
  • 网络oculomotor paralysis;Third nerve palsy;paralysis of oculomotor nerve
  1. 3例动眼神经麻痹,其中1例1年以上仍无恢复;

    In 3 patients with oculomotor paralysis after surgery , one failed recover till one year .

  2. 4例动眼神经麻痹中3例完全恢复,1例稍有好转。

    Of the 4 cases presented with oculomotor paralysis were completely recovered , another case was improved .

  3. DSA在动眼神经麻痹检测中的应用

    The Application of DSA in Oculomotorius Paralysis Detecting

  4. 目的评价DSA在确诊孤立性动眼神经麻痹(isolatedoculomotornerveparesis,IONP)中的意义和作用。

    Objective To evaluate the value and effect of DSA in diagnosing isolated oculomotor nerve paresis .

  5. 其中蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)14例、动眼神经麻痹4例。

    14 patients were with subarachnoid hemorrhage and 4 patients with oculomotor nerve palsy .

  6. 结论对于孤立性动眼神经麻痹的患者,应行DSA检查除外动脉瘤的可能。

    Conclusion For patients with isolated third nerve palsy , DSA should be performed in order to exclude the brain aneurysms .

  7. 无论斜型还是水平型,动脉瘤均处于或接近于C1段最大弯曲处。39例出现动眼神经麻痹症状。

    All aneurysms located in or near the most sinuosity place in Cl. 39 cases appeared oculomotor nerve paralysis .

  8. 方法采用数字减影血管造影(DSA)对41例频发TIA患者(TIA组)及25例单纯动眼神经麻痹患者(对照组)进行检查。

    Methods Digital subtraction angiography ( DSA ) were performed in 41 patients with clustering TIA in the carotid artery supplying territory and in 25 patients with oculomotor nerve palsy as control .

  9. 3例双侧后交通动脉瘤,均为一侧动眼神经麻痹,而另一侧则无症状,2例颈内动脉C4段动脉瘤行载瘤动脉栓塞减压术后动眼神经麻痹得以恢复。

    Oculomotor nerve paresis in one side could be found in three patients with aneurysms in bilateral posterior communicating arteries . Oculomotor nerve paresis recovered in two cases with aneurysm in the internal carotid artery 's C 4 segment after a decompressed operation by embolizing aneurysms .

  10. 糖尿病性动眼神经麻痹与瞳孔改变的观察

    Observation on Diabetic Oculomotor Palsy and the Changes of Pupils

  11. 术后2例不全偏瘫,2例动眼神经麻痹,无死亡。

    Hemiplegia occurred in 2 cases and oculomotor nerve palsy in 2 cases .

  12. 后交通动脉瘤性动眼神经麻痹术后恢复情况的临床观察

    Postoperative recovery of aneurysm of posterior communicating artery-induced oculomotor palsy : clinical observation of 52 cases

  13. 动眼神经麻痹32例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of oculomotor palsy

  14. 其中外展神经麻痹4例,不完全性动眼神经麻痹2例,滑车神经麻痹1例。

    Of them had abducens paralysis ; 2 cases suffered from oculomotor paresis and 1 had trochlear paralysis .

  15. 报告102例大脑后交通动脉瘤,其中伴有动眼神经麻痹者61例。

    We reported 102 cases with aneurysm of posterior communication artery , of which 61 cases developed oculomotor nerve paralysis .

  16. 2例后循环动脉瘤及1例颈内后交通动脉瘤出现暂时性动眼神经麻痹。

    A transient oculomotor nerve paralysis appeared in 2 cases with posterior circulation aneurysms and in 1 case with ICA PCoA aneurysm .

  17. 报道21例以动眼神经麻痹为首发症状的糖尿病。男8例,女13例。

    We studied 21 patients ( male 8 , female 13 ) with diabetes who were oculomotor paralysis as the first symptom .

  18. 作者强调对于原因不明的动眼神经麻痹应高度怀疑后交通动脉瘤所致,以便早期诊断及治疗。

    Therefore , we believe that oculomotor nerve paralysis with unknown reasons may be caused mainly by aneurysm of posterior communication artery .

  19. 受累部位以动眼神经麻痹占首位为36.28%外展神经麻痹次之,占30.09%。

    Paralysis of oculomotor nerve accounted for 36.28 % of the primary affected region . Paralysis of abducens nerve accounted for 30.09 % .

  20. 术后并发持续性动眼神经麻痹3例,听力下降1例,声嘶1例。

    Postoperatively , persistent oculomotor palsy was occurred in 3 cases , hearing loss in 1 case , persistent hoarseness in 1 case .

  21. 18.6%的动眼神经麻痹作为后交通动脉瘤的首发体征及症状出现于动脉瘤破裂之前。

    Oculomotor nerve paralysis was the primary symptom and sign of breaking of the aneurysm in 18 6 % of cases with oculomotor nerve paralysis .

  22. 糖尿病是动眼神经麻痹的主要病因,亦是次要病因脑血管病的危险因素,必须积极干预。

    Diabetes is a major cause of oculomotor nerve palsy and a risk factor for cerebrovascular disease . It should be intervened actively . 4 .

  23. 术后除1例有动眼神经麻痹,另2例遗患侧眼失明外,无其它手术并发症。

    Postoperatively , permanent oculomotor nerve palsy was found in 1 case and homolateral blindness occurred in 2 cases . There was no other complication .

  24. 有一例术后额纹变浅,一例面部麻木,一例颞叶水肿、动眼神经麻痹及皮下积液。

    The amount of one case of postoperative shallow pattern , facial numbness in one case , a case of temporal lobe edema , and subcutaneous fluid oculomotor nerve palsy .

  25. 14~30d内手术者8例,7例术后30~90d动眼神经麻痹完全恢复,1例不完全恢复;

    Patients were operated on within 14-30 days after the onset of oculomotor palsy showed complete recovery within 30-90 days after operation in 7 patients and incomplete recovery in 1 patient ;

  26. 本组患者69例获得术后临床随访3~12个月,无1例再出血,动眼神经麻痹在术后3~12个月内完全恢复。

    69 patients of this group obtain clinical follow-up visit 3 ~ 12 months after operation , no one has rehaemorrhagia , oculomotor palsy can complete recovery in 3 ~ 12 months after operation .

  27. 术后死亡1人。随访30例,其中偏瘫2例,动眼神经麻痹3例;

    Of all , postoperative death occurred in only one case and postoperative follow-up was performed on just 30 patients , among which hemiplegia happened in 2 and oculomotor nerve palsy in 3 patients .

  28. 加重或新出现的神经系统症状主要为三叉神经麻痹16例(23.8%)、动眼神经麻痹13例(19.4%)及外展神经麻痹9例(13.4%)。

    The aggressive or new symptoms mainly included paralysis of oculomotor nerve ( 13 cases , 19.4 % ), trigeminal nerve ( 9 cases , 13.4 % ), and abduct nerve ( 9 cases , 13.4 % ) .

  29. 单侧动眼神经麻痹7例行上斜肌肌腱切断术矫正了原在位下斜视平均15△,术后垂直斜视矫正6例,欠矫1例。

    The other 7 patients suffered from unilateral III nerve paralysis with hypotropia on average 15 ~ △ in primary position were corrected . The vertical deviation was optimal corrected in 6 cases though 1 case was undercorrected .

  30. 方法对18例先天性上斜肌麻痹施行上斜肌折叠术;对7例外斜视A征和7例动眼神经麻痹施行上斜肌肌腱切断术。

    Methods The tucking of SOM were taken on 18 patients with congenital superior oblique paralysis , and the tenectomy of SOM were operated on 7 patients with A exotropia while another 7 with ⅲ nerve paralysis respectively .