
  • 网络clip gallery;Clip Library
  1. 剪辑库已设置好在本计算机上运行。

    Clip Gallery is now configured to run on your computer .

  2. 剪辑库无法在硬盘上找到此剪辑。

    The Clip Gallery cannot find this clip file on your disk .

  3. 正在更新媒体剪辑库中来自以前版本的剪辑。

    Updating Media Gallery with clips from a previous version .

  4. 选定所有格式相类似的文本,剪辑库控件上的选项

    Selects all text with similar formatting , option on the gallery control

  5. 剪辑库已经结束预览更新。

    The Clip Gallery has finished updating your previews .

  6. 媒体剪辑库正在转换您的0目录。

    Media gallery is converting your | 0 catalog .

  7. 媒体剪辑库试图访问系统注册表时发生错误。

    Media Gallery encountered an error while attempting to access your system registry .

  8. 媒体剪辑库正在创建基于您的媒体文件的收藏集。

    Media Gallery is creating collections for you based on your media files .

  9. 媒体剪辑库正在删除无用的空间,试图修复被损坏的数据。

    Media Gallery is now removing unused space and attempting to repair corrupted data .

  10. 将周围文本的格式应用于当前选定区域,剪辑库控件上的选项

    Applies formatting of surrounding text to current selection , option on the gallery control

  11. 媒体剪辑库无法完成此操作。

    Media Gallery cannot complete the operation .

  12. 搜索失败。剪辑库已经在运行或者图像不可用。

    The search failed because Clip Gallery is already running or the image is unavailable .

  13. 媒体剪辑库正在硬盘上搜索存放媒体的目录

    Media Gallery is searching your hard drive ( s ) for directories with media in them

  14. 此操作将删除媒体剪辑库中所有收藏集的选定的剪辑。

    This will delete the selected clip ( s ) from all collections in Media Gallery .

  15. 另一应用程序正在使用剪辑库。请关闭其他程序使剪辑库可用。

    Another application is using the Clip Gallery . Close other applications to make the Clip Gallery available .

  16. 剪辑库无法在本机上注册。您可能没有相应的管理权限。

    Clip Gallery could not register itself on your computer . You may not have the proper administrative permissions .

  17. 剪辑库无法添加此剪辑包。请确认是否有对本机的管理权限。

    Clip Gallery could not add the Clip Package . Be sure that you have administrator privileges to your computer .

  18. 剪辑库只能作为嵌入对象。它只能从其他应用程序中启动。

    The Clip Gallery may only be used to embed objects . It must be started from within another application .

  19. 媒体剪辑库无法访问剪辑目录。请检查与网络或可移动的存贮设备,然后再试。

    Media Gallery cannot access a clip catalog . Check connections to network or removable storage device , and try again .

  20. 媒体剪辑库正在为您的剪辑添加关键词,这样以后您可以使用关键词搜索功能查找这些剪辑。

    Media Gallery is adding keywords to your clips so that you can find them later using the keyword search feature .

  21. 媒体剪辑库可以对您硬盘中或指定文件夹中的图片、声音和动画文件进行分类。

    Media Gallery can catalog picture , sound , and motion files found on your hard disk ( s ) or in folders you specify .

  22. 我们确定您的计算机上已安装剪辑库和剪辑管理器。请选择要使用的应用程序。

    We have determined that both Clip Gallery and Clip Organizer are installed on your computer . Please select the application you want to use .

  23. 如果不立即添加某个包,以后在剪辑库主窗口中选择输入剪辑也可以添加。

    If you don 't add a package now , you can add it later by choosing Import Clip in the main Clip Gallery window .

  24. 在主剪辑库窗口的类别列表中右键单击,可以添加、删除或重命名类别。

    You can also add , delete or rename categories by clicking with the right mouse button on the category list in the main Clip Gallery window .

  25. 这些目录已添加到媒体剪辑库。要浏览这些目录,您必须关闭并重新启动媒体剪辑库。

    The catalog ( s ) have been added to Media Gallery . You must close and restart Media Gallery to view the catalog ( s ) .

  26. 您文档中的剪辑不在剪辑库的数据库中。

    The Clip in your document is not in the Clip Gallery 's database .

  27. 如果要保留当前的剪辑,请关闭剪辑库。

    To keep your current Clips , close the Clip Gallery .

  28. 如果要将其他剪辑文件的预览添加到剪辑库中,单击“取消”,然后单击“输入剪辑”。

    To add previews of other clip files to the clip gallery , click cancel , and then click Import clips .