
  1. 北京大兴国际机场定于明年9月投入使用,它将把中国首都提升到航空领域的顶级水平。

    Scheduled to open next September , the Beijing Daxing International Airport will lift China 's capital into the stratosphere of aviation superlatives .

  2. 北京大兴国际机场投入运营近一年以来,已接待超过1000万人次的旅客。

    Beijing 's Daxing International Airport has handled more than 10 million passengers since it was put into operation less than a year ago .

  3. 截至6月27日,中国南方航空公司每天将有一班往返于武汉天河国际机场和北京大兴国际机场的航班。

    China Southern Airlines is operating one round-trip flight between Wuhan Tianhe International Airport and Beijing Daxing International Airport every day through June 27 .

  4. 城际铁路将毗邻河北省的雄安新区与包括北京大兴国际机场在内的北京城区连接起来。

    The intercity railroad links Xiong'an New Area in neighboring Hebei Province with urban areas of the Chinese capital , including the Beijing Daxing International Airport .

  5. 这些地区包括北京副中心、大兴国际机场、2022年北京冬奥会场馆,以及作为国家政治和文化中心的市中心区域。

    The areas include the city 's sub-center , Daxing International Airport , 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics venues , and the area in the middle of the city that the country 's political and cultural centers .

  6. 北京第二个大型机场——北京大兴国际机场被设计成海星的形状。

    Beijing Daxing International , the city 's second major airport , was designed in the shape of a starfish .