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gōng lao
  • credit;contribution;meritorious service;merits and contribution;creditable deeds
功劳 [gōng láo]
  • (1) [merits and contribution]∶对事业的贡献

  • 她的功劳可不小啊

  • 将来我们的事业完成了,你的功劳是不会忘记的。--茅盾《春天》

  • (2) [credit;creditable deeds]∶博得尊敬或增添声誉的事

  • 绝不能把一切功劳归于自己

功劳[gōng lao]
  1. 他总是担心自己那点儿功劳被埋没了。

    He 's always afraid his small contribution will be overlooked .

  2. 英国的功劳尚未被美国取代,

    The British contribution had not yet been overtaken by the American .

  3. 我讨厌他把一切功劳归于自己。

    I didn 't like his taking all the credit .

  4. 发明工业机器人是那家公司的功劳。

    The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot .

  5. 我讨厌他把所有的功劳归于自己。

    I didn 't like him taking all the credit .

  6. 我们终于把这件事完成了,但这没有他的什么功劳。

    We managed to get it finished in the end ─ no thanks to him .

  7. 人们把发现夏威夷的功劳归于库克。

    Cook is credited with discovering Hawaii .

  8. 如果我们把所有功劳都揽到自己身上,那就不对了。

    It would be wrong for us to take all the credit

  9. 朱利安本应该辞职,这样他总归还能算是有些功劳。

    Julian ought to have resigned , then he 'd have come out of it with some credit .

  10. 全部功劳都得归他。

    Full credit must go to him .

  11. 他们把一切功劳归于自己,把一切错误推给别人。

    They claim all the credit for themselves and shift all the blame on others .

  12. 他参军以来,出生入死屡建功劳。

    He has distinguished himself many times at the risk of life since he joined the army .

  13. 我的成绩里面有我妻子的一份功劳。

    Some of the credit for my success goes to my wife .

  14. 大多数天文学教科书都认为太阳黑子的发现是伽利略的功劳。

    Most astronomy texts credit Galileo with discovering sunspots .

  15. 此事成功她大有功劳。

    She had no small part in its success .

  16. 他没有功劳也有苦劳。

    He should be given credit for hard work , if not for merit .

  17. 他的功劳会得到报偿的。

    His merit will get its reward .

  18. 不要躺在功劳簿上睡大觉。

    Don 't rest on your laurels .

  19. 母鹅为这场历险中有自己的功劳而骄傲。

    The goose was proud of her share in the adventure .

  20. “礼物寄生虫”指的是把名字加在礼物标签上写的送礼人名单里,以便能沾到一点功劳。

    Gift parasite1 is a person who adds their name to a gift tag in order to claim partial credit for giving the gift .

  21. 这支球队在联赛中名列前茅,但所有的功劳都应归于守门员,因为其他球员踢得都不好。

    The team is at the top of the league , but it 's the goalkeeper who deserves all the credit - none of the other players have played well .

  22. 我们给我妻子筹划了一个惊喜聚会,但功劳其实都是孩子们的。聚会的主意是他们想出来的,整个过程基本上也是他们一手操办的。

    We organised a surprise party for my wife , but it 's the children who really deserve all the credit - they came up with the idea and did the most work .

  23. 面试者成功通过面试其最大功劳要归功于自己的工作经验(占36%的比例),其次是第一印象(占24%的比例),面试者们的教育水平(占12%的比例)。

    The most important attribute is a candidate ’ s work experience ( 36 per cent ) , followed by first impressions ( 24 per cent ) and their education ( 12 per cent ) .

  24. 感激之下,主人杀牛备酒款待邻居们,按功劳大小一一酬谢,但这些人中却没有建议他改变厨房结构的朋友。

    In order to thank them , the host feted all those who had helped , and rewarded each of them according to contributions . But the one that had advised him to change the structure of his kitchen was not among the people who had been thanked .

  25. 他本打算给坦普尔曼留下半根面条和几滴牛奶,可是又一想老鼠也有救夏洛的功劳,而夏洛又在准备救自己,便给老鼠留了一整根儿的面条,而不是半根。

    He planned to leave half a noodle and a few drops of milk for Templeton . Then he remembered that the rat had been useful in saving Charlotte ’ s life , and that Charlotte was trying to save his life . So he left a whole noodle , instead of a half .

  26. 希拉里也可以声称其继任者约翰•克里(JohnKerry)本月早些时候达成的伊朗核协议框架有她的一份功劳。

    Mrs Clinton can also claim some credit for the Iran nuclear framework hammered out by John Kerry , her successor , earlier this month .

  27. 重庆石灰岩地区十大功劳(Mahoniafortunei)的光合响应研究

    Studies About the Photosynthetic Response of the Shrub Mahonia fortunei in the Limestone Area of Chongqing

  28. 这是Comet模式的基本原理,Jetty使用这种原理在一个线程内处理5个并发请求,这都是Continuations的功劳。

    This is the basis of the Comet pattern , with Jetty handling five concurrent requests on one thread , thanks to Continuations .

  29. 我能来到这里乃是马克斯霍斯利(MaxHorsley)的功劳。霍斯利是一名英国旅行专家,自2005年以来一直生活在仰光。

    I have come to the stadium thanks to Max Horsley , a British travel specialist who has been living in Rangoon since 2005 .

  30. Ecoboost的成功在福特公司备受推崇的产品研发主管德里克•库扎克的功劳簿上再添一笔。

    The success of EcoBoost is another win for Ford 's highly-regarded product development chief Derrick Kuzak .