- 名chemoautotrophism

CO_ 2 fixation in the chemoautotrophic bacteria occurs via the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle , and most of the enzymes of the cycle are encoded by cbb genes .
On the bases of isolation and identification and with the help of batch or continuous suspended-growth and attach-growth culture , the microorganisms being able to degrade gaseous sulfide are mainly methylotrophy and chemoautotrophy which can oxidize sulfide to sulfate and carbon dioxide quantitatively .
Nitrification is the process of converting ammonia to nitrate via nitrite and is catalyzed by aerobic chemoautotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria ( AOB ) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria .
The column leaching experiments of the primary ore of copper sulfide with thermoacidophile , KY-2 strain , are conducted .
Experimental researches on the pathway of the chemoautotroph microbes utilizing solar energy
Effects of Nutrient Ingredient in Culture Medium on the Growth of Cordyceps militaris
The Species and Activity Research of Chemotroph Bacteria Using in Uranium Leaching by Bacteria
The energy exchange between natural semiconductor minerals and chemoautotroph microbes was investigated in details in this paper .
Sulfur bacteria Filamentous autotrophic chemosynthetic bacteria that derive energy by oxidizing sulfides to elemental sulfur and build up carbohydrates form carbon dioxide .
Furthermore , if it is substantiated that element sulphur exists in organic sulphur of coal , chemoautotrophic Thiobacillus will be used to remove the fraction of organic sulphur in coal .
Chemoautotrophic ammonia oxidation bacteria are responsible for the removal of ammonia nitrogen , which turns the ammonia nitrogen to the nitrite . This process is the important limiting step in the nitration reaction .
The nitrifying bacteria are chemosynthetic autotrophs .