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  • 网络Beijing Painting Academy
  1. 杨延文男,1939年出生于河北深县。北京画院艺委会顾问,一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员。

    Yang Yanwen , male , born in1939 in Shenxian of Hebei Province , Art Council Advisor , First-Class Artist of Beijing Painting Academy , and Member of China Artists Association .

  2. 2005年重构,北京画院美术馆,北京。

    In2005 , Reconstruction , Art Museum of Beijing Art Academy , China .

  3. 同年参加在北京画院举办的“盛世风华艺术大展”;

    In the same year , took part in Golden Age 's elegance Art Exhibition held by Beijing Fine Art Academy ;

  4. 艾轩,著名诗人艾青之子,北京画院画家,中国现代美术乡土写实主义的代表人物。

    Ai Xuan , a famous Chinese painter and the representative figure of the rustic realism in contemporary art history . He is the son of Ai Qing , a celebrated poet of China .

  5. 邢少臣男,1955年出生于北京。中国国家画院花鸟画研究室主任、一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员。

    Xing Shaochen , male , born in1955 in Beijing , Director of Flower and Bird Painting Studio of China National Academy of Painting , First-Class Artist and Member of China Artists Association .