
jiā niǎn
  • twist
  1. MJS型喷气纱股线加捻与其强力关系的探讨

    Research on Relationship between Twist and Strength of MJS Air-Jet Spun Plied Yarn

  2. 纱、线、绳索的加捻方向试验法

    Testing method for twist direction of yarn , thread , cordage

  3. 该文对摩擦包芯纱的加捻过程进行了动力学分析,获得了加捻过程中纱线转动速度n(x)和捻度T(x)的变化规律。

    In this paper , the dynamic analysis of twisting process of core friction yarns is presented , and the distribution rules of the yarn rotation speed and twist are obtained .

  4. 说明合理配置细纱、牵伸和加捻、卷绕部分的工艺参数,保持良好机械状态是减小细纱条干CV值的有效措施。

    Conclusion is made that proper configuration of specifications in process of spinning , drawing and twisting sections plus good mechanical performance will be a good measure reducing spinning CV value .

  5. 萃取、干燥和拉伸条件对UHMWPE冻胶丝的影响其他单纱,粘胶纤维长丝纺制,未加捻,非供零售用

    Effects of Extraction , Drying and Stretching Conditions on the UHMWPE Gel-spun Fibers Yarn of viscose rayon filaments , single , untwisted , nes , not put up

  6. 从转杯纺的加捻方式与成纱结构,捻度测试的不准确性,设计捻度对强力、条干CV及转杯纱交织效果的影响等方面,对设计捻度的重要性进行了探讨。

    According to the twist way and yarn structure , twist test inaccuracy , the influence of design twist on yarn strength , evenness CV and interlacing performance in rotor spinning , the importance of design twist is analyzed .

  7. 喷气涡流纺(MVS)是一种借助压缩空气形成高速旋转涡流场,对自由端纤维凝聚、加捻、成纱的纺纱技术。

    Jet-vortex spinning ( MVS ) is one kind of spinning based on high speed whirled airflow created by compressed air which converges and twists open-end fibers to form the finished vortex yarn .

  8. HY742型倍捻机是一种用于双股或多股纱线加捻的微电脑控制多电机倍捻机。

    HY742 double twister is using in double-ply and manifold yarn twisting , it is multi-motor double twister which controlled by microcomputer .

  9. 喷气涡流纺(MVS)是从喷气纺(MJS)的基础上发展而来的,是一种利用喷嘴内部高速回转气流对纤维须条加捻成纱的新型纺纱技术。

    Air-jet vortex spinning ( MVS ) is a new kind of spinning method developed from air-jet spinning ( MJS ), which utilizes high-speed airflow produced by nozzles to finish the twisting and wrapping of yarn .

  10. 涡流纺是在喷气纺基础上发展起来的一种纺纱方法,须条经过牵伸直接进入喷嘴,喷嘴中的须条在高速涡流作用下被加捻,其代表机型为日本村田公司的MVS。

    Vortex spinning technology is a new spinning method as a development in air-jet spinning technology . The sliver is drawn directly into the nozzle and twisted under the vortex action of the high-speed air stream in the nozzle .

  11. Zimmermann公司与位于德国Regensburg的科学家租借公司合作,开发了一种得益于独特的新特征的加捻弹力纱。

    Zimmermann GmbH & Co. KG , in cooperation with the rent a scientist GmbH in Regensburg / Germany , has developed a twisted yarn that will benefit from unique new characteristics .

  12. COM4羊毛集聚纺纱机是一种通过平行作用和压缩空气来减少在普通机器上形成的加捻三角区的集聚纺纱系统。

    COM4 Wool is a composite spinning system performing the parallelization and aerodynamic condensation reducing the spinning triangle that usually forms on conventional machines .

  13. 以此为基础,用解捻法、解捻加捻法、最大长度法对不同复合比Sirofil纱的捻度进行了测试和分析比较。

    Then the results of twist measurement by three different methods , i.e. the longest method , untwist method and untwist-twist method , are compared and discussed .

  14. 模拟结果显示各喷嘴加捻室中的气流旋转特征非常明显,并随着喷孔角度的增大,A-A截面的切向速度和径向速度增大,而轴向速度减小。

    Simulation results show that , the rotating characteristics of the air in the twisting chamber were very obvious . With the spray angle increased , the tangential velocity and radial velocity increased , but the axial velocity was decreased .

  15. 结子线纺制的加捻机理分析

    Process of Making Knot Yarn and Analysis of Its Twisting Mechanism

  16. 摩擦纺纱自由端须条加捻和纺纱张力

    Twisting mechanism of free-end yarn and yarn tension in friction spinning

  17. 赛洛纺加捻过程的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis on the Twisting Process of Two strand Yarn Spinning

  18. 摩擦纺纱加捻工艺参数的优化设计

    The design of twisting technological optimization on a friction spinning machine

  19. 加捻工艺对芳纶帘线性能的影响

    The Effect of Twisting Process on the Property of Aramid Cord

  20. 环锭细纱机加捻卷绕运动所引起的纱线捻度不匀

    Twist unevenness caused by twisting and winding motion on ring frame

  21. 空心锭花式捻线机加捻机理分析

    Analyses of Twisting Theory of Hollow Spindle Twister for Fancy Yarn

  22. 静电纺纱加捻过程中气圈形态的计算分析

    The analysis and calculation of the balloon shape for electrostatic spinning

  23. 加捻纤维复合材料固化界面应力分析

    Analysis of Interface Stresses in Twisted Fiber Composites due to Curing

  24. 涤纶长丝加捻织物经■的产生原因探讨

    Causes of Warp Streaks Occurring on Polyester Twisted - Filament Fabrics

  25. 并分析了该方法的加捻、热定形、退捻变形过程;

    The process of twisting , heat-setting and untwisting was analysed .

  26. 加捻纱线的捻数剂收缩率测定法

    Testing method for twist number and twist contraction of plied yarns

  27. 这两速度越高,总的加捻效率越低。

    The higher these speeds , the lower the twisting efficiency .

  28. 用LW-54型喷水织机生产经纬加捻织物的探索和实践

    Investigation and Production of Twists Woven by Water-Jet Loom LW-54

  29. VC443A牵伸加捻机直流控制系统的改进

    Improvement on DC Control System of VC 443A Draw-Twist Machine

  30. 棉纺翼锭加捻中阻捻作用的研究

    A Study on the Resisting Twist of Flyer Twisting in Cotton Spinning