
  • 【辩证法】animal science and technology
  1. 应用动物营养科学技术加快猪的瘦肉生产

    Speed up lean meat production of hogs by using animal nutrition science and technology

  2. 1996年,他在康州大学动物科学和生物技术专业任副教授,并于2000年晋升为动物学教授。

    He was named an associate professor of animal science and biotechnology at UConn in1996 and became a professor of animal science there in2000 .

  3. 人政治动物的属性赋予科学技术以物化了的政治力并使其上升为意识形态,对国内和国际政治持续发生着作用,对整个政治体系产生了深远的影响。

    Human being 's property of " political animal " endows science and technology with objectified political power and raises it into ideology , which exercises a lasting influence upon national and international politics and a profound influence upon the whole political system .