区别。

    These habits of thinking elide the difference between what is common and what is normal .

  22. 电池充电系统和半个世纪前基本上没什么区别。

    Battery charging systems remain basically the same as those in use half a century ago .

  23. 成功者与失败者的区别在于成功者能够学以致用。

    The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people put into practice the things they learn

  24. 辛格先生想在国家公共部门为下层印度人保留职位,这是一种积极的区别对待。

    Mr Singh wanted to reserve places for low-caste Indians within the country 's public sector , as a form of positive discrimination .

  25. 该法令对待男女并无区别。

    The Act makes no distinction between men and women .

  26. 在区别这两者时应该相当谨慎。

    Due caution should be exercised in discriminating between the two .

  27. 要区别主要的和次要的任务。

    A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary tasks .

  28. 他对我们一视同仁,毫无区别。

    He is fair to us without distinction .

  29. 只有训练有素的人才能把这两幅画区别开来。

    Only a trained eye can discriminate between the two paintings .

  30. 这两个词在意义上没有区别。

    There is no difference in meaning between the two words .