
  1. 驴子的叫声传不到天上。

    The braying of an ass does not reach heaven .

  2. 这种信号传不到大脑里。

    The signal never reaches the brain .

  3. 我的声音传不远。

    My voice doesn 't carry well .

  4. 或不论何处,只要是永恒的天使敲响,大海的钟声传不到他们的地方

    Or wherever cannot reach them the sound of the sea bell 's Perpetual angelus .

  5. His束逆传不应期心室早搏刺激鉴别间隔隐匿性旁道与房室结折返性心动过速

    Distinguishing of Concealed Septal Accessory Pathway and Atrioventricular Node Reentrant Tachycardia Using the Ventricular Extra-Stimulus During Tachycardia His Bundle Refractory

  6. 老师的话从来传不到我这里,那些话就好像掉到了地上一样。

    Liz : The teacher 's words never seemed to reach me . Words just seemed ... fall on the floor .

  7. 但不幸的是,当我们深切地去怀念这个人的时候,我们所说的话,已经传不到最需要听这些话的人的耳里了。

    Unfortunately , as we lovingly remember this person , our words fall short of the ears that most needed to hear them .

  8. 被蜘蛛螫咬后,昆虫的大脑继续沿着神经传送信息,然而这些指示永远传不到肌肉。

    After a spider bite , an insect 's brain continues to telegraph messages down its nerves , but the instructions never get delivered to the muscles .

  9. 国家形象危机的出现一般有两种情况:一种是与危机事件相伴随的形象危机;一种是传播失当(当传不传和不正确地传播)造成的形象危机。

    Commonly there are two kinds of situations which cause national image crisis , one is caused by a crisis event , and the other is caused by improper communication .

  10. 当时他们悬浮在高空中,周围一片昏暗,既看不见地上的反光,也听不到地上的人声,连海洋的澎湃声也传不到他们的耳朵里。

    No reflection of light , no sound from inhabited land , no roaring of the ocean could have reached them , through the obscurity , while suspended in those elevated zones .

  11. 奥西里斯神是古埃及最为重要、最受崇拜的神明之一,有关他的神话传说在古埃及三千多年的历史长河中流传不息,对古埃及宗教和王权产生了深远的影响。

    Osiris is one of most important and worshiped gods in Ancient Egypt , about his myth spreaded and lasted more than three thousand years throughout the history of Ancient Egypt and had a far-reaching influence on religion and kingship .

  12. 比如,中国古代哲学家孔子有句关于自我反省的名言:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?”

    For instance , one of Chinese ancient philosopher Confucius 's well-known sayings about self-introspection is : " Every day I do self-inspection on three aspects : Were my suggestions to others betraying his own perspective ? Was my conversation with classmates and co-believers not congruent with the facts ?

  13. 作者的译码器同捕错译码器一样易于硬件实现,并且能够用于传码率不满足R<1/t的情况。

    The decoder is as easy to be implemented in hardware as an error-trapping decoder , and can be used when R < 1 / t is not available .

  14. 研究:帅爸好相貌传女不传儿。

    Attractive fathers do not pass their looks on to sons .

  15. 液传机车不停车换工况挡系统可行性研究

    The study of feasibility for the non-stopping gear changing system

  16. 在该模型中,同时考虑了缝面在法向和切向方向的材料非线性,接缝张开时,缝面不传压不传剪不传拉;

    Material non linearity is considered in both the normal and the tangential directions of the joint .

  17. (二)传内容不善于迅速地反映和宣传某一个紧急任务,不善于很及时地批驳敌人。

    Our propaganda fails to promptly reflect and publicize certain urgent tasks and refute what the enemy alleges .

  18. 我打开窗户,外面院子传来不平常的,醉汉的笑声和不稳的脚步声。

    I throw open my windows and from the yard outside came the hot uncommon sounds of bibulous laughter and unsteady steps .

  19. 我们在大厅后面听不清演讲人讲话,因为她的声音传得不太远。

    We could n 't hear the speaker at the back of the hall because her voice does n 't carry very well .

  20. 济南老字号在东门后面,晚报曾经报道过,好几代了,传儿不传女。

    Jinan East Gate at the back of old , once Evening News reported , several generations , and Chuan-Chuan female infants do not .

  21. 但是,由于铜鼓的铸造技术“秘不外传”或“传男不传女”,到清代后己经失传。

    However , as Tonggu Foundry Technology " ST is not exported " or " male-female " to have been lost after the Qing Dynasty .

  22. 正由于这些艺术成就,使《三国演义》超出了其他历史演义之作,久传而不衰。

    Just because of such artistic merits , Romance of Three Kingdoms has achieved greater success than other historical novels , and has been a best seller for centuries .

  23. 水性油墨粘度偏低时,网点扩大较严重,还会造成色彩变淡、密度降低、清晰度下降、传墨不均匀等弊病。

    Lower water-based ink viscosity , greater the dot gain . In addition it will result in color dim , density reduction , lower definition , ink transfer poorly .

  24. 这样看来,我的报酬是什麽呢?就是传布福音时白白地去传,不享用我在传福音上所有的权利。

    What is my reward then ? That preaching the gospel , I may deliver the gospel without charge , that I abuse not my power in the gospel .

  25. 吾日而三省吾身;为人谋而不忠乎?于朋友交而不信乎?传而不习乎?

    Every day I examine myself time and time again : have I been unfaithful in giving counsels to others ? Have I been insincere in getting along with my friends ? Have I failed to review what I have been taught ?

  26. 针对南水北调工程设计中存在计算量大、结构形式复杂、受力与传力不明确等特点,拟探求一种简便、快捷的结构设计方法。

    To counter the problems of large amount of calculation , complex structure , uncertain bearing and transfer load in the design of the engineering of allocating water from the south to the north of China , we want to seek a simple and convenient method of structure design .

  27. 它言不可传,甚至不可意会。

    I had no words to explain with , not even images to explain .

  28. 但也有传来一些不好的消息。

    But theres also some bad news .

  29. 佛教需要政治的护持弘传,如不护持弘传,何能实现佛教的主张?

    Buddhism needs the state to spread its teachings ; without the state , how can the teachings be realized ?

  30. 从投石机的彼端传来一声不太清晰的盘问:是谁?

    On the far side of the catapult , a muffled voice called out a challenge . Who goes there ?