
qián tú wú liàng
  • have boundless prospects;very promising;have a great future;One's future is boundless
前途无量[qián tú wú liàng]
  1. IEEE1394作为多媒体应用的接口,前途无量,本文对其传输标准、数据标准和传输机制矛以介绍和分析。

    It will have boundless prospects that IEEE 1394 as multimedia application interface . In this paper , transfer standard data standard and transfer mechanism are described and analyzed .

  2. 这位年轻的音乐家前途无量。

    This young musician has a bright future .

  3. 我对迈克尔·鲍尔的才华印象非常深刻,他将来会前途无量。

    I was very impressed with the talent of Michael Ball . He will go far .

  4. 职业生涯几乎是前途无量。

    Career prospects are virtually unlimited .

  5. 他在青年时代就显示出前途无量。

    In his youth , he had shown great promise .

  6. 这名学生收到了十所大学的录取通知书。她前途无量!

    The student received offers from ten universities – the sky 's the limit for her .

  7. 在我离开之前,我阅读了利比里亚总统艾伦o沙立夫o强森的自传《前途无量的孩子》(ThisChildwillbeGreat)。

    Before I left , I read Liberian President Ellen Sirleaf Jonhson 's autobiography This Child will be Great , which helped me imagine what my week might be like .

  8. 乔布斯先生说:iMac前途无量。

    " iMac is going gangbusters ," Mr. Jobs says .

  9. MountLawley与Northbridge之类前途无量的街区是否遍布着咖啡馆与古董店?

    Up-and-coming neighborhoods like Mount Lawley and Northbridge , chockablock with cafes and vintage shops ?

  10. 本片前途无量的主演、阿代尔前同事帕特坎贝尔(PatCampbell)从休斯敦的指挥中心向《纽约时报》(theNewYorkTimes)表示,油井必须知道谁是老大。

    A promising lead character , Pat Campbell , a one-time associate of Adair 's , told The New York Times from a command centre in Houston that the well needed to learn who was boss .

  11. 除了将捐款用于一些有价值的前途无量的研究以外,纽约大学教授卡拉布里亚,和印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)礼来家族慈善学院(LillyFamilySchoolofPhilanthropy)学术事务与研究副院长帕特里克•鲁尼均提出,ALS协会可以用“冰桶挑战”

    Aside from spending the money on promising , worthwhile research , both Calabrese from NYU and Patrick Rooney , associate dean for academic affairs and research at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy ,

  12. 现如今,NBA的新生代大个子们确实个个前途无量,但是目前为止,德马库斯-考辛斯、安德烈-德拉蒙德、唐斯、戴维斯或者波尔津吉斯之中还没有一个人率领他们的球队打进过季后赛第二轮。

    The current crop of NBA bigs is really promising , but so far , none of DeMarcus Cousins , Andre Drummond , Towns , Davis or Porzingis has even carried their team out of the first round of the playoffs .

  13. ►我在想到底“哪位王子”想要娶“睡美人”(想收购那家前途无量的公司)。

    I wonder which Prince Charming will court that Sleeping Beauty .

  14. 别放弃,你前途无量!

    Don 't give up , you have a brilliant future !

  15. 他们中有前途无量的青年学子,

    Among the fallen were young students full of limitless potential ,

  16. 您前途无量,祝您成功发达。

    Brilliant prospects to you and more power to your elbow .

  17. 这位年轻而又炙手可热的明星,可谓前途无量。

    The career possibilities for this young hot star seem endless .

  18. 你和你的前老师前途无量

    You and your ex-teacher are in for quite a ride .

  19. 生物经济给世界带来了前途无量的机遇。

    Bioeconomics has brought the world with an opportunity of unlimited future .

  20. 她在政府的文职机关任职前途无量

    A glitter career has been predicted for her in the civil service

  21. 他在大学校长里,还是前途无量的人。

    As a university president , his prospects were unlimited .

  22. 以及在你前途无量的人生中迈出下一步时,

    as you take the next step forward in your promising lives .

  23. 祝你前途无量马到成功。

    May I wish you every success for the future .

  24. 这生意发展起来前途无量。

    There 's no limit to how high this stuff can go .

  25. 合理引导他的情绪将会前途无量

    His emotion can be a positive if channeled properly .

  26. 太好了!我常说他前途无量呢!

    Wonderful ! I always say he is promising .

  27. 你们年轻有为、前途无量,生命还有大把时间可以利用。

    You are young and hopefully have plenty of time on this planet .

  28. 震旦二字取东方光明及前途无量之意。

    " Aurora " from the word Oriental bright and promising was intended .

  29. 他们认为他前途无量。

    They thought he had a really extraordinary future .

  30. 对于一个穷国来说,成为两个大国之间的三明治可能前途无量。

    Being sandwiched between two giants might seem promising for a poor country .