
  • 网络The Canadian Shield
  1. 安大略的加拿大地盾区有大量的岩石、木和湖泊。

    Rocks , trees and lakes abound in the Canadian Shield area of Ontario .

  2. 几乎整个加拿大被加拿大地盾所覆盖。这是一围绕哈得孙湾的半圆形的石头山地和高原。从魁北克省的北部海岸一直到西北领地的北极沿岸。

    The Canadian Shield is a semicircular band of rocky highlands and plateaus around Hudson Bay form the northern shores of Quebec to the Arctic shores of the Northwest Territories .

  3. 几乎加拿大的一半面积在加拿大地盾一带。

    The Shield covers almost half of the Canadian territory .