
  • 网络Beijing Primary School
  1. 我是你们的老朋友,北京小学的左思彤。

    I am your old friend Zuo Sitong from Beijing Primary School .

  2. 北京小学猪流爆发源于一学生家的佣人。

    Mass flu infection at Beijing school caused by family servant .

  3. 通过问卷调查,文献研究以及对当前北京小学体育发展现状的全面分析、研究,提出北京市小学体育的发展对策。

    Through the Questionnaire 's documentary references and the present information about the development of Beijing Primary schools ' physical education , the article will make analysis and study on the present situation and the development policy of Beijing Primary schools ' physical education .

  4. 北京小学禁止学生课间玩耍的现象在全国其他地区也普遍存在,有的学校禁止学生课间在室外玩耍,有的允许学生在楼道里活动,但是不得在楼道走廊里跑跳。

    There 's a trend here in Beijing but also in other parts of China of not letting kids go run around and have fun . In some places , students are not allowed to go outside the classroom or go on the corridors , but are not allowed to run around and jump .

  5. 北京市小学一、二年级体育锻炼的标淮及效果的研究

    Standards and effectiveness of physical exercises for the first ind second grade pupils in Beijing

  6. 研究对象是一位就读于北京某小学的流动儿童。

    The subject is a migrant child who is studying in a primary school in Beijing .

  7. 北京市小学一、二、三年级约52万名学生计划于6月15日复课。

    Classes for around 520000 students in the first , second and third grades of elementary schools in Beijing are scheduled to resume on June 15 .

  8. 北京市某小学雨水利用案例分析

    Case Analysis of Rainwater Utilization in an Primary School of Beijing City

  9. 北京教育学院小学科学教师培训研究与实践

    Research and Practice of primary science teacher Training in Beijing Institute of Education

  10. 北京市某小学高年级学生青春期健康教育现状分析

    Adolescence health education status among senior grade pupils from a primary school in Beijing

  11. 对北京市城区小学肥胖生的现状调查及对策研究

    The Research on Current Status and Countermeasure for Obese Students of Primary School in Beijing

  12. 现在谭先生的女儿已经是北京一所小学二年级的学生了。

    Tan 's daughter is a second year student of a primary school in Beijing .

  13. 由于想为支教做好准备,我曾到北京几所小学去听课。

    In order to prepare for my post , I attended several primary school classes in Beijing .

  14. 从北京市普通小学和特殊学校中随机抽取了188名教师进行问卷调查。

    In this investigation , 188 teachers were sampled randomly from the primary and special schools in Beijing .

  15. 在北京一家小学里,学生都称他们都能拿到春节红包。

    Students at a primary school in Beijing say they all have received red envelopes during the Spring Festival .

  16. 不过,近年来外来儿童已被允许就读北京市的小学。政策上的这一让步,令许多外来务工人员可以将年幼的子女带在身边。

    Nonetheless , in recent years they have been permitted to attend primary school in the city , a concession that has allowed many migrant couples to keep young children by their side .

  17. 主要是西安市、北京市的小学,发现其主要的三种功能空间&普通教室、特殊教室和教师办公室所存在的问题,以及建筑内环境和建筑外环境的不足之处,提出改进的方向。

    And discovery the problems of the three main space , general classroom , special classroom and teacher Office , and the problems of the environment inside and outside ; and raise improving direction .

  18. 张秋实现在在北京市一所小学上五年级。

    Zhang is now in grade five at a Beijing primary school .

  19. 北京市西城区小学女生体力活动现状

    The physical activity pattern of elementary female students living in Xicheng District of Beijing

  20. 北京山区3所小学学龄儿童膳食营养素摄入量与生长发育状况研究

    Dietary Nutrients Intakes and Growth and Development Status of School-age Children in Beijing Mountainous Area

  21. 北京市朝阳区小学体育舞蹈开展形式多数以兴趣班的形式存在。

    The Beijing chaoyang district elementary school sports dance forms most exists in the form of interest class .

  22. 设计图案包括地铁票、北京地铁地图、小学课本有趣的设计等等。

    The symbols include subway tickets , maps of the Beijing subway , the interesting designs of primary school texts etc.

  23. 违反规定将面临重罚。在红色警报解除之前,北京的幼儿园、小学和私立培训学校也采取停课措施。气象预报显示造成雾霾的主要原因是缺乏气流。

    Until the alert is lifted , Beijing 's kindergartens , primary schools and private training schools are also Forecasters are suggesting the main reason for the heavy smog is a lack of air flow .

  24. 影响小学生对武术的态度的因素复杂多样。就所调研的北京市的部分小学校而言,影响因素为:自身因素、教学因素、学校环境因素、家庭环境因素、社会环境因素等。

    The influencing factors of the attitude of Beijing pupils on Wushu are complex and diverse and the influence degree has been ranked as : pupils own factor , teaching factor , school environmental factor , family environmental factor , social factor etc.

  25. 实现教师角色转变把语文课改实验推向深入&新世纪小学语文课程改革2002年研讨会暨北京师大版《小学语文》二、四册教材培训综述

    Deepen the experiment of primary Chinese through the change of the roles of teachers-The summary of workshop of New Century Primary Chinese Reform & the training program of teaching materials of Primary Chinese ( Vol.2 and Vol. 4 ) by BNU press

  26. 随着北京2008中、小学生奥林匹克教育计划的颁布实施,北京市中、小学的奥林匹克教育已陆续开展起来。

    With the promulgation and implement of the Youth Olympic Education Plan of Beijing 2008 , the Olympic Education is carrying out in preliminary and high school of Beijing .

  27. 记者从北京市中医药管理局获悉,为了在学生中普及基础中医药知识,下学期起,北京市各小学将统一开设中医课程。

    Primary schools in Beijing will open Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) classes during the following semester in order to spread knowledge regarding basic TCM among students , according to the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration Bureau .