
  1. 从实践看,许多争议都是在劳动合同订立时隐藏下来的。

    In practice , there are many arguments during the concluding contract .

  2. 第一章主要讨论了劳动合同订立中的基本法律问题。

    The chapter one is about the basic theory about the labor contract .

  3. 劳动合同订立后,报当地劳动管理部门备案。动员一定数量的后备军,给以训练,准备上前线。

    The labor contracts shall , after being signed , be filed with the local labor management department for the record . Call up an adequate number of reserves and train them for service at the front .

  4. 经济性裁员是指劳动合同订立时所依据的客观经济情况发生重大变化,致使劳动合同无法履行,或者在经营中遇到严重困难,用人单位需要裁减比例众多成员的情形。

    The institution of economic layoffs is such a circumstance that the labor contract can not be effected or is in trouble because the objective circumstance of the labor contract has changed so much , which leads to economic layoffs of large proportion .

  5. 通过分析无固定期限劳动合同订立的几项条件,进而提出我国的无固定期限劳动合同立法为无固定期限劳动合同设置了过高的门槛,限定了订立无固定期限劳动合同的主体范围。

    By analyzing some conditions to set up unfixed-term labor contract , puts forward that the legislation of unfixed-term labor contract in our country installs the overtop doorsill for unfixed-term labor contract , restricts the principal part scope to set up unfixed-term labor contract .

  6. 具体体现在劳动合同的订立和解除、劳动工资制度、劳动用工制度等等。

    These embodies in the labor contract 's made and lifted of , the wage system , the labor and employment system and etc.

  7. 劳动合同有效订立后尚未履行完毕前,有时需要通过劳动合同变更使劳动合同适应客观情况的变化。

    Sometimes the modification of labor contract is needed to adapt to the modification of objective conditions after we sign it but has not performed it .

  8. 劳动合同尚未订立,劳动者和用人单位为了缔结劳动合同而相互了解对方。

    Labor contract has not conclude , laborer and unit of choose and employ persons work to conclude contract and the other side of understand one another .

  9. 劳动合同的订立是劳动者与用人单位经过一定程序,采用一定的形式,确定劳动合同内容,建立劳动关系的活动。

    Concluding the labor contract is the activity that the employer and employee base on the legal procedure and some form , agree the content of contract , and establish the labor relation .

  10. 劳动合同的订立,是指劳动者和用人单位经过相互选择和平等协商,就劳动合同条款达成协议,从而确立劳动关系并明确相互权利义务的法律行为。

    Concluding of labor contract refers to legal action which makes their right and duty clear through mutual choice and equal consult between employer and labor who reach an agreement on the labor contract clause .

  11. 其次要在劳动合同的订立、履行、变更、解除、终止、争议和诉讼等环节确立相应的应对策略和措施。

    And then in the labor contract to enter into , cany out , change , disarmament , termination , disputes and litigation and other aspects of the establishment of the corresponding strategies and measures to deal with .

  12. 如果劳动者提出订立无固定期限的劳动合同,应当订立无固定期限的劳动合同。

    A labour contract without a fixed term may be concluded if the worker so desires .

  13. 但我国劳动法就劳动合同订立的规定过于原则和概括,而缺乏现实操作性。

    But the provisions of concluding of labor contract in china is too principal and general in our labor law .

  14. 无效劳动合同是指所订立的劳动合同不符合法定条件,不能发生当事人预期的法律后果的劳动合同。

    Invalid labour contract is a contract which falls short of legal terms so as to fall flat legal effect .

  15. 论我国劳动合同制度&劳动合同在订立和解除中的问题分析

    On China Labor Contract

  16. 论我国劳动合同制度&劳动合同在订立和解除中的问题分析要切实保障集体劳动者和个体劳动者的合理利益,同时加强工商业管理工作,防止非法活动。

    And we should fully protect the legitimate interests of workers in collectively-owned enterprises and of those who are self-employed , improve management of industry and trade and prevent unlawful activities .

  17. 我国《劳动法》规定劳动合同应当书面订立,但现实中不签订书面劳动合同形成的事实劳动关系大量存在。

    As the Labour Law stipulates that labour contracts shall be in written form , but in reality , the de facto labour contracts without written forms are common .

  18. 简析《劳动合同法(草案)》关于劳动合同订立新规则对企业的影响

    On the Effect of Draft Labor Contract Law towards Enterprises from the Aspect of New Rule of Making Labor Contract

  19. 诚信原则贯穿劳动合同法的始终,在劳动合同的订立、履行、解除等各阶段都得到了充分的运用。

    The good faith principle has been carried on throughout all stages from formation , fulfillment to cancellation of the labor contract law .

  20. 将不具备劳动合同必备条款的就业协议纳入劳动合同订立阶段进行考察,通过劳动合同签订前双方的权利义务对其规制具有相当的理论风险。

    Employment agreement will not have labor contracts , especially the terms of the employment agreements must include labor contract stages of investigation , the labor contract signed by both parties prior to the rights and obligations of its regulation has considerable theoretical risk .

  21. 笔者认为在确认劳动关系时,不管社会组织与劳动者是否订立劳动合同,也不管订立何种劳动合同,而只考虑双方的权利义务关系与用工事实。

    I think when confirmed labor relations , no matter the social organization and laborer to whether to conclude labor contract , no matter what conclude labor contract , and only consider the rights and obligations of the parties and the labor relationship facts .

  22. 然后,对劳动关系协调法进行经济分析,分析了劳动合同不完全性、附合性、劳动合同的订立、履行和解除及其法律规制,分析了集体合同的正、负面效应;

    Then , gives economic analysis of the law of moderating labor relations , of the incompletion , the conformability , the conclusion , the fulfilling and the canceling of labor contract and their legal adjustments , of positive and negative effects of collective contract law .