
  • 网络Action time;Operating time;operation time;time-to-trip
  1. 并对不同型号的PTC启动器动作时间之间、恢复时间之间、静态功耗之间及常温电阻间的数据进行比较,以得到影响PTC综合参数的电学因素。

    And different types of PTC starter operating time between the recovery time between the static power consumption and temperature resistance between the comparison of data between , to get the PTC synthesis parameters affecting the electrical factors .

  2. 高压断路器动作时间的体外检测

    External Detection of HV Circuit Breaker Operating Time

  3. 不同反应形式与有无相容性两者对动作时间(MT)影响无交互作用存在。

    The interaction doesn 't exist between the influence of response sets and stimulus-response compatibility on the MT.

  4. PTC动作时间测量仪

    Measuring Instrument for PTC Tripping Time

  5. 基于小波算法的SF6断路器动作时间在线监测

    On line monitoring of operation time for SF_6 high-voltage circuit breakers based on wavelet algorithm

  6. 限流用PTCR过电流动作时间测试仪的研制

    The Study and Design of an Overcurrent Actuation Time Tester for PTCRs Used as Current Limiters

  7. 结果表明,不同专项学生间全身反应时(RT)、完成动作时间(MT)及纵跳高度存在明显差异;

    The results show that there is an obvious difference in their total body reaction time ( RT ), motor time ( MT ) and height of vertical jumping .

  8. 本文介绍了PTCR过电流动作时间测量原理,仪器的电路设计和基本性能。

    This paper presents the theory of PTCR actuation time measurement , the design of circuits , and performance of the instrument .

  9. 然后以理论分析为基础,构造了两种对开关特性参数-动作时间进行测量的方法。(1)硬件信号调节方法,以AC-DC转换电路为基础;

    Then , two parameter measuring methods are developed , one is hardware signal condition method , mainly based on a AC to DC transition circuit ;

  10. 介绍了一种由微机控制的对DL、DY-20C系列电流、电压电磁继电器动作时间及抖动时间自动检测的方法。

    This paper introduced the method of the automatic measurement of DL ( DY ) - 20C series current ( voltage ) electromagnetic relay movement time and vibration time controlled by computer .

  11. 理论分析及实验验证表明,这两种方法均能有效地测量PTC元件的动作时间参数,其中第(2)种方法的测量精度较高,但同时测试费用也较高。

    Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that both the two methods can measure the switching characteristic parameter effectively , while the latter can achieve higher accuracy than the former one with relatively higher cost .

  12. 研究了聚合物基正温度系数(PTC)材料的电性能测试方法,设计并组装了一套自恢复保险丝动作时间测试系统,使得动作时间的测量精度大大提高。

    The measuring method for electrical property of polymer PTC material was studied . Advice to test the response time of fuse was designed , then the test precision of the response time was greatly improved .

  13. 为提高10kV高压开关柜的可靠性,提出了母线连接处温度、动作时间、弹簧储能时间与真空灭弧室等真空度测量方法。

    Methods for measuring temperatures at highpotential points . action time . spring energy storing time and vacuum pressure in vacuum interrupter are proposed .

  14. 一个6段线路的系统最长保护动作时间不超过1.5s。

    The maximum operation time for a system with six sections is less than 1.5 s.

  15. 而现代继电保护的动作时间越来越小,一般小于20ms,其准确动作的工作电压低至1~3V。

    And modern movement of relay protection time more and more little , smaller than 20 ms generally , accurate working voltage of movement its low to 1-3 Vs.

  16. 因此可以大大缩短Ucosφ作为电力系统振荡过程发生三相短路判别元件的动作时间,提高整套保护的性能。

    So the time of Ucos φ detecting three-phase short-circuit fault in power swing process is shortened , and the performance of whole protective device is improved .

  17. 上钢装置动作时间及抛钢距离计算

    Calculation of The Distance of Throwing Steel and The Moving Time

  18. 计及动作时间的开关模型及其应用

    New Model of Switches Taking Account of Switching Interval and Its Application

  19. 交流继电器动作时间检测技术的研究

    Research of time parameter test technique for AC relay

  20. 手指反应时间与动作时间研究

    Study on Reaction Time and Movement Time of Fingers

  21. 微机控制的电磁继电器动作时间及抖动时间的自动检测

    The Automatic Measurement of the Movement Time and Vibration Time Controlled by Computer

  22. TM1600/MA61测量高压断路器动作时间中的问题

    Problems in Measuring the Operation Time of Circuit Breaker with TM1600 / MA61

  23. 手指简单反应时间与动作时间的相关不显著。

    The correlation between simple RT and MT of fingers is not significant .

  24. 关于电力系统保护动作时间级差的研究

    Development about Reducing the Actuating Time Step for the Protection of Power System

  25. 其基本保护采用零序过电压保护,动作时间采用反时限特性;

    The inverse time delay characteristic is adopted by the basic zero-sequence over-voltage protection .

  26. 恒定负载双作用气缸动作时间的研究

    A study on the stroking time of double acting pneumatic cylinders with constant load

  27. 变配电所微机保护整组动作时间的测试分析

    Test and analysis for action time of computer-based relaying protection at power distribution substation

  28. 缩短冲压机器人手臂动作时间的途径

    The way to shorten the operating time of the arm of the punching robot

  29. 传统的电磁保护器的保护精度比较低,其动作时间误差也比较大。

    The error of time is bigger , the precision of protection is lower .

  30. 由于原理简单,可利用的信息量少,因而动作时间偏长。

    Because of simple principle and less information , long action time it has .