
Gōu Jiàn
  • Gou Jian;King of Yue (Zhejiang-Fujian area)
勾践 [gōu jiàn]
  • [Gou Jian] (?-前 465 年) 春秋时越王。后为吴王夫差所败,困于会稽,屈辱于吴。乃用文种、范蠡为相,卧薪尝胆,立志复仇。十年生聚,十年教训,卒兴兵灭掉了吴国,继而北进,大会诸侯于徐州(山东滕县南),成为春秋后期的霸主

  1. 几年以后,勾践被放回越国。

    Several years later , he was set free .

  2. 后越王勾践卧薪尝胆,任用文种和范蠡重振国政。

    The King of Yue , Gou Jian submitted and sued for peace .

  3. 这石洞,后来人们称为勾践洞。

    Later , the cave was named after him .

  4. 然后,勾践抓住一个适当的机会消灭了吴国。

    Then Gou seized a favorable opportunity to wipe off the State of Wu .

  5. 勾践自贱为吴民,志在复国。

    Degrading himself as a Wu subject , Goujian prepared to restore his state .

  6. 为什么勾践要选择屈服和卧薪尝胆。

    Why choose Gou yield and Revival .

  7. 但太迟了,勾践听信了别人对他的谣言,逼他自杀了。

    Gou Jian believed the slanderous gossips about Wen and ordered Wen to kill himself .

  8. 越王勾践卧薪尝胆,于是有了“苦心人,天不负”这样的豪言壮语。

    Yue hardships , they have " good people who live day " such words .

  9. 通过这样的手段,勾践时刻不忘在吴国受到的耻辱。

    This way , he could remember his humiliations while serving under the State of Wu .

  10. 后来,勾践在徐州会见各诸侯国国君成为霸主。

    Later , King Gou Jian met the dukes in Xuzhou and gained hegemony among the states .

  11. 相传春秋时期,范蠡帮助越王勾践打败了吴国。

    Fan Li was an illustrious general of the State of Yue during the Spring and Autumn Period .

  12. 三年以后,他对越国发动了战争,抓住了越王勾践,

    Three years later , he led his army against the State of Yue and caught its king Gou Jian .

  13. 另一说是指齐桓公、晋文公、楚庄王、吴王阖闾和越王勾践。最早称霸的是齐桓公(公元前685~公元前643在位)。

    Duke Huan of Qi ( in the throne from 685 B.C. - 643 B.C. ) was the first over-lord .

  14. 如果能打败晋国,就等于在诸候国中当定了霸主,再回去收拾越王勾践也不算晚。

    After considering over and over again , they decided to try to defeat the Jin army by a surprise move .

  15. 同时,勾践的大臣还通过贿赂和外交阴谋从内部削弱吴国。

    During this time , his ministers also worked to weaken the State of Wu internally through bribes and diplomatic intrigue .

  16. 并指出越王勾践的为人,只可与他共患难,不宜与他同安乐。

    And it still pointed out that the King of Yue , Gou Jian could share distress with others but not happiness .

  17. 越王勾践率兵迎战,越大夫灵姑浮一戈击中阖闾,阖闾因伤逝世。

    King Gou-jian of Yue led the army to fight back and King Helu suffered an injury which led to his death .

  18. 被吴国打败之后,越王勾践卧薪尝胆,潜心发展农业,训练军队。

    Firstly defeated by the kingdom of Wu , Goujian , the king of Yue , applied himself to the development of agriculture and training his army .

  19. 在治理国家期间,作为一个国王,勾践从未享受富裕的生活,而是睡在柴火上,吃农民才吃的食物。

    All the while ruling his kingdom , Gou Jian never relished in riches as a king , but instead slept on sticks and eating food suited for peasants .

  20. 勾践是越国允常侯的儿子,曾被邻国吴国的国上夫差打败。

    Gou Jian was the son of Marquess Yun Chang of Yue . He was defeated and captured by King Fu Chai of Wu of the neighbouring State of Wu .

  21. 春秋时代,越国备吴国打败了。越王勾践和他的妻子都被带到吴国做苦工。

    In the Spring and Autumn Period , the state of Wu defeated the state of Yue , and took the king of Yue , Gou Jian , and his wife prisoner .

  22. 为了复仇,夫差让勾践住在他父亲墓旁的破石屋里天天看墓、喂马。

    In order to avenge his father 's death , Fu let him live in a shabby stone house by his father 's tomb and ordered him to raise horses for him .

  23. 勾践时期采取了一系列的社会经济措施,一度缩小了越国同中原其他国家的发展差距,达到了灭吴称霸的目的。

    However , the economic system under the rule of feudal lords , which once helped promote the socioeconomic development of Yue State , went against the trend of economic development in China at that time .

  24. 夫差让勾践住在虎丘山其父阖闾墓旁的山洞中,为他养马、打扫庭院。老板告诉他们附近一个曾被用做马厩的山洞里可以栖身。

    The King of Wu had his captive put up in a cave near the tomb of his father He Lu and told him to work as his groom and also to sweep the palace grounds .

  25. 勾践与妻子在吴国忍辱负重服务了三年后,获得了吴工的信任并被放回越国,回国后勾践恢复了统治,进行了一些重要的改革。

    After three years of servitude and humiliation with his wife in the State of Wu , he gained the trust of King Fu Chai who eventually allowed him to return to his state where he resumed his rule and initiated major reforms .

  26. 越王勾践,公元前496年至公元前465年在位。勾践是将近春秋末期的越王,名叫姒勾践。越国在现在的上海,浙江北部和江苏南部。

    King Gou Jian of Yue ( reigned 496 B. C. ~ 465 B. C. ) was the king of the Kingdom of Yue ( present-day Shanghai , northern Zhejiang and southern Jiangsu ) near the end of the Spring and Autumn Period , named Luo Gou Jian .

  27. 传说越国国王勾践灭了吴国之后,吴国国王的妃子西施被勾践的妻子绑在一块大石头上面投人大海,以防止自己的丈夫被西施的美貌所勾引。

    According to the legend of the concubine , Xi Shi , of the king of the state of Wu was thrown in the sea tied to a huge stone by the wife of Gou Jian , the king of Yue who destroyed Wu , to prevent her husband being seduced by her beauty .

  28. 周敬王二十六年(公元前494),吴王夫差为父报仇,兴兵败越,越王勾践求和,送给吴王珍宝美女西施,自己亲自为夫差牵马。

    In 494 B. C. , King Fuchai of the Wu state , the son of Helu , attacked Yue to seek revenge . Yue was defeated . King Goujian sued for peace , sending jewels and Xishi ( a great beauty in Chinese history ) to the Wu king , and leading the horse for Fuchai himself .