
  • 网络dynamic binding;dynamic bind;dynamically bound;run-time bind
  1. Java中重载和重写的动态绑定研究

    Study on the Overloading and Rewriting 's Dynamic Binding About Java

  2. Java运行过程中的动态绑定

    The Dynamic Binding in the Course of Running about Java

  3. NET开发工具下的一个Web窗体控件,它具有数据动态绑定特性。

    NET , which with the attribution to bind data dynamically .

  4. 伙伴和Web服务可依据服务引用被动态绑定。

    Partners and web services can be dynamically bound based on service references .

  5. 空间Shape数据动态绑定方法在WebGIS中的应用

    Application of Space " Shape " Data Dynamically Binding Method in Web-GIS

  6. 根据改进的Web服务架构,设计并实现了服务动态绑定模型的原型系统。

    According to the improved service architecture , one prototype system is designed and implemented based on the DSB model .

  7. 现有的Web服务复合一般都采用静态绑定的方法,无法实现服务的动态绑定和整个服务流程的动态性能优化。

    The current composition of Web services usually employs a static binding approach so that services can 't be dynamically integrated and the overall service process cannot be optimized .

  8. 该方案支持Web服务动态绑定,自动化及半自动化执行和基于QoS的Web服务最优化选择等特点。

    This project supports dynamic binding of Web Services , automatic and semiautomatic executions and optimal choice of Web Services based on QoS and so on .

  9. DAO动态绑定机制在非线性有限元分析程序中的应用

    The Application of Dynamic Binding Mechanism of MFC DAO in Object-oriented Finite Element Program

  10. Web服务改变了传统的应用集成中点对点的集成处理方式,以一种松散的服务捆绑形式,能够快速地开发、发布、发现和动态绑定应用。

    Web Service makes the change of traditional mode of point to point integration . It uses an incompact service binding form to rapidly develop , publish , discover and dynamic bind the applications .

  11. 通过UDDI引用的动态绑定

    Dynamic binding through UDDI referencing

  12. 本文重点分析了MAS系统中的Agent角色的定义,Agent角色的关系,Agent与角色的动态绑定机制,以及MAS中Agent角色模型。

    The point of this thesis is to analysis the definition of agent role in MAS , the relationship and the binding mechanism between agent and role and agent role model in MAS .

  13. 最后以一个旅游服务为测试场景,利用工作流技术,完成了具备动态绑定和QoS支持的服务组合模型。

    At last , a test scenario about travel service was given . The author completed the web service composition system with service dynamic binding and QoS supporting based on workflow technology .

  14. 通过对Java语言进行扩充(称为Rava),实现了应用逻辑和模式逻辑的动态绑定。

    The dynamic binding of application and role logic are implemented through the extension to Java language , called Rava .

  15. 本文就TCP/IP协议组中的ARP协议展开研究,深入分析其产生问题的根源:动态绑定无认证机制;

    This thesis begins to do some research about ARP ( Address Resolution Protocol ), analyzes the reason : dynamic binding without authentication ;

  16. AutomationObject属于inprocess服务器(进程内服务器),它以COM的形式提供组件服务,通过动态绑定技术实现功能资源(DLL或COM)的动态调用。

    The Automation Object mentioned in this essay is one of the functions that In-process Server performs . It provides service to procedures in the form of COM , and applies DLL or COM by dynamic binding .

  17. 利用MicrosoftvisualC++的MFCDAO(数据库访问对象)所提供的动态绑定机制,可以大大提高有限元数据管理的灵活性。

    The Dynamic Binding Mechanism ( DBM ) of MFC DAO ( Database Access Object ) provided by Microsoft Visual C + + enables people to perform data processing of finite element analysis ( FEA ) in a very flexible way with high efficiency .

  18. 其实,对象技术(当然还包括Eiffel)中的动态绑定机制完全能提供人们想要的、比重载更好的灵活性。

    The mechanisms of dynamic binding as they exist in object technology of course in Eiffel are much more effective than overloading to provide the kind of flexibility that people really want in the end .

  19. 针对元数据模型表示的内容,本文使用XSLT技术作为显示模型的建模语言,为内容模型建立了相应的表现模板,然后使用XSLT引擎将内容模型和显示模型进行动态绑定生成最终的内容显示格式。

    This paper uses the XSLT as the modeling language of the view model to design the present templates for the metadata formatted content , and then uses the XSLT engine to generate the resulting format by binding the content models and view models dynamically .

  20. 它通过一个vptr和vtable在运行时进行动态绑定,从而能够根据对象类型的不同调用不同的虚函数;

    It is dynamically bound through a virtual pointer ( vptr ) and virtual table during the running time , and so different class virtual function are called by the object ′ s type ;

  21. 服务的可发现性,以及消费者与提供者间的动态绑定;

    Discoverability of services and Dynamic Binding between consumers and providers ;

  22. 基于动态绑定设计方法的设计性虚拟实验系统

    A designable simulation experiment system based on dynamic binding technology

  23. 最后说明了动态绑定实现的原理。

    Account for principle of running dynamic binding at last .

  24. 动态绑定属性可能无法用于标记为实现的端口

    Dynamic Binding attribute may not be used on a port marked as Implements

  25. 被面向对象编程语言所实现的多态性被称作动态绑定。

    The process used by object-oriented programming languages to implement polymorphism is called dynamic binding .

  26. 系统中的通道和规约采用动态绑定机制,提高了系统的灵活性。

    Channels and rules in the system adopt dynamic binding mechanism to make the system flexible .

  27. 业务服务的动态绑定和替换是业务应用能够顺利执行的关键,而服务匹配算法是服务动态绑定和替换的核心依据。

    Dynamic binding and substitution of services is the key to keep the applications run smoothly .

  28. 请注意,此信息不是用于服务的动态绑定,而是用于静态绑定。

    Note that this is not used for dynamic binding of the services , but for static binding .

  29. 支持动态绑定参数的组件可以在运行时进行组件更换而无需重新启动系统。

    Support dynamic binding parameters of the components can be replaced at runtime components without restarting the system .

  30. 但是面向对象语言存在着一些特殊的机制,如继承、多态、动态绑定等,传统的分片方法已经不能解决这些问题。

    O. language , but there are some special mechanisms such as inherit , polymorphism , dynamic binding in O.