
  1. 吉林省日本松干蚧几种化学防治方法试验研究

    Experimental study on several chemical methods of controlling Japanese pine bast scale

  2. 辣椒病毒病化学防治方法研究

    Studies on Chemical Control of Pepper Mosaic Virus

  3. 本文还结合一般化学防治方法,提出了一种防治效益的分析与评价的一般方法。

    General methods for analysing and evaluating the benefit from different management strategies for pest control have been also proposed .

  4. 人们已意识到传统的化学防治方法引起的副作用,由此提出了有害生物的综合治理策略。

    Nowadays , attention has been paid to the side effects of chemical insecticides control , a integrated pest management policy is presented .

  5. 因此采取化学防治方法控制虫灾时,宜在低龄幼虫期进行。

    As a result , it is suitable to use chemical methods to control insect pest in the period of lower instar larvae .

  6. 本项研究解决了目前化学防治方法造成的农药残留及污染、害虫抗药性日益严重的问题,通过改变害虫生态环境达到有效杀灭害虫的目的。

    The study solved the problems such as chemical residue pollution and insect resistance development and killing insects by changing the insect ecological envionment .

  7. 最后在采用其它防治措施后,也应试用化学防治方法,例如,浸种、叶面喷药等。

    Finally , available chemical controls such as seed treatments and foliar sprays should be tested in the experiment after all other control methods are in place .

  8. 由于褐飞虱成、若虫喜阴湿环境,常群集于稻丛基部,且随其抗药性不断增强,给传统的化学防治方法带来一定的困难。

    The adults and nymphs prefer a damp environment , often clustered at the base of the rice plexus , and with the resistance constantly enhance and which bring some difficulties to traditional chemical control methods .

  9. 概述了管道水合物形成机理和条件,以及目前水合物的物理和化学的防治方法。

    The article summarizes the hydrates formation principle and condition in pipelines , and its physics and chemistry prevention method at present .

  10. 虽然天敌对蚜虫种群数量的增长有一定的抑制作用,但是在蚜虫影响小麦产量的关键期,若蚜虫数量在防治标准之上,仍需采用化学防治的方法。

    Although the natural enemies can inhibit the aphid population to some extent , the chemical controlling must be adopted in the key stage when the number of aphids is over the controlling norm to affect wheat yields .

  11. 综合防治技术是根据不同作物在不同生长时期综合应用农业防治、化学防治等多种方法,它是改善农业生态环境的有效措施。

    Integrating control technology is the effective measure to improve agricultural environment .

  12. 据此提出井下钻孔化学注浆的防治方法,可对该类水害的防治有指导意义和借鉴价值。

    A chemical grouting method is presented ; and it is found valuable references can be provided with the method for treating the water inrush hazards .

  13. 采取生物与化学防治相结合的方法控制病虫害的发生率。

    Take biological and chemical control methods to control a combination of the incidence of pests and diseases .

  14. 建议采用农业防治、生物防治和化学防治相结合的方法综合治理,达到消除虫源的目的。

    In this paper , the integrated control with the combination of agricultural control , biological and chemical control was suggested in eliminating the insect source .

  15. 方法目测法调查活蝇蛆孳生情况,采用环境治理与化学防治相结合的方法,观察控制效果。

    Methods Ocular estimation was used to observe the living conditions of live maggots an identify them , to choose effective chemical prevention and treatment methods and control effect was observed .