
jiā zài
  • loading;straining;stressing;load-on
加载[jiā zài]
  1. Java虚拟机动态类加载的形式化模型

    A Formal Model for Dynamic Class Loading in the Java Virtual Machine

  2. Java动态类加载机制及其应用

    Java class loading mechanism and its application

  3. 加载流程Web客户端并测试流程。

    Launch the process Web client and test the process .

  4. 使用Spring上下文加载器来加载配置文件。

    Use the Spring context loader to load the configuration file .

  5. 应力腐蚀指数n的大小强烈依赖于加载方式,并能作为材料抵抗裂纹扩展的某种抗力指标,循环载荷和动载荷对材料造成了附加损伤,致使在相同应力水平下材料寿命明显下降。

    Cyclic and dynamic loading causes additional damage to materials and shortens lifetime .

  6. 无法加载windows帮助应用程序。

    Cannot load windows help application .

  7. DB2加载操作需要数据库连接。

    A DB2 load operation requires a database connection .

  8. SEM多功能加载样品台在材料科学和机械工程中的应用

    Application of SEM with a Multifunctional Loading Attachment In Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering

  9. 缝隙加载H形双频天线

    Slot-loaded H-shaped dual-frequency antenna

  10. G型加载途径下岩石的声发射及超声波衰减特性

    Characteristics of Acoustic Emission and Attenuation of ultrasonic Waves in Rocks during the Stress Paths of Case G

  11. 加载速率对大理岩动态断裂韧度(K(1d))的影响

    Influence of loading rate on dynamic fracture toughness of marble

  12. 按需装配Agent是一种能够在运行过程中根据系统当时的需求,动态地加载相应功能构件,更好地完成任务的Agent。

    Assemble-on-Demand Agent is a kind of Agent , which can load the corresponding function component dynamically on demand in completing the task .

  13. 插件的名字必须以‘rubygemsplugin’的形式命名,然后Gem::findfiles才能找到这个插件并且加载。

    Plugins must be named'rubygems_plugin'are discovered via Gem : : find_files then loaded .

  14. 用X射线对表面变形及循环加载时表面屈服限的影响进行了研究。

    The effect of the surface deformation and the cycle loading on micro-yield stress of surface have been studied by X-ray .

  15. OFDM系统自适应比特加载算法

    Adaptive Bit-Loading Algorithm in OFDM System

  16. 在实际应用中这些系数可以在事先计算好,需要时将它们加载到DSP中去。

    In practical application , these coefficients can be calculated in advance , and can be download to DSP in demand .

  17. 加载任何外部JavaScript文件

    Load any external JavaScript files

  18. 分析了建设ERP数据仓库所涉及到的技术:数据访问分析技术、数据抽取转换加载技术、中间件技术、Net。

    Analyses the technologies involved in building ERP data warehouse : data access and analysis , data collecting , middleware , Net .

  19. 然后在系统中加载SCSI驱动,并对系统内核驱动稍微修改。

    Loaded SCSI drive module , modifies some kernel drive .

  20. 启动Firefox并确保该扩展已经加载。

    Start Firefox and make sure the extension is loaded .

  21. 然后,Dojo可以找到正确的路径来加载消息绑定文件。

    Then Dojo can find the correct path to load the message bundle files .

  22. 平台运行环境(RCP或者RAP)会加载正确的bundle。

    The platform runtime environment ( RCP or RAP ) will load the correct bundles .

  23. JavaQuickStart服务将预加载部分JRE到系统盘缓存中,本质上减少了平均启动时间。

    Java Quick Start Service will pre-load portions of the JRE into the system disk cache , substantially decreasing the average start-up time .

  24. 文章分析了WCDMA试验网的配置,详细描述了单系统测试的射频优化过程,包括频谱监测、小区建立、空载加载覆盖测试等。

    The paper describes WCDMA trial network configuration and RF optimization steps in single system test .

  25. 加载已有ODF文档或创建ODF文档。

    Load an existing ODF document or create a ODF document .

  26. 加载&感应DAC的应用

    Force / sense DAC applications

  27. 利用单摆划痕法的冲击加载特性,研究了Ni-P化学镀层的冲击磨粒磨损性能。

    Impact abrasive wear behavior of electroless Ni-P coating was researched by means of single-pass pendulum scratching test characterized by impact loading .

  28. 非比例加载下Zr-4合金的宏观响应及其微观机理

    Macroscopic response and microscopic mechanism of zircaloy-4 under nonproportional loading

  29. 当相邻各丝的等离子体膨胀到相互接触和汇合的程度,Z箍缩的主电流才开始加载,驱动各丝汇合形成的等离子体套筒内爆。

    Main current of Z pinch is loaded and then it driven the plasma liner to implode when singe wire plasma column touches and couples with each other .

  30. 结果EmpressⅡ热压铸造陶瓷复合结构试件经105次循环后的临界载荷与未经循环加载组的临界载荷差别有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    Results For Empress ⅱ glass ceramic , critical load had significantly difference between specimens after 105 cycles loading .