
  1. 我国劳动合同违约金立法研究

    Research on the Liquidated Damages Legislation of China 's Labor Contract

  2. 本章对劳动合同违约责任的归责原则进行了深刻的阐述。

    This part elaborates the principles of liability fixation profoundly .

  3. 劳动合同违约金的法律探讨

    Research on Default Fine of Labour Contract

  4. 浅论劳动合同违约责任

    On the Liability for Breaking Labour Contract

  5. 劳动合同违约金问题是我国劳动合同立法和适法过程中的重要问题。

    The issue liquidated damages of labor contract is one of the most important issues that affect legislation and application of labor contract law .

  6. 本章还分析了劳动合同违约责任分别与违反合同订立前的先合同义务的缔约过失责任、违反合同关系消灭后的后合同义务责任的区别。

    In addition , chapter one also compares the liability of breach labor contract to the contracting fault liability of pre-contract obligation , and post-contract liability .

  7. 本文拟从劳动合同违约金的概念着手,分析我国劳动合同违约金制度,就违约金在劳动合同中的适用等方面谈一下自己的看法。

    This paper from the concept of labor contract liquidated damages to analyze our country labor contract system , the liquidated damages liquidated damages the suitable in labor contract talk about their own opinions .

  8. 其次,笔者指出劳动合同违约责任制度立法不足在现实生活中产生的问题为劳动争议纠纷不断攀升和现行的法律规定难以适应新时期司法机关解决人民内部矛盾的需求。

    The legislative blank of the liability of breach of labor contract has created a continuing rise of labor disputes and exiting provisions cannot meet the new requirements for the judicial authority to solve internal contradictions among people .

  9. 再次认真研究了我国劳动合同违约金制度存在的问题,如服务期的期限缺乏限制、适用范围稍显狭窄,竞业限制补偿金未规定最低标准,违约金调整请求权缺失。

    Again carefully studied our country labor contract penalty system problems , such as the service period duration lack of restrictions , slightly narrow applicable scope , the competition restriction compensation stipulated minimum standards , adjustment of the penalty claim loss .

  10. 因而,劳动合同违约金理论和制度的全面构建,对于保护劳动者合法权益和用人单位的自由经营权、财产权,促进劳动关系的协调发展具有十分重要的意义。

    Thus , the comprehensive building of theory and system of liquidated damages is of vital significance to protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees and property right of employers and , to promote a better balanced development of labor relations .

  11. 本文从倾斜立法,保护弱者的观念出发,运用历史考察、比较研究和规范分析等多种方法,对劳动合同违约责任的基本理论问题作了较全面系统的研究。

    On the basis of the principle of unbalanced legislation to protect the weak , this article presents a systematic research on the liability for the breach of labor contracts , which may apply a historical analysis , standard analysis as well as comparative research .

  12. 第二部分分析就业协议与劳动合同中违约金的法律效力问题。

    The second part analyzes the validity of employment agreement and labor contract .

  13. 学术界针对该制度存在的争议主要包括劳动者预告解除劳动合同是否违约、是否构成侵权,劳动合同法的规定是否矫枉过正。

    The academia is aimed at the system existence dispute includes workers advance to terminate the labor contract will default , would constitute an infringement , the provisions of the labor contract law are overcorrect .

  14. 论劳动合同的解除及其违约责任

    In terms of the termination and dissolution of the contract and its breaching responsibilities

  15. 孙说:“尽管合同规定若雇主单方解除劳动合同后要支付违约金,这点成本实际上是非常有限的”。

    Despite terms of compensation set for contract dismissal by the employers ," the cost of this law is actually very limited ," Sun said .

  16. 劳动合同解除中的违约金、赔偿金、经济补偿金这三种金钱交付形式虽有一定的牵连关系,但三者的性质、功能、适用条件都不尽相同,需要予以澄清。

    In the termination of labor contract , there are three types of damages : breach of contract damages , compensation damages , and damages for economic losses .