
yuè fèn pái
  • calendar
月份牌 [yuè fèn pái]
  • [calendar] [口]∶卡片式的单页年历,方言指日历

  1. 民国时期月份牌广告的文化特征探析

    Analysis on Cultural Features of Calendar Advertisement in Republic of China

  2. 民国时期也是月份牌广告的鼎盛时期。

    Calendar also got the golden age in the Republic of China period .

  3. 月份牌广告画记录着一个时代、一段历史、种文化。

    Calendar advertisement picture recorded the age , the history and the culture .

  4. 月份牌最早印刷发行的时间分析

    Analysis on the Earliest Publishing Time of Lunar Plate

  5. 第五章,得出月份牌广告对时尚广告的启示。

    The fifth chapter obtains the calendar advertisement to the modern fashionable advertisement enlightenment .

  6. 广告与时髦&月份牌绘画

    Advertising and Fashion & Paining of Calendar

  7. 现世的关照&民国月份牌画中的女性形象分析

    Earthly Care & the Analysis of Female Images on Calendar Painting in Republic of China

  8. 月份牌画女性形象之再读

    Re-Reading the Female Images on the Calendar

  9. 都市民俗学视野下的上海月份牌研究

    A Research of the " Calenda " in Shanghai under the View of Urban Folklore

  10. 月份牌是被商家企业借用进行商品广告或促销的重要手段。

    Calendar Picture was an important means for advertisements or goods promotion that was used by enterprise .

  11. 在20世纪上半叶,月份牌是一种重要的商业招贴艺术形式。

    In half of the 20th century , Calendar Picture was an important art form of Commercial poster .

  12. 本文旨在对“五四”前后月份牌中的“女学生”图像进行视觉文化研究。

    This article is intended to make visual culture studies of " schoolgirls " in calendar posters around May Fourth Movement .

  13. 十九世纪末至二十世纪上半叶上海月份牌画及其价值研究

    The Research on Calendar Picture of Shanghai and Its Value in the Late 19th Century to the First Half of 20th Century

  14. 月份牌在中西文化艺术交流方面起到了不可替代的作用,具有传统的民族特征和广泛的传播力。

    Month in Western culture art Exchange plays an irreplaceable role , with traditional national identity and the wide spread of power .

  15. 杭稚英(1901-1947)是民国时期上海最富盛名的月份牌画家和商业美术家。

    Hang Zhiying ( 1901-1947 ) is one of the most famous calendar picture painter and commercial artist in the Republican period .

  16. 水彩画从19世纪中期,在上海以月份牌的形式出现以后,就在中国大地上扎了根。

    Watercolor rooted in China form the mid-19th century when it came on the scene in Shanghai in the form of calendar painting .

  17. 1914年郑曼陀独创的“擦笔水彩画法”受到时人的普遍欢迎,从此便在月份牌画中广泛采用。

    When Zheng Mantuo first created Calendar Picture in the technique of watercolor painting by brush rubbing , and got well receive in1914 .

  18. 旧梦重温&谈老上海月份牌对当代商业招贴设计的启示

    Renewing a Sweet Experience of Bygone Days & On Inspiration of Calendar Art of the Old Shanghai to the Design of Commercial Poster Today

  19. 月份牌是中西文化结合、传统与现代结合更是实用与审美结合的画种。

    Cards of the month is a combination of Chinese and Western culture , tradition and modern art kind of combination is a combination of practical and aesthetic .

  20. 从分析我国广告发展的历史入手,从具体的广告形式“月份牌”中得出广告发展与时代之间的相关性理论。

    The relation between advertisement development and times was analyzed from the advertising form of Almanac brand , starting from analysis of advertisement development history of our country .

  21. 通过以上研究,指出月份牌广告对中国近代社会产生的多方面影响及对当今广告跨文化传播的有益启示。

    Through the above study , it pointed out the important influence of the calendar cards on modern society of China and useful enlightenment for Cross-cultural communication in today .

  22. 同时探讨西方文化影响因素的传入途径,从历史背景中寻找这些途径的传入给月份牌绘画带来的养分。

    While exploring the influence of Western culture , from the way in the background history of the search for the way in to the drawing board with the nutrient .

  23. 从论述月份牌广告的艺术特色入手,结合当下艺术设计现状及发展的困惑,讨论研究月份牌的个案特征对于今天的商业设计的现实意义。

    The meaning of the specific case of Shanghai Yuefen brand poster to modern business design was discussed beginning from analyzing its art characteristic and the baffle of modern art development .

  24. 再次结合实例通过对月份牌画家的作品风格进行分析、对比,试图更加详尽地了解月份牌绘画所蕴含的中西合璧的元素。

    Again , for instance by artists on the style analysis , Comparison , and an attempt was made to a more detailed understanding , the painting represents the mixture of elements .

  25. 第四章结合我国现代时尚广告的发展现状,分析月份牌广告画与现代时尚广告之间的关系。

    The fourth chapter unifies the present situation of modern fashionable advertisement development in our country , and then analysis the relationship between the calendar advertisement picture and the modern fashionable advertisement .

  26. 月份牌画是这一时期商家为了更好地宣传产品赠送给消费者的广告画,具备了宣传、日历和装饰的功能。

    Calendar poster was appeared as a free gift for consumers in order to better promote the business products at that time . It combined with the functions of advertisement , calendar and decoration .

  27. 在以画室名义承接月份牌画的同时,杭稚英还将业务范围扩展到商标设计、商品包装,塑造了一批有影响力的商业品牌。

    In addition to the calendar picture painting business , Hang Zhiying also extended the scope of business to the logo design and packaging , and a group of influential business brands were created .

  28. 月份牌能够在当时成为风靡一时的艺术形式,完全有赖于中西文化、科技、思想观念等因素的完美结合。

    In art forms became the rage at that time of the month , totally depended on Chinese and Western culture , the perfect combination of technology , ideas and concepts , and other factors .

  29. 在对月份牌广告画的三个代表性阶段及创作群体进行梳理与回顾的同时,着重探讨了月份牌广告画的美学价值及社会学意义。

    Also in this article , I not only sort out the three representative stages and creative groups of advertising calendar posters , but also probe into the aesthetic value and sociological significance of it .

  30. 介绍了月份牌绘画形成的背景,研究了它与我国传统绘画及西方绘画的关联,并从题材、技法、风格、形式等方面对月份牌画的特征进行分析。

    Introduces the background of the calendar picture , research the association with Chinese painting and western painting , analyze the characteristics of subject matter , techniques , style , form with the calendar painting .