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  • animal instinct
  1. 一,强调人性是对动物本能的超越。

    First , the thesis emphasizes that human nature is beyond animal instinct .

  2. 如果危难之中偏执于肉体存在,那只是对动物本能的一种认同,自我降低为动物,否定了人性自我。

    If a person is paranoid in the corporal presence , it is just a recognition of animal instinct , self-reduced to animals , denial of human self .

  3. 动物本能地怕火。

    Animals have an instinctive fear of fire .

  4. 动物本能立刻警告我要小心行走。

    Animal instinct at once warned me to tread carefully .

  5. 那是一种动物本能。

    It 's not an animal urge .

  6. 然而,灵长类动物本能地选择在一个小得多的群体中生活,因为它们的大脑比人类小。

    Primates , however , instinctively huddle in much smaller groups than humans because their brains are smaller .

  7. 为什么我们对迷信的关注就这么少呢,为什么我们就要将动物本能屈居于自然科学之后呢?

    Why should we give any less respect to those than we give to our animal instincts that underlies science ?

  8. 但是,他没有展现任何猫科动物本能的狩猎技巧,胆小的芒果竟然就这样让厚颜无耻的来访者抢占自己的饭碗。

    But rather than exhibit any of his natural feline hunting skills , timid Mango simply left the brazen visitor to it .

  9. 他说,一定得有一个只有动物本能的下层阶级,专门从事体力劳动。

    There must , he says , be a lower class , given up to physical toil and confined to an animal nature .

  10. 无论你的宠物也许是多么的可爱或者驯服,你绝不会知道它们什么时候会显露出它们的动物本能。

    No matter how cute or tame your pet may be , you never know when they will come out with their animal instincts .

  11. 在人类社会中,游戏不仅仅保留着动物本能活动的特质,而是一个严肃的人类自发活动,怀有生存技能培训和智力培养的目标。

    In the human society , the game only retains animal instincts , but one of the activities of human activities , serious spontaneously with survival skills training and intellectual training target .

  12. 显然,在这里人作为文化进化的物种而获得的超越动物本能和自然天性的类本质,被强化的本能式生存异化了,人的本真意义在异化的途中失落了。

    It is obvious that man 's category nature which transcends his biological and natural instincts acquired as a species of cultural evolution is alienated by his instinct existence , and in the course of this alienation man 's real meaning gets lost .

  13. 有些动物会本能地适应环境。

    Some animals adjust themselves to their environment by instinct .

  14. 从生物学角度上说,饮食属于动物的本能性行为;

    But according to biology , food is a type of manner of animal instinct .

  15. 多数人认为动物的本能是支配它们行为的因素。

    Most people accept and acknowledge that animals have instincts that largely determine their behaviour .

  16. 动物凭本能识别敌人。

    Animals know their enemy by instinct .

  17. 动物有本能的交流体系。

    Animals have instinctive communication systems .

  18. 动物随着本能移动。

    An animal obeys its instincts .

  19. 母爱不是动物的本能

    Motherliness is not an instinct

  20. 不仅一个人的爱,便是动物的本能,简单滥施的欲望,单是这样的力量,也能够把党击个粉碎。

    Not merely the love of one person but the animal instinct , the simple undifferentiated desire : that was the force that would tear the Party to pieces .

  21. 相对于卢西塔尼亚号上的乘客惊慌失措,争相逃生,科学家们认为这是因为泰坦尼克号上的男士们有足够的时间克服他们的动物求生本能来发扬他们的骑士精神。

    While passengers on the Lusitania panicked and scrambled for survival , scientists say that those on the Titanic had enough time to override their animal survival instincts and do the chivalrous thing .

  22. 虽然有这么多的有点,他没有那种作为一个领导人所需要的那种人格吸引力以及动物的本能,因此他也不被大家看成是家族产业的继承人。

    Despite all these virtues he did not have that personal magnetism , that animal force , so necessary for a leader of men , and he too was not expected to inherit the family business .

  23. 那么,是人类为获敏锐的感知而一味将其动物的本能需求推向了乖戾之极致,还是人脑构造与宇宙天体碰巧契合呢?

    Have we merely carried our animal need for shrewd perceptions to an absurd extreme ? Or have we stumbled onto a deep congruence between the structure of our minds and the structure of the universe ?

  24. 就道德风险而言,灵长类动物的这些本能是关键。

    In the context of moral hazard , these primate instincts are key .

  25. 所有的动物都会本能的逃避捕食者以保护自己的生命。

    All animals instinctively respond to escape from predators and to preserve their lives .

  26. 动物通常依本能行动。

    Animals generally act on instinct .

  27. 即使在土地贫瘠地带,夹竹桃也能长出芳香四溢的漂亮花朵,而动物一般会本能地避开夹竹桃。因其生长速度快,所以常常被用于高速公路护栏及其它噪声、污染隔离区。

    Even in barren areas , the oleander produces lovely flowers and fragrance . Animals instinctively avoid the plant , and it grows rapidly , so it 's often used for highway barriers and other areas that require screening from noise and pollution .

  28. 求偶行为是动物的一种本能,是动物繁殖的一个重要环节。

    Courtship behavior is an instinct in animals and plays a very important role in reproduction .

  29. 他从来没有被一只猎狗追逐过,也从没见过人的机灵战胜过那种动物的万无一失的本能。

    He had never been hunted by a bloodhound nor had he ever seen that brute 's unerring instinct baffled by human cunning .

  30. 动物的行为与其本能是直接的同一,而德性使人的行为与本能之间保持了一种距离,这种距离为精神的生长提供了空间。

    The behaviour of animals are completely identical to their instinct while virtue make man keep a kind of span between instinct and behaviour . This kind of span provides man with space for spirit growth .